View Full Version : Norwegian får ingen flere gratis annonser

15th Aug 2002, 06:08
osl, By letting your other thread on the new airline run in peace, this site has given you considerable leeway.
We normally are not happy with advertising any commercial ventures on the forums, but sometimes look the other way when someone obviously enthusiastic like yourself, posts a topic that is of interest to the whole forum community.

Which is why your
original (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63112) thread was left in place. In the hope that it will form a platform for discussing the many issues facing aviation in Norway.

This latest thread however, is nothing more than blatantly advertising your airline & quoting all the prices (again!).

PPRuNe is happy to accept adds.
You pay for them, and they appear at the top and the bottom of the pages people access.
They help to pay for the running of the site and help to keep the site a free service to all users.
If Norwegian would like to take out an advertisement on PPRuNe, please e-mail the owners, Danny Fyne & Robin Lloyd.
Vennlig Hilsen,

15th Aug 2002, 10:07
To flaps40

For most Norwegians the happening of start up for Norwegian is a positive thing....after many negative happenings the last year.

I regret that you belive that I'm working for Norwegian, which I'm NOT!

You wrote: This latest thread however, is nothing more than blatantly advertising your airline & quoting all the prices (again!).

My point with last posting was to inform that Norwegian has slashed their prices even more. If you were to read the postings you would notice that Norwegian started their ticket sale today, and announced start of a new route, and even more discounted prices....which NO ONE have posted her previously.

However I understand your point, but I'm more surprised about the debate on some of the other top threads on this forum, which seems to be on a 12-14 years old boyish level.

15th Aug 2002, 10:14
osl, as long as we understand eachother clearly on the adverstising rules, I reckon you do not need another thread.
There still is the first thread to discuss the impact Norwegian can have on the aviation scene here in Norway.

Which indeed can do with some positive vibes after all the misery this past year.