View Full Version : Relief....just had to tell you all!

25th Apr 2001, 15:32
I went to the Opticians today as a precursor to the inital Class 1 medical I have in May....

The very nice lady Optician said I would pass with flying colours!!! (Excuse the pun!) :)

I took along the CAA requirements for eyesight and she said I would breeze it. It is such a relief!!!! Now I only have everything else to worry about ;)

Just wanted to let you know!


Lady Heath
25th Apr 2001, 15:43

That is good news :)
I always advice folk now to get their medical requirements out the way before embarking upon ANYTHING else flying career wise - i have seen it happen all to often to the very best of folk making it past everything then finding out they have a condition they never knew about and not being able to pass the final stage

All the best with your flying career ;)

25th Apr 2001, 16:20
Sam, a quick question mate, what are your eyesight figures?

I had my sight tested and should just scrape thru (God Willing) unless they find a brain tumour (definitely God Forbid). My Medical is in the beginning of May.


25th Apr 2001, 17:20
Great news! Now go and get your Class 1!

Good luck!


25th Apr 2001, 17:23

Ummm off the top of my head, they were 6/6 in each eye for Distance Acuity and N5 for Near Acuity.

If you need to know the limits they are on the CAA's website...or drop me a line as I have a copy of them.

When is your medical because mine is at the begining of May too....are we going on the same day????


25th Apr 2001, 17:28

This is a long shot I know but I've got my Class I on 3rd May. I don't suppose either of you have yours on the same day?



25th Apr 2001, 17:40

Unfortunately no http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif Mine is on the 8th May in the afternoon.

Shame though, would have been nice to give each other some moral support!


Eagle 1
25th Apr 2001, 21:35
Silly question I know, but what does 6/6 actualy mean???

:)Eagle 1 :)

25th Apr 2001, 22:48
6/6 vision is the metric replacement for 20/20 vision (6metres=20ft approx).
It is a guide as to how your visual acuity matches the 'average'.
Clear as mud no doubt.

26th Apr 2001, 13:50
I've just had my Class 1 medical (yesterday) and I also was curious as to 6/6 vision.

I did a bit of searching on the web and here's the simple explanation.

My visual acuity is 6/4

This means that at a specified distance say 6m I can see what the "average person" see's at 4m.

So a 4/6 result would be someone seeing at 4m what the average person can see at 6m.



27th Apr 2001, 13:03
Sorry fells, mines on the 9th of May.

By the way my eyesight is -3.25 in the left eye and -4.25 in the right.

PS..im over 25.