View Full Version : A320 - Hold Present Position entery?

6th Oct 2020, 16:30
I'm having issues on finding out how to enter a hold if the issued "Hold Present Position" , nearest I can tell:
L3 - Hold
Enter your desired data, example: L1 - 180 deg. inbound course, L2 - left turns, L3 - 5 mile legs
Confirm and hold is entered in flight plan

Am I close?

8th Oct 2020, 16:41
Yes, very close.

Pressing a left side line select key adjacent to a waypoint, will take you to the page where you can specify the parameters of a hold at that waypoint.

Alternatively you can press 1L which will take you to a page to define a hold at your present position.

Having defined your hold, press 6R, labelled INSERT, to add it into your flight plan.