View Full Version : will Corona kill my plans?

23rd Apr 2020, 14:06
Hey there - I hope you all are well and healthy! I have a trip planned for later this year, late September into early Octpber. I’m planning to travel to Canada & France, from the US. What are we thinking? Should I start thinking of canceling this trip? Or still too early to panic? I’m not normally indecisive, but hoping for a consensus opinion to help make my decision. I really, really want to take this trip. Thanks for your help!

Pilot DAR
23rd Apr 2020, 14:18
No one will have a definitive answer to that yet. The world is very changed for some time to come. That said, I'm confident that by autumn, a new normal will be mostly in effect, and leisure travel will be enabled. That time of the year is my very favourite time of year in Central Canada. The colours are beautiful, the temperatures are nice, the bugs are gone, and the flying weather is generally very nice for long stretches....

23rd Apr 2020, 14:54
I think Pilot DAR is right that nobody knows yet – but I don't share his/her confidence that a new normal will be in effect by autumn. We just don't know enough yet. For one example, will there be a working vaccine by the end of summer? Maybe there will, maybe there won't. And so on.
I'd say, if you've already booked travel for September/October, don't cancel yet if you don't have to – wait and see. If you haven't booked yet, do so only if you're sure of getting a refund if you cancel – otherwise, wait and see how things develop. My travel insurance renewal came a week or two ago, and the company now refuses to pay out on any claim with a sniff of COVID-19 in it.
Many plans are now on hold right now, and many people are trapped where they don't want to be. People I know are in UK because they can't get home to Italy, and in Australia because they can't get home to Europe. What if you travel to France, and there's a fresh outbreak, and you find that you can't get home again?

23rd Apr 2020, 17:06
These are recent experiences of mine and family .
You have a trip booked but you get to the stage where everyone knows it's not going to happen. The airline/travel company say absolutely nothing until the last minute in the hope you will cancel it. When they cancel it they offer a voucher or re-booking and if you are entitled to a refund it is made as difficult as possible.
My daughter was planning a visit from the Uk and the airline had publicly declared it's fleet grounded, cancelled her flight with 2 days notice but didn't cancel the return flight a week later. Eventually resolved.
I currently have 500 Euros 'invested' in a ferry company that I can't get back and they are even offering discounts on a booking in the summer that everyone knows is unlikely to happen.
Apart from petrol in the car I certainly won't be parting with any money on travel until all this has settled.

26th Apr 2020, 07:26
i echo Repo's sentiment. Save the money for toilet paper and see how things go. There will be no upsurge in demand for travelling taking into account how many people are lined up for social assistance let alone vacations. And if say the end of fall there is some light at the end, you might snag a few deals alongs the way. stay safe

These are recent experiences of mine and family .
You have a trip booked but you get to the stage where everyone knows it's not going to happen. The airline/travel company say absolutely nothing until the last minute in the hope you will cancel it. When they cancel it they offer a voucher or re-booking and if you are entitled to a refund it is made as difficult as possible.
My daughter was planning a visit from the Uk and the airline had publicly declared it's fleet grounded, cancelled her flight with 2 days notice but didn't cancel the return flight a week later. Eventually resolved.
I currently have 500 Euros 'invested' in a ferry company that I can't get back and they are even offering discounts on a booking in the summer that everyone knows is unlikely to happen.
Apart from petrol in the car I certainly won't be parting with any money on travel until all this has settled.