View Full Version : Anyone want a Victor bomber, FREE to a good home

5th Feb 2020, 16:05
The only problem is they won't post it, so you will need to dismantle and collect it.



5th Feb 2020, 17:33
Dare one ask why?

5th Feb 2020, 18:39
History is now so ‘yesterday’?

I assume this is a Gate Guardian airframe? I don’t know Marham.

5th Feb 2020, 19:23
Yes.....the other one now at risk as well is the LAST Beverley that is sitting at Fort Paul that has sadly closed due to a death.

5th Feb 2020, 19:30
There are 4 other complete Victors, at Duxford, Cosford, Elvington and Bruntingthorpe.

I expect they'll scrap this one.

5th Feb 2020, 19:37
Yes.....the other one now at risk as well is the LAST Beverley that is sitting at Fort Paul that has sadly closed due to a death.

The RAF Museum ought to bid for the Beverley having allowed the last one at Hendon to virtually disintegrate before saving a chunk of the flight deck - which is at Newark.

5th Feb 2020, 19:41
Dismantle it? Can't they just hop it over the fence, like the one that almost did at Bruntingthorpe?

Easy Street
5th Feb 2020, 20:00
Dare one ask why?

IIRC, stations are only entitled to maintain one ‘gate guardian’ at public expense. Marham has three, and (like all military establishments these days) has a plethora of issues to address with its domestic infrastructure. A lot of time and energy has been put into keeping the Victor presentable over many years but there is only so far that voluntary effort can take preservation without the injection of cash. And the arrival of F-35 has (rightly) made access to the Station much harder, with enthusiasts mostly limited to the excellent off-camp Heritage Centre. If, as I suspect, it is a question of money then it’s an easy decision to get rid. People first.

5th Feb 2020, 23:28
IIRC, stations are only entitled to maintain one ‘gate guardian’ at public expense. Marham has three, and (like all military establishments these days) has a plethora of issues to address with its domestic infrastructure. A lot of time and energy has been put into keeping the Victor presentable over many years but there is only so far that voluntary effort can take preservation without the injection of cash. And the arrival of F-35 has (rightly) made access to the Station much harder, with enthusiasts mostly limited to the excellent off-camp Heritage Centre. If, as I suspect, it is a question of money then it’s an easy decision to get rid. People first.

People first.

Of all the things to say,...I am gobsmacked.

People first.

is just another of those worthless platitudes.

Easy Street
5th Feb 2020, 23:51
People first.

Of all the things to say,...I am gobsmacked.

People first.

is just another of those worthless platitudes.

Okay then: “People, ideas, machines - in that order.” That’s from John Boyd, who is not often noted as having offered worthless platitudes. But the message is the same.

Meanwhile all the air marshals’ grand plans for growing the RAF truly are worthless unless more people can be trained and retained, as no less a figure than the Secretary of State has recognised. Fixing leaking roofs and unreliable heating and hot water systems in on-base accommodation is rightly being seen as a part of that effort.

6th Feb 2020, 00:03
This has been much discussed on the "Victor, Valiant and Vulcan" page on Facebook. The aircraft is a K2 and is apparently in poor condition. I know the former chief tech who was in charge of dismantling the aircraft and moving it to its current position in front of SHQ on the old parade square back in the 80s and he is of the opinion that moving it again would be impractical. It's not even much use as a display cockpit as the interior was gutted at the time of the move. Andre Tempest who own one of the two taxiable K2s (at Elvington) has come up with a few figures for crane hire etc which any purchaser would have to come up with, and they are considerable.

To call the aircraft a "gate guardian" is a bit of a misnomer, as it is not visible to the public from outside of the base - a couple of years ago I had to get the MOD guard at the barrier to promise not to shoot me before he allowed me to walk a few yards onto the base before I could get a half decent photo!

As stated there are already two excellent survivors which do "fast taxis" (and in the case of the one at Bruntingthorpe a very short flight on one memorable occasion!) In addition there is a static display K2 at Cosford, and the IWM at Duxford are currently doing a very through restoration of the only surviving Victor Mk I which is in fact technically a B1K2P (two point tanker conversion). Frankly I don't see that getting rid of this heap of scrap would be any great loss - any money which would need to be spent would be far better going to the upkeep of the other survivors.

