View Full Version : microsoft flight simulator deluxe

28th Aug 2020, 13:50
I have been given the above, not the latest I know, but have downloaded it on to my desktop. I can see all the files so I know they are loaded but no idea how to open the programme to run. As a total novice on these things any advice appreciated please!

Saab Dastard
28th Aug 2020, 15:34
When you say "downloaded it on to my desktop", what exactly have you copied, and from where?

Almost every computer program needs to be installed to function, and MS flight sim is no exception. If you have simply copied the files from whatever source to your desktop without installing it, it cannot be run. You need to find the installer program - often helpfully called Setup (setup.exe), which should then go through the installation routine to make the program function on your PC.

Normally, this program would be distributed as a DVD, or DVD image file (.ISO), and the setup / install executable file would be in the root of the folder structure in the source media. There would often be an Autorun file that would prompt via a pop-up to launch the installer when you open the source file - e.g. by putting the DVD in the drive. Sometimes the install routine is an .MSI file rather than an .EXE file. Unless you have changed the default view in file manager / explorer, you probably won't see the file extension (the .EXE, .MSI, .ISO etc.).


28th Aug 2020, 19:46
Thanks for that! Did as you suggested and bingo it is working fine.:)
Appreciate your reply.

23rd Sep 2020, 07:46
Having lost my licence due to ill health I decided to buy MS2020. I have had great fun and have branched out at trying to create airports that do not exist in the programme. Being 75 and not very computer literate its been a hard struggle but managed to get Narsaserauq BGBW in Greenland into the programme. I can now cross the Atlantic and not run out of fuel enroute.

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/845x454/g_jmaw_over_bgbw_4_eb7b2c65c26e4954486a5547b4bbcfdcdc89ee9d. jpg
Finals on the new runway I created
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/894x442/pitts_tower_bridge_2_d868dc646459f613fdd7844b5a495262b621e99 7.jpg
I bet this was exicing in a Hawker Hunter

26th Sep 2020, 20:50
Loonrat, have it too, there is a patch out on Tuesday, they have redone Japan.
I take it you got the add on for London? There is a patch to drop the river level too so the boats are not under the surface.

fantastic isn’t it.

If you need any help pm me, I might be able to talk you through it, btw have you downloaded paderborn.. Spelling.... It’s a free download in the download section of the game.

27th Sep 2020, 15:28
Thanks for info on updates etc. I am busy working on creating an airport at BGBW Narsaserauq as it does not exist so I wanted it so I could fly across the atlantic and recreate some of my transatlantic trips. My first attempt needs some debugging and I have not found a way to flatten the apron area and I need to find/build some more representative buildings. Have had great fun doing aeros in the Pitts and made myself feel sim sick several times.

28th Sep 2020, 11:33
You tube is your friend



How to use existing building in Google maps to add them in game


lots more


Someone has done the airport / started it, you can download it here.


There are some excellent freebie downloads coming out, I downloaded the updates for Lisbon and Iceland and Birmingham.


30th Sep 2020, 07:47
You tube is your friend



How to use existing building in Google maps to add them in game


lots more


Someone has done the airport / started it, you can download it here.


There are some excellent freebie downloads coming out, I downloaded the updates for Lisbon and Iceland and Birmingham.


Great info. I am finding trying to build airports and install approaches etc a great add on experience to the sim programme. Youtube is helping me a lot. If you go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J_EMLw5aVI you will see me actually flying into BGBW when i ferried a King Air back from the USA hence my interest in the airport. In winter you have to dodge on short finals the very large ice bergs floating down the fiord.

2nd Oct 2020, 23:39
Sweet.. ..........

10th Oct 2020, 11:09
Someone has added goose bay if you used that on your crossings.
