View Full Version : VNA - expat pilots working without pay

23rd Apr 2020, 04:03
Just read in the Vietnam Airlines magazine about an expat pilot working without getting paid. Apparently there are a few more doing the same. While all VNA expat pilots have been put on unpaid leave till at least the end of the year, this bunch is taking the profession to new lows ! The impact of COVID-19 is unfortunate to tragic without a doubt, but this bunch is rewarding this company for years of financial mismanagement and failure to save money for the rainy day ... Can’t wait for the first one to post some explanation and understanding for these actions 🤔.

23rd Apr 2020, 04:51
I do remember this guy. 320 skipper. In a meeting with the CEO last year he was wondering why he isn’t getting on the 787 although he offered to pay for it.

23rd Apr 2020, 06:38
Care to post a link?

Last I heard it was LWOP for 3 months. Probably a bit hopeful but I have not heard any mention of rest of the year.

23rd Apr 2020, 08:59
Care to post a link?

Last I heard it was LWOP for 3 months. Probably a bit hopeful but I have not heard any mention of rest of the year.

[Covid-19] "The pandemic came suddenly, so I decided to make a surprise for VNA" | Tin t?c | Vietnamairlines (http://spirit.vietnamairlines.com/vi/emagazine/vna-people-115/covid-19-the-pandemic-came-suddenly-so-i-decided-to-make-a-surprise-for-vna-6758.html)

23rd Apr 2020, 12:52
I’m lost for words

23rd Apr 2020, 14:27
Hope he has alot of savings. It seems this :mad: legend in his own mind
doing that bravo sierra and now we know his face as well appears
not very smart.

BAe 146-100
23rd Apr 2020, 18:36
How low can this profession get? Probably less scabs working in Mcdonalds...

23rd Apr 2020, 18:52
You know what, the whole industry is faced with an existential crisis. This guy has said he loves his company and he is happy to help them out. I know this doesn't resonate well with a lot of us that have been screwed around by companies in the past. But is it really that crazy? He gets to keep flying which he obviously enjoys. I don't think this is a long term thing and he will probably get rewarded by the company if and when long haul flying restarts. I thoroughly expect to be lectured as to how I don't understand what is going on and that he is a scab. But who knows what is going to happen next and right now his strategy does not look any more or less likely to succeed than any other in the crazy situation we all find ourselves in. He is at least doing something rather than sitting on his hands. I expect the lynch mob will prevail but we find ourselves in an extraordinary situation and maybe thinking outside the box is the right answer.

23rd Apr 2020, 19:05
Well, well... unfortunately I'll forcibly calm down during this long unpaid leave, before I have the chance to come upon him at dispatch.

A few more like this climbing plant and we are done.

Roti Canai
24th Apr 2020, 08:24
Are the Local VNA Pilots on unpaid leave as well or some working for free?

24th Apr 2020, 09:04
How about if he has any incidents out on line whilst he is volunteering to fly for free!
What a conundrum to be in if SHTF!

24th Apr 2020, 13:00
You know what, the whole industry is faced with an existential crisis. This guy has said he loves his company and he is happy to help them out. I know this doesn't resonate well with a lot of us that have been screwed around by companies in the past. But is it really that crazy? He gets to keep flying which he obviously enjoys. I don't think this is a long term thing and he will probably get rewarded by the company if and when long haul flying restarts. I thoroughly expect to be lectured as to how I don't understand what is going on and that he is a scab. But who knows what is going to happen next and right now his strategy does not look any more or less likely to succeed than any other in the crazy situation we all find ourselves in. He is at least doing something rather than sitting on his hands. I expect the lynch mob will prevail but we find ourselves in an extraordinary situation and maybe thinking outside the box is the right answer.

He is a scab. He is working for free when other pilots are on furlough or LWOP or whatever you call it. It is the same as pilots picking up open time when other pilots are still on furlough.