6th Feb 2020, 01:46
TTN, "had to get the MOD guard at the barrier to promise not to shoot me before he allowed me to walk a few yards onto the base before I could get a half decent photo!"

Pretty please, with rare sugar on it.

Dan Winterland
6th Feb 2020, 05:26
When it was moved there in 1986, the Victor only had a short projected life. However, as with most types at the time, the in service life was extended and after a while it became apparent that the aircraft with the lowest Fatigue Index was the gate guardian! Plans were made to get it back on line, but these came to naught when it was realised how difficult a task this was. A couple of buildings had been erected since and these would need to be demolished. But it was a useful source of spares and frequently it was seen with some component or other missing.

6th Feb 2020, 06:54
Does anyone have any information on ownership of the airframe. It has previously been noted as 'privately owned' on loan to RAF Marham. Has the owner passed away leaving Marham with the responsibility ?

6th Feb 2020, 08:42
I have a recollection of what is presumably now the RAF Museum's Valiant being visible close to the Downham Market/Swaffham Road first time I went past about 40 years ago.

6th Feb 2020, 09:17
IIRC, stations are only entitled to maintain one ‘gate guardian’ at public expense. Marham has three, and (like all military establishments these days) has a plethora of issues to address with its domestic infrastructure. A lot of time and energy has been put into keeping the Victor presentable over many years but there is only so far that voluntary effort can take preservation without the injection of cash. And the arrival of F-35 has (rightly) made access to the Station much harder, with enthusiasts mostly limited to the excellent off-camp Heritage Centre. If, as I suspect, it is a question of money then it’s an easy decision to get rid. People first.

I would be interested in where your cut off point exists, The BBMF, perhaps The Reds, heck why not simly flog off the F-35 fleet, that will bring in lots on nice monies to maintain the peoples first, in fact you wouldn't need the base at all after that, even more nice savings....
Flogging off ones history and aircraft is not the solution to piss poor management and piss poor funding in getting the infrastructure right in the first place...
You watch the services budget squandering billions on failed projects such as Nimrod through piss poor management and contracting when a small proportion of that funding would have brought the RAF infrastructure up to a standard the 21st century demands.
Selling off the married quarters etc was a classic example of a cash generating scheme that proved to have been flawed in so many ways.

6th Feb 2020, 09:25

6th Feb 2020, 09:37
I know the former chief tech who was in charge of dismantling the aircraft and moving it to its current position in front of SHQ on the old parade square back in the 80s .

Bugger, there was me thinking that it came in steeply over the airman's mess and with some firm braking managed to pull up just before SHQ. Another myth shattered :E

6th Feb 2020, 09:51
IIRC, stations are only entitled to maintain one ‘gate guardian’ at public expense. Marham has three, and (like all military establishments these days) has a plethora of issues to address with its domestic infrastructure. A lot of time and energy has been put into keeping the Victor presentable over many years but there is only so far that voluntary effort can take preservation without the injection of cash. And the arrival of F-35 has (rightly) made access to the Station much harder, with enthusiasts mostly limited to the excellent off-camp Heritage Centre. If, as I suspect, it is a question of money then it’s an easy decision to get rid. People first.

Silly question I'm sure, but beyond the occasional lick of paint what maintenance does a gate guardian actually need?

6th Feb 2020, 10:00
Cut the grass around it.

6th Feb 2020, 10:02
Overall, better that it was put there and not burned in '86.:) However, let us see some common sense if there are no serious preservation offers. It would seem reasonable for the forward fuselage to be carefully preserved for Cosford, it could make a great "walk-through" exhibit. There might possibly be offers for main components like U/C and the airbrake assy for other display purposes. Sounds like the fin (and the stab?) have a future at Marham. Cheers


6th Feb 2020, 10:33
It would seem reasonable for the forward fuselage to be carefully preserved for Cosford, it could make a great "walk-through" exhibit.

Nice idea, but....Cosford and Hendon, and most other museums just don't have the space for this sort of thing. I also gather from further up this thread that the cockpit has been stripped, reducing its visitor value.

