View Full Version : Use of “ descent now / climb now” in UK ATC

11th Nov 2020, 11:36
One question not having flown in UK airspace for some time .
A reference in an operating manual I am reading says that the use of the “ Descent Now / Climb Now “ phraseology is to cancel any descent / climb altitude constraints. However I am not sure that’s the way I remember things and upon checking CAP 413 ( UK radio telephony manual ) the use of ‘Now’ it is to meant in its literal sense. A piece from the statement in CAP 413 :
“2.85 If an ATS unit wishes to indicate that the instruction or clearance must be complied with at once, the controller's message will include the word ‘now' or ‘immediately'. Use of the word ‘now' indicates that the instruction should be complied with in accordance with normal aircraft operating procedures, but without delay....”

Is there any chance that it could also mean to cancel any level restrictions?

11th Nov 2020, 12:02
To spare you the effort , I found it soon after posting this . Yes it means cancelling alt restrictions on SIDS / STARs. , and It is very weird that CAP 413 does not mention this

2 sheds
11th Nov 2020, 18:39
There are quite a few weird aspects to CAP413.

2 s