24th Apr 2020, 21:10
The contract world. In a nutshell. P2F becomes F4F.

Be interesting to see if VN pays for his sim check though. Easy enough to fly for free, bit harder to get a sim when all sims and medicals for expats have been cancelled.

As an expat who came home to be with his Family and not a possible burden on Vietnams health care system, I doubt that will be held against me so I wouldn’t concern yourselves with it.

He’s not a scab either. This is not a strike or employment dispute. There are hardly any flights operating, so its entirely reasonable to send the expats on unpaid leave until the situation improves to save the airline from bankruptcy. Also to hopefully bring them back as soon as possible.

If an expat who has remained in VN tries to keep his 90 day currency intact by operating the odd flight for free then good luck to him. Its not like he will be breaking a picket line every day. If he ultimately gets what he wants in the long run, then well played.

24th Apr 2020, 22:58
Make no doubt about it, he’s a scab. The more pilots that are willing to do what he’s done, the longer you’ll be sitting at home waiting and wondering how you’re going to pay your bills. Why would they pay you to fly when they’ve got a scab who’ll do it for free?

It completely devalues our profession. It’s bad enough new starters to our industry doing it, an experienced Captain should know better. Even a prostitute never works for free.

Elise Randolph
25th Apr 2020, 04:55
ia1166 you're right on one level re no loyalty in the contract world, but you've forgotten one thing, this guy is also screwing the locals over. They're the ones who are paid by the hour, not us, they're on reduced salary and struggling to survive as well, every hour he flies for free is one less weeks worth of groceries for one of them, I know for a fact that some of them are extremely p***ed off about it.

We've all heard the stories, or know people who learned the hard way, you don't mess with the Vietnamese in their own country without getting payback. He'll be gone within a few months :hmm:

25th Apr 2020, 08:40
He'll be gone within a few months :hmm:
Yeah, to Vietjet :}

Count von Altibar
25th Apr 2020, 11:50
This guy really shouldn't be doing this, not good for his colleague expats at VNA at all I'm not impressed by these types.

25th Apr 2020, 14:05
As an expat pilot, working for VNA, all expat pilots, we are against this pilot, in addition to our Vietnamese colleagues as they are being paid per flight hour and their daily livelihood is being taken away, because of this guy, the same Vietnamese instructors are going to take care of that disloyal, I give him signed

25th Apr 2020, 22:57
As always everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

As far as I am aware the locals are on half pay. The management are unpaid. If they put all the locals on unpaid and this guy does all the operating flights for free then you have a point but i doubt this is the case.

There are almost no flights operating anyway. I cannot see how any locals are suffering extra because one expat makes this kind of offer.

Those of you using the scab name obviously don’t know the meaning of the word. The days of pilot picket lines outside airports are long gone. There is no basis for this moniker in the contract pilot world.

As for the thinly veiled threats that the local DPEs will lynch him. That just won’t happen, so stop the trolling and baseless threats.

lets keep this in perspective. There are no flights operating anyway.

26th Apr 2020, 12:12
As always everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

As far as I am aware the locals are on half pay. The management are unpaid. If they put all the locals on unpaid and this guy does all the operating flights for free then you have a point but i doubt this is the case.

There are almost no flights operating anyway. I cannot see how any locals are suffering extra because one expat makes this kind of offer.

Those of you using the scab name obviously don’t know the meaning of the word. The days of pilot picket lines outside airports are long gone. There is no basis for this moniker in the contract pilot world.

As for the thinly veiled threats that the local DPEs will lynch him. That just won’t happen, so stop the trolling and baseless threats.

lets keep this in perspective. There are no flights operating anyway.
Dear colleague, you see that you are misinformed, of the 90 days we were given without pay, the Vietnamese pilots fly only 30 days and the other 60 days are without pay, currently do not say that there are no flights, at the moment it is They are doing 78 flights starting on the 23rd, so you should get better information before you comment, I fly for the company and I have Vietnamese friend pilots and they do not agree with what this pilot does, they find him totally unfair

cross bleed start
26th Apr 2020, 21:03
Yeah, to Vietjet :}

Are you kidding?
There are hundreds of pilots logging zero flight time in Vietjet during last 30 days.