Hoping for a good outcome from somebody; and buying a ticket for Friday's lottery

6th Feb 2020, 10:46
I have a recollection of what is presumably now the RAF Museum's Valiant being visible close to the Downham Market/Swaffham Road first time I went past about 40 years ago.

Yes that was XD 818 which was on display outside ops for many years, in camouflage guise (now back to anti-flash white at Cosford). Didn't know it was visible from the road but it it must have been, as it was the only Valiant at Marham after 1964-5

6th Feb 2020, 11:09
At least they are a lot safer these days, I remember in the 70's when all the gate guardians had to be checked for live seats after an aircraft on a gate in the USA was being moved to be refurbished and the seat went off killing the poor sod on brakes..
The UK wasn't much better, remember the 22,000lb Grand Slam on the gate at Scampton that was being removed and was found to be live and full of explosive when they couldn't lift it. :E

6th Feb 2020, 11:12
I also gather from further up this thread that the cockpit has been stripped, reducing its visitor value.

Do you know, I read that as well! And there was I, assuming that Cosford might just be able to make a V-Bomber visitor attraction out of it! Yes, of course, they would need a fully S Victor for that. Silly me. :rolleyes:


6th Feb 2020, 11:38
Is the one still at Hendon?


6th Feb 2020, 11:51
I have plenty of room in my garden but not sure the wife would want a bomber covering her vegetables !!

6th Feb 2020, 13:33
Yes it is - or at least it was just before Christmas. Not as well lit as your photo. In fact that whole side of the museum seemed to be very dark (including the area the Vulcan is in). Perhaps I wasn't moving fast enough to trigger the light sensors.....!

6th Feb 2020, 14:07
Some years ago (quite a lot in fact) I was on a course with a chap who'd been a junior EO at Scampton in the 50s. He told me that the Grand Slam which became the gate-guardian had been buried on the airfield and that they were simply given the map reference of its grave and told to dig it up. Was it really full of Torpex or whatever, or was it just a full-weight training dummy?

6th Feb 2020, 14:14
Silly question I'm sure, but beyond the occasional lick of paint what maintenance does a gate guardian actually need?

Cleaning. Working at height regs =£££££ gone are the days of an erk up top with a broom and fire hose....

6th Feb 2020, 14:21
Okay then: “People, ideas, machines - in that order.” That’s from John Boyd, who is not often noted as having offered worthless platitudes. But the message is the same.

Meanwhile all the air marshals’ grand plans for growing the RAF truly are worthless unless more people can be trained and retained, as no less a figure than the Secretary of State has recognised. Fixing leaking roofs and unreliable heating and hot water systems in on-base accommodation is rightly being seen as a part of that effort.

Oh I agree totally about ^^^^^ but the "failure" if you want to call it that, is spending billions on cutting edge aircraft and technical facilities then sending your highly trained techs to the block with a roll of cling film for the windows to stop the fen winds (or north sea draughts in my Anstruther quarter) blasting straight through taking the heat with them..

6th Feb 2020, 14:25
I think it is a shame to remove it. Is the tornado still there?

6th Feb 2020, 14:48
I think it is a shame to remove it. Is the tornado still there?

Yes, just inside the gate, with the Canberra PR9 further inside the base.

Vortex Hoop
6th Feb 2020, 15:17
Aaaah, some of my happiest days at Marham were spent...on detachment in Iraq. No pub, no pool and no decent chinese takeaway.

Walking past the Victor every day was nice though. Shame it has to go.

6th Feb 2020, 15:18
Some years ago (quite a lot in fact) I was on a course with a chap who'd been a junior EO at Scampton in the 50s. He told me that the Grand Slam which became the gate-guardian had been buried on the airfield and that they were simply given the map reference of its grave and told to dig it up. Was it really full of Torpex or whatever, or was it just a full-weight training dummy?


Errr the blast radius is a bit far fetched

6th Feb 2020, 16:37
Is there a formula for calculating?

6th Feb 2020, 16:58
Scampton did not have a Lancaster Gate Guard in 1958

it now has a Hawk
The Red Arrows jet is the third gate guardian during the airfield’s long history.

The first was an Avro Lancaster, known as S-Sugar, which was in place between 1960 and 1970, before being relocated to RAF Museum Hendon.

