View Full Version : Fly With The RAF - 1975

99 Change Hands
14th May 2020, 07:09
Just a 'heads-up.' Talking Pictures TV, Freeview Channel 81, Friday 15 May, 6am, I say again, 0600hrs.
One of their IWM shorts, Fly with the RAF, dated 1975. I saw this a few days ago and it was fantastic to see this period for once. Belfast, F4, two-tone brown Hercs with white roofs - what's not to love?

NIREP reader
14th May 2020, 12:19
Same, I recorded it and if you have a look on this channel there are some absolute gems.

15th May 2020, 00:04
Thanks for the heads up - set it up to record. Hoping there's a Victor in there somewhere.

Finningley Boy
15th May 2020, 08:05
There's tons of footage, with narration, like this. You can also get the odd 1960s and 70s no nonsense training films, although I've not come across that '80s favourite, Hissing Sid! Not yet anyway. However, you may recall the opsec film where a young man is thumbing a lift, a young airman, based at Wittering, stops to give him a lift and a security compromise surrounding a Harrier deployment to Scotland starts to unfold from there. This film is from around 1974/75 and is about the only one I've seen since service days that is anything like the real hardnosed 'watch yourself' type instructional/training films which used to be shown. The best was an officer who was being blackmailed by the KGB after having "a very good night out!" as hissing sid explained.


15th May 2020, 10:02