27th Apr 2020, 23:13
As always everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

As far as I am aware the locals are on half pay. The management are unpaid. If they put all the locals on unpaid and this guy does all the operating flights for free then you have a point but i doubt this is the case.

There are almost no flights operating anyway. I cannot see how any locals are suffering extra because one expat makes this kind of offer.

Those of you using the scab name obviously don’t know the meaning of the word. The days of pilot picket lines outside airports are long gone. There is no basis for this moniker in the contract pilot world.

As for the thinly veiled threats that the local DPEs will lynch him. That just won’t happen, so stop the trolling and baseless threats.

lets keep this in perspective. There are no flights operating anyway.

Have you ever worked in Vietnam? They will get rid of him if they want to. I know of a pilot who even had someone break into his house at night, held a knife to his throat in his bed, and told him if he wasn’t out of the country in 2 days they’d be back. So don’t for one second think they won’t get someone to “deal” with you if you piss the wrong person off.

As for this apparently being ok, NO, it’s not ******* ok. I don’t care what’s going on in the world at the moment, you don’t fly for free. Especially a ******* airliner! It could well mean this idiot is taking away money from someone who really needs it. I know he’s potentially operating flights that I could be doing, so he’s taking money from me, he’s taking money from everyone.

I hope he is “dealt” with correctly and is put out of work.

28th Apr 2020, 05:24
Have you ever worked in Vietnam? They will get rid of him if they want to. I know of a pilot who even had someone break into his house at night, held a knife to his throat in his bed, and told him if he wasn’t out of the country in 2 days they’d be back. So don’t for one second think they won’t get someone to “deal” with you if you piss the wrong person off.

As for this apparently being ok, NO, it’s not ******* ok. I don’t care what’s going on in the world at the moment, you don’t fly for free. Especially a ******* airliner! It could well mean this idiot is taking away money from someone who really needs it. I know he’s potentially operating flights that I could be doing, so he’s taking money from me, he’s taking money from everyone.

I hope he is “dealt” with correctly and is put out of work.

Only for the last 16 years, so maybe I am a bit to new. I have been a pilot for 38 years, and a professional one for 36 though so maybe a bit longer than you.

Knife to throat, leave in 2 days. Honestly.

P2F have been flying for free for years, as do the P2Command. p2B787, p2A350, P2LTC, P2TRI, P2DPE..So whats new? you guys have been flying for free a lot in the last 10 years. Us old hands have been watching the steady decline for a decade.

F4F is just a progression of the decline of a once good profession.

Just another day in the contract world.

Anger management is required for you maybe, not a good look for a pilot.

We all need money, but maybe you have aP2F debt?

28th Apr 2020, 05:32
Dear colleague, you see that you are misinformed, of the 90 days we were given without pay, the Vietnamese pilots fly only 30 days and the other 60 days are without pay, currently do not say that there are no flights, at the moment it is They are doing 78 flights starting on the 23rd, so you should get better information before you comment, I fly for the company and I have Vietnamese friend pilots and they do not agree with what this pilot does, they find him totally unfair

I’m home so have no new information from when i left.

Is this is the case then it does seem a bit unthoughtful to be honest. Why would this be promulgated in the company magazine as well? Surely keeping the locals employed first is the priority, and the expats should be accepting of this fact.

More to the point has he actually flown at all?

1st May 2020, 17:03
Ryan Air recently axed 3000 jobs. They are forecasting the airline industry to pick up again "summer 2022". With all the airlines going belly up I was surprised to see on our "EFF" that July month is very busy. Will ASIA recover much faster then the rest of the world?
I, and I think many of us expat pilots in the region, can only hope / pray it does.