Another Lancaster, Just Jane, became the gate guardian in 1973, spending 10 years at the entrance to RAF Scampton.

6th Feb 2020, 18:43
Yes that was XD 818 which was on display outside ops for many years, in camouflage guise (now back to anti-flash white at Cosford). Didn't know it was visible from the road but it it must have been, as it was the only Valiant at Marham after 1964-5

Got me thinking now, have I remembered it wrong - was it the Valiant or was it actually a retired Victor? Must have been 1983, I know there were some active Victors on the airfield and I know I saw the Valiant in the RAF Museum several years later. Confoosed as they say in Norfolk.

6th Feb 2020, 20:41
Is there a formula for calculating?

Yes. The basic formula (for Inhabited buildings) is D (metres) = 22.2Q1/3. Q (kg) being the net explosive content. However, explosives safety is not that simple - many other factors need consideration. I am sure that the personnel at the time involved with burying the wpn knew what they were doing as would the Chief inspector of Explosives (RAF) at the time.


Callsign Kilo
6th Feb 2020, 21:49
I blame Brexit

6th Feb 2020, 22:00
History is now so ‘yesterday’?

I assume this is a Gate Guardian airframe? I don’t know Marham.

Here it is during the Commander-in-Chief's visit earlier this week.
https://scontent-lhr8-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/83514442_2730390987081211_1664409434765393920_o.jpg?_nc_cat= 111&_nc_eui2=AeHKQ8CBzntK4R1Jzs4qCEBxenkUoqdY6XkCRnu5NYX1dcQ-mjl5HBPKHTE4rFD7iIXsYI6tAkl815n1pSLTr6J-zP4NJaphKNqwlavT-ZerRg&_nc_ohc=Q_rlI0nPTN4AX8ioYu8&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.xx&oh=a2ddd027ea8d9f3a0410574306382197&oe=5EC935DE

Easy Street
7th Feb 2020, 00:11
I would be interested in where your cut off point exists, The BBMF, perhaps The Reds, heck why not simly flog off the F-35 fleet, that will bring in lots on nice monies to maintain the peoples first, in fact you wouldn't need the base at all after that, even more nice savings....

The cut off point is obvious and consistent from place to place. One gate guardian per station... the one for which funding is provided.

Minor infrastructure faults costing less than a couple of thousand to fix are generally covered by a regional maintenance contract while major new build is typically delivered by centrally-funded projects not under the station’s direct control. Everything in between (which is a lot...) has to be funded from a limited pot of discretionary spending under the station commander’s control. Using it to maintain a collection of additional gate guardians instead of addressing infrastructure issues is not only a strange order of priority but is also potentially difficult if, for instance, there are health and safety deficiencies going unfixed. Which again is not uncommon.

I realise I’m taking a blunt approach to this but I think it’s reflective of the ‘enough is enough’ stance finally being taken after many years of failing to prioritise adequately. Hopefully more of the same to come on a much grander scale in the big review!

7th Feb 2020, 00:30
Here it is during the Commander-in-Chief's visit earlier this week.
https://scontent-lhr8-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/83514442_2730390987081211_1664409434765393920_o.jpg?_nc_cat= 111&_nc_eui2=AeHKQ8CBzntK4R1Jzs4qCEBxenkUoqdY6XkCRnu5NYX1dcQ-mjl5HBPKHTE4rFD7iIXsYI6tAkl815n1pSLTr6J-zP4NJaphKNqwlavT-ZerRg&_nc_ohc=Q_rlI0nPTN4AX8ioYu8&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.xx&oh=a2ddd027ea8d9f3a0410574306382197&oe=5EC935DE
Whatever happened to "Tallest on the right, shortest on the left" ?

7th Feb 2020, 01:11
BVRAAM, thanks for that. I was struggling to remember from my odd visits to Marham exactly what was where.

7th Feb 2020, 09:11
Whatever happened to "Tallest on the right, shortest on the left" ?

Not just that, some females are in trousers, some in skirts, no standardisation, also looks rather shoddy and thrown together with no even height, is it me or doesn't it?.

7th Feb 2020, 09:48
Beards, a handful of white belts, Navy uniforms sprinkled in, it doesn't look smart and military, it just looks a bit shabby and shoddy.

