View Full Version : UK Crew staff search liquid limits

16th Sep 2020, 09:25
The latest BALPA Safety Spotlight has the following info:

Earlier this year in response to the closure of airside catering facilities, the CAA and DfT revised the staff liquids limit to allow up to 2 litres of drink/liquid to be taken through airport staff search facilities. This appears to have been a useful provision and mitigates potential health and safety (coronavirus transmission) risks such as aircrew having to use shared water fountains. This revision is due to be further assessed in October and the BALPA Security Group would like to know what you think of the increased limit.

First I knew of this, and can't find any references on CAA/DfT sites. Anyone know more? Any links to official documents welcome.

16th Sep 2020, 10:24
Our airport issued a read and sign about it

16th Sep 2020, 10:49
There have never been any restrictions for crew in reality as the regulation EU358/201 applies ONLY TO PASSENGERS. This however is not understood by the UK unsurprisingly.