29th Nov 2020, 15:37
Does anyone have any updates on this situation? Are expats still on unpaid leave or else flying for free? :ugh:

29th Nov 2020, 19:50
Wow, $400 is pitiful, what would the average expat at VNA normally make?

When was the specific period of time when expats would have been working for free? Was it around April - June?

30th Nov 2020, 01:00
Well they get 400$ basic salary. They actually have to use their savings to survive, so more or less they are paying to work and if you complain to much or if you have a problem with your Visa/Passport (like my case) Captain Giang will simply cancel your contract. You see in Vietnam, toilet paper has more value then Vietnamese contracts.

Stay Safe
Didn’t you join the pilot group who were trying to take legal action against VN for LWOP? A bit ill advised in a pandemic.

It is 400 plus per diems and the way I see it stopped VN going bankrupt while keeping pilots current. Salary improvement is coming.

It a whole new world. Using savings is up to the personal circumstances. Bear in mind its a commuting contract so no provisions are in it to provide private schooling for children. The point of a commuting contract is families are supposed remain in the home country.

30th Nov 2020, 10:45
Doing this kind of thing doesn’t help the industry or any pilot who works in it. Selling your soul to get on the B787, whilst screwing your work colleagues, isn’t worth it. As long as people like this remain in our industry we will all struggle to be treated as professionals.

My friend, if you are reading this, an aircraft is an aircraft. I fly the B787 and I’ve flown the B777 and B737 and A320 and A330. Once you’ve flown one, you’ve flown them all and it’s not the metal (or carbon fibre) you fly around in, it’s the lifestyle it gives you.

Stop being a d!€£, stop selling your soul, stop screwing your colleagues.

30th Nov 2020, 11:04
It is 400 plus per diems and the way I see it stopped VN going bankrupt while keeping pilots current. Salary improvement is coming.

If you think saving a few bucks on the pilots salaries is what prevents a company from going bankrupt, you have no idea what you're talking about.

1st Dec 2020, 04:41
Doing this kind of thing doesn’t help the industry or any pilot who works in it. Selling your soul to get on the B787, whilst screwing your work colleagues, isn’t worth it. As long as people like this remain in our industry we will all struggle to be treated as professionals.

My friend, if you are reading this, an aircraft is an aircraft. I fly the B787 and I’ve flown the B777 and B737 and A320 and A330. Once you’ve flown one, you’ve flown them all and it’s not the metal (or carbon fibre) you fly around in, it’s the lifestyle it gives you.

Stop being a d!€£, stop selling your soul, stop screwing your colleagues.

I’m not on the 787, nor have I paid for anything. DPEs are only available to people with ability, not with fat wallet.

not quite sure what you’re on about. Anyhow hope your life style is still suiting you.

I enjoy flying.

Absolutely no interest in long haul.

1st Dec 2020, 04:45
If you think saving a few bucks on the pilots salaries is what prevents a company from going bankrupt, you have no idea what you're talking about.

FYI employee payroll is the second highest cost to an airline after fuel. There is not much revenue going on so how do you figure full salaries can be maintained?

Lower salaries are helping the bottom line and keeping pilots current.

If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Happy to be doing my part. Keeping my options open for the future. Higher salaries are coming.

1st Dec 2020, 05:01
Happy to be doing my part. Keeping my options open for the future. Higher salaries are coming.

Do you bring your own knee pads, or use the company provided ones?

1st Dec 2020, 05:19
Do you bring your own knee pads, or use the company provided ones?

Got my own thanks.

1st Dec 2020, 05:43
Do you bring your own knee pads, or use the company provided ones?

prossies usually bring their own lube and condoms. But receive much better pay, even in Vietnam ;)

1st Dec 2020, 07:16
Dear Ian,

Might be worth to study the get to grips ...
Pilot cost is not the 2nd expense for an airline

I recommend Get to the grips with cost index you will be amazed.

