View Full Version : Agencies and Chinese airlines

Come in spinner
3rd Nov 2020, 10:28
Info requested.
Not now obviously but for the future.
Is it true that one should only apply to their preferred airline in China?
on the assumption that if I apply to, let’s say, 5 airlines one can block my chances of employment with the other on the basis of who registers you with the department first.
It sounds like bull**** to me but that is what an employment agency told me.
thanks in advance

3rd Nov 2020, 11:35
The same agency is not going to put in multiple applications for you at different airlines. It'll be one at a time. If one airline doesn't like the experience, and you get rejected nice and early then they'll try another one for you and yes you're free to apply via other agencies at this point in time though they might not like it/tell you not to.

However, the first application that results in your medical being booking will mean you are now owned by that agency/airline combination. You can forget about applying to another airline until you've gone through the rest of the process (6 months), have been rejected, then told to wait a year (CAAC won't let you re-attempt the check ride for at least a year).

4th Nov 2020, 07:53
And later, even you finish your contract with them, they won't release you and they won't give you the papers to go to another Chinese airline....

This is how it works in China...

And now, salaries are less than 50% than before...