View Full Version : Airways NZ Downsizing

7th Apr 2020, 00:02
Stuff NZ Extract (sorry can't post full link)''Airways expects to make 180 staff redundant in the coming months due to the impact coronavirus has had on air travel.

New Zealand's state-owned air navigation services provider said about 25 per cent of its workforce across all areas of its business would be made redundant as it faces a 95 per cent decline in revenue.''

Sad outcome when they were still trying to attract overseas ATCOs just a few months ago!

7th Apr 2020, 01:17
Here you go, D.K.
the link. (https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/120847200/coronavirus-180-airways-staff-to-be-made-redundant-after-revenue-plummets-95-per-cent)

7th Apr 2020, 14:08
Odd, the worst thing any gonverment can do right now, is lay off people.

We need as many in a job once this blows over, and we need us all go travelling as soon as possible afterwards, and spending money.

That's the economic side of it at least.

7th Apr 2020, 23:40
Would be very surprised if they made ATCO's redundant. The lead times to replace are huge. And NZ is very reliant on Intl tourism for it's economic recovery.

Standby to be surprised. 30% reduction in staff possibly coming from all business divisions, including ATS....Full INTL tourism won't be on the cards for a long time here - border control, COVID recovery etc. Good excuse to chop the frontline staff.

Odd, the worst thing any gonverment can do right now, is lay off people.

SOE only. Profit driven, people cost money....get rid of people and hey presto, the bottom line looks better.

Sad outcome when they were still trying to attract overseas ATCOs just a few months ago!

Agreed, but no-one could have forseen COVID 19's impact on the industry. Anyway, those overseas hires (who are temporary visa holders, new hires, LIFO, etc, etc) will have huge crosshairs on them....

8th Apr 2020, 22:44