(According to IATA in Feb2015 FD crew accounted for 6.8% in an airline cost structure. Just as an example Aircraft ownership 10.2% - Maintenance 9.4% )

1st Dec 2020, 07:44
Dear Ian,

Might be worth to study the get to grips ...
Pilot cost is not the 2nd expense for an airline

I recommend Get to the grips with cost index you will be amazed.

(According to IATA in Feb2015 FD crew accounted for 6.8% in an airline cost structure. Just as an example Aircraft ownership 10.2% - Maintenance 9.4% )

IATA is worldwide. Maybe not here. And i didn’t say pilot cost, I said Payroll. That means everybody. Team player.

You can keep those books thanks.

In any event, the game is to stay current until after covid. Its all a bit irrelevant when pilots offered to work for free, and VN is awash with pilots trying to return.

The salary is what it is. Take and stay in the game, or don’t and learn to drive a taxi.

I believe a pay raise is coming soon, and more will follow when covid is past.

1st Dec 2020, 08:36
hi ia1166, is VNA taking cv's for future employment.
can you pm me your email as i am looking to deposit my cv.
fo rated on 320 .

1st Dec 2020, 08:46
prossies usually bring their own lube and condoms. But receive much better pay, even in Vietnam ;)

With the lack of fat western tourists at the moment, i suspect its pay cuts all round.

1st Dec 2020, 11:22

Payroll and fuel.

Biggest cost for an airline.

1st Dec 2020, 11:22
hi ia1166, is VNA taking cv's for future employment.
can you pm me your email as i am looking to deposit my cv.
fo rated on 320 .

They’re not. plenty still on LWOP.

2nd Dec 2020, 04:54
Ian how much do you really think that they will raise the salary. I mean even If they double the current salary it will still not be a sustainable salary for living.
VNA have now got the taste of cheap prossies (Pilots). Do you really think that they will raise the salary, how I see it, There are so many pilots out there that are willing to bend over, even without knee pads that there is really no reason to do so.

I understand the reasoning behind staying current but according to The forecasts from Airbus, Boeing and IATA it seems the aviation industry will recover around 2024. Are you going to work for free another 3-4 years? Will not be much left from your retirement fund.
secondly, I don’t think currency will be that important in the future. I mean it’s quite obvious that the airlines will need to adjust their “recent flight requirements” because there are so many of us currently unemployed that they will not have enough pilots post Covid when things pick up again. I am not judging you regarding this matter but I would love to hear yours and others opinion regarding this.

Honestly i think it will recover here end of 21 to a good level. IATA is talking worldwide, not asia specific.

Everyone in the airline, my colleagues, have taken a pay cut to help the airline survive the crisis.

If you think it isn’t necessary for pilots like you, good luck with that attitude. Personally I would not want to work for my original salary while everyone else in the company is suffering. I am no narcissist.

As I said before, payroll is a big element of an airlines costs, despite what Nichol thinks from his book, Flight deck are only part of a joint workforce. And a team response to help the airline survive is required.

Management have said a pay raise is on the way. I suspect it will improve multiple times over the next couple of years. Presently I trust them to guide us through it. Something the pilot action group did not.

I did feel a bit of sympathy for your predicament by signing up for the pilot action group, but if your opinion is I am a cheap prossie, then good luck with your future and don’t come back here. You are no colleague of mine.

My personal circumstances are my own business.

3rd Dec 2020, 05:48
So because I don’t want to accept a 400$ basic salary, that makes me a narcissist????
I hope VNA will be as loyal to you as you are to them. I used to be like you but I had my lesson, thank you.

Good luck and I wish you all the best.

VN have a very low basic in case there is a further outbreak and the fleet is locked down again. It saves laying everyone off and is a good policy.

