View Full Version : They're going to fly BVLOS drones in unsegregated airspace - help!

8th Jul 2020, 15:11
I'm from a small campaign group that is really worried about the push to open UK skies to large BVLOS UAVs. We think there are real safety issues with allowing Detect and Avoid (DAA) systems to replace on-board pilots. But we really need help to better understand the various airspace categories and rules If anyone with a good knowledge of UK air regulations would be willing to speak to us and answer some basic questions please do reply here or get in touch through private message.


2 sheds
9th Jul 2020, 08:04
Various factions trying to tear apart the fabric of the UK, coronavirus an ongoing hazard and the economy going down the toilet - and you are "really worried" about UAVs! You have started a campaign group, evidently from your handle you have already made up your mind and decided that there are "real safety issues", and yet apparently you know little of the context of relevant legislation and organisation of airspace.

2 s

Il Duce
9th Jul 2020, 09:13
2 sheds, head of nail struck precisely with hammer. Antidrones, you may find that you've come to the wrong forum with your request.

9th Jul 2020, 11:09
Having seen the quality of airmanship and lookout exhibited by some of the human pilots out there i think a drone with suitably approved detect and avoid systems and operated professionally is likely to be an improvement! Those dodgy little plastic things "flown" by numpties are, however, a menace!