Stop going on about it. Captains are on 2 to 3 grand, DPEs 4 to 5. Sorry its not enough to privately educate your children. Maybe you should have downsized before terminating your career by accepting the terms and then joining a group to take on management.

4th Dec 2020, 00:39
They fire all the pilotos outside Vietnam who cannot return ?

BAe 146-100
5th Dec 2020, 19:55
They fire all the pilotos outside Vietnam who cannot return ?

None from any of the airlines, a few contracts have not been renewed which expired but on the whole everyone remain on unpaid leave indefinitely

20th Apr 2021, 16:18
Basic salary just upgraded for A350 captains from 400 to 800USD

22nd Apr 2021, 06:24
The ones going on 2-3k are doing 15 days and more on quarantine every time they fly international: 1 intl, quarantine, then call back from quarantine for another intl flight, ending up to almost a month with no life, no decent compensation ($20/day) in a ****ty hotel. At some point you need to consider minimum self-respect.

27th Apr 2021, 04:48
Basic is irrelevant. Its the productivity related payments that are more important.

Unfortunately for a 350 driver, this means cargo flights and quarantine. If you refuse, you get a bit of domestic, low pay, and sit by the pool all day.

The new salary package is a considerable improvement over the old one, and another review in December. Low basic and good productivity pay is the best course of action for VNA. Plenty of wide body guys have refused cargo so why pay a high basic?

For the guys who volunteered to work for free, the current package must seem like a fortune.

As with all these things, you do have choices. Noone is twisting your arms here.

27th Apr 2021, 07:46
Unfortunately for a 350 driver, this means cargo flights and quarantine. If you refuse, you get a bit of domestic, low pay, and sit by the pool all day.

Not really: If you refuse, you stay on unpaid leave

28th Apr 2021, 00:05
Not really: If you refuse, you stay on unpaid leave

Sure. That too. To be honest why be paid but refuse to fly?

Take the job or don’t. It was your choice to fly the 350.

Unfortunately the job spec has changed somewhat.

You can always ask to go back to the 321.

28th Apr 2021, 01:38
Sure. That too. To be honest why be paid but refuse to fly?

Take the job or don’t. It was your choice to fly the 350.

Unfortunately the job spec has changed somewhat.

You can always ask to go back to the 321.
the contract you signed didn’t mention a salary less than that of an uber driver. No matter which type you are on, they are squeezing you. Helping out the company is one thing. Prostituting yourself is something else.

28th Apr 2021, 02:48
the contract you signed didn’t mention a salary less than that of an uber driver. No matter which type you are on, they are squeezing you. Helping out the company is one thing. Prostituting yourself is something else.

Sure. Then go on unpaid leave and try to come back in 6 months.

You don’t know what I signed, or what i earn so don’t presume anything. I am flying 90 hours a month and if you think I am happy to do this while you lounge by the pool on 1 hanoi turn a week whilst refusing to do cargo, you are wrong. You can find sympathy in the dictionary, not here.

The current contract amendment is optional. You don’t have to agree to it.

You have options.

But taking it then crying in your beer is a bit demeaning to be honest.

Maybe go home and drive an UBER.

28th Apr 2021, 07:40
Only celebrity Uber can make good money take time to build the followers

28th Apr 2021, 09:00
The way this industry is going you'll make more money being an uber driver, better job stability too....

28th Apr 2021, 15:26
So IA, how much do you make a month?

7th May 2021, 11:09
One sure thing is, having some selfish individuals accepting to prostitute themselves for whatever condition does not help the profession. They probably have a good laugh everyday in VNA office looking at those expats paid like **** going for quarantines in ****ty hotels with a big smile!

I'll keep the beer next to the pool and my pants on! Cheers 🍻

ni si ni no
9th May 2021, 14:28
You can bet, but tbh, it has been the case since almost day 1 expat arrived there.

17th May 2021, 06:11
So IA, how much do you make a month?

how much do you earn?

17th May 2021, 06:12
One sure thing is, having some selfish individuals accepting to prostitute themselves for whatever condition does not help the profession. They probably have a good laugh everyday in VNA office looking at those expats paid like **** going for quarantines in ****ty hotels with a big smile!

I'll keep the beer next to the pool and my pants on! Cheers 🍻

i spend most days by the pool. Don’t do cargo, or quarantine.

Life is ok. Just need the commuting back, hopefully next year maybe.

Don’t quite get your idea that working is somehow selfish. I would like to see VNA survive for the future. All staff at VN have had a salary reduction, surely a selfish attitude would be to expect pilots salary to be maintained while everyone else suffered.

18th May 2021, 11:31
One sure thing is, having some selfish individuals accepting to prostitute themselves for whatever condition does not help the profession. They probably have a good laugh everyday in VNA office looking at those expats paid like **** going for quarantines in ****ty hotels with a big smile!

I'll keep the beer next to the pool and my pants on! Cheers 🍻

Much as I don’t want to cast doubt on your English language ability, I should draw your attention to the definition of prostitute.
prostitute something/yourself (disapproving) to use your skills, abilities, etc. to do something that earns you money but that other people do not respect because you are capable of doing something better.

So to take it further, if you see being an UBER driver or pool ligger as an occupation that is better than an airline pilot, then your analogy is correct. My view is different to yours but its a free world.

Your current view of your work colleagues who are supporting their families and the airline in trying times, and your view that management is somehow taking perverse pleasure in the current pandemic conditions is, sadly an indication of some kind of narcissist issue. The terms are there. If they are not acceptable to you then just turn them down until the current crisis is over.

As far as management goes, its not a job I would want, so I can only respect what they do and hope they get us through to better times. I don’t want their job, and so respect all that they do.

Sitting on the fence and abusing people. Thats a great attitude.

19th May 2021, 04:16
Where is broda dat fly fuh free ?

21st May 2021, 11:32
Where is broda dat fly fuh free ?

Flying for money. Thanks to the airline management and the contract companies.

He wasn’t the only one. A group of our Russian colleagues also made this offer.

Luckily cooler heads prevailed and VN Management respected pilots that work.

I cannot honestly rationalize the attitude of some people here.

Nick 1
21st May 2021, 11:48
Where is broda dat fly fuh free ?

Broda probably paying for flying now....you know company need your help .

24th Jun 2021, 05:17
Great attitude too your condescending tone judging English abilities when this is probably the only language you know. That's not really the point here.

Asia has zero standards and no protection for workers, leaving all components ready for some potential disasters.

A bit of dignity would help mercenaries to keep quiet instead of comforting this management, which could definitely get improved by observing and applying what other airlines in developed countries are doing. Of course the post colonial trauma still strongly present in Vietnam doesn't help.

24th Jun 2021, 11:06
Great attitude too your condescending tone judging English abilities when this is probably the only language you know. That's not really the point here.

Asia has zero standards and no protection for workers, leaving all components ready for some potential disasters.

A bit of dignity would help mercenaries to keep quiet instead of comforting this management, which could definitely get improved by observing and applying what other airlines in developed countries are doing. Of course the post colonial trauma still strongly present in Vietnam doesn't help.

Definition of mercenary;

A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

Honestly can you not think of a name that is relevant to the situation. Or better still stop calling people names.

Here is some you could try: Breadwinner. Primary income provider, although that depends on spousal income. Family supporter, or if need be SURVIVALIST..

Anyway IMHO VNA continues to support their expat pilots well considering they are surviving on government loans.

As far as your sweeping claims of colonial trauma, whatever that implies but may be aimed at the French, and lack of worker support, you might be surprised at what Vietnam does for its people. Certainly its commendable and I would say comparable to some developed countries. You may be somewhat misinformed.

If you think as a contract pilot that you should be able to access the same benefits I would say its another indication of a somewhat narcissist or entitled personality trait you should get looked at