7th Feb 2020, 12:27
And the arrival of F-35 has (rightly) made access to the Station much harder, with enthusiasts mostly limited to the excellent off-camp Heritage Centre.Meanwhile, back in the day of the V Force, at RAF Waddington we had the regular Saturday night dance in the Raven Club with bands like the Bee-Gees attracting hundreds of civilians onto the camp from as far away as Scotland, all jigging away about five hundred yards from the bombed up QRA aircraft on Alpha dispersal. :ooh:

7th Feb 2020, 12:41
Cannot recall seeing a scruffier bunch,has the position of S.W.O. been done away with?

7th Feb 2020, 12:45
I can recall OC Eng Wing at Abingdon,being requested leave an A.O.C,`s parade rehearsal,by the SWO ,because OC Eng`s tunic had a red lining.This was back in the 70`s.

7th Feb 2020, 18:41
Beards, a handful of white belts, Navy uniforms sprinkled in, it doesn't look smart and military, it just looks a bit shabby and shoddy.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Beards, if properly trimmed, are not untidy.
If the military is supposed to reflect the society it serves, then surely the military should look like 2020 and not 1990?
A "Joint Force" should surely have RN and RAF personnel among each other, and not segregated to either side?

7th Feb 2020, 19:47
There must have been a hell of a rush for them to break ranks so as to get the the parade square for the AOC's Parade.

7th Feb 2020, 20:08
Thought uniform meant uniform,well it did from 1972-1984 when I was an airman.

7th Feb 2020, 20:22
Thought uniform meant uniform,well it did from 1972-1984 when I was an airman.

Oh for Gawds sakes..... get over yourselves.

7th Feb 2020, 20:48
I was proud to serve,and still am after 36 years.did you ever join HM Forces?

7th Feb 2020, 21:05
I was proud to serve,and still am after 36 years.did you ever join HM Forces?

Yes I did. RAF from 1975-1994 but I'm not serving now and I don't think we should criticise those serving now for not meeting the expectations of our generation. Time to pass that baton on.

7th Feb 2020, 21:12
That is dreadful.
Just one up from a shambles.

That photo does nothing for my morale.

7th Feb 2020, 21:16
As much as that?

7th Feb 2020, 22:39
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Beards, if properly trimmed, are not untidy.
If the military is supposed to reflect the society it serves, then surely the military should look like 2020 and not 1990?
A "Joint Force" should surely have RN and RAF personnel among each other, and not segregated to either side?
It looks like a complete sack of dung!

I am more than willing to be corrected IF someone can ~ allude ~ to just wtf is going on!

8th Feb 2020, 00:27
I think individually most of the airmen and women (and matelots) on parade seem to pass muster pretty well. It is just that no attempt to dress by height has been made, and I cant work out why some of the girls are wearing white belts. Can't imagine HM was impressed. Pleased to see the RAF station sign (a blue bull) visible just above the royal car in the photo.

That is just opposite SHQ (or at least where SHQ used to be). Last time I was there was when I handed in my final clearance card on my last day of service in December 1976. More than half a lifetime ago :(

Four Turbo
8th Feb 2020, 09:36
Reminds me of an early morning in Malta. We had upset the AOC at dinner (tied his shoe laces together which, was taken as personal). xx Sqn officers were ordered to parade in uniform at 0630. We managed to have everyone in something different; KD shorts, KD longs, every colour of KD bush jackets, various colours of flyng suit, No 6, No 1, Bates hat, chip bag... You get the look of it! Well worth getting up early for.

8th Feb 2020, 09:46
There might be another (Flyable... :E) one available soon.
Numerous rumour posts swirling around Facebook that Bruntingthorpe is being given over completely to car storage and all airframes to be 'removed'... :(

8th Feb 2020, 09:49
I think individually most of the airmen and women (and matelots) on parade seem to pass muster pretty well. It is just that no attempt to dress by height has been made, and I cant work out why some of the girls are wearing white belts. Can't imagine HM was impressed. Pleased to see the RAF station sign (a blue bull) visible just above the royal car in the photo.

That is just opposite SHQ (or at least where SHQ used to be). Last time I was there was when I handed in my final clearance card on my last day of service in December 1976. More than half a lifetime ago :(

Last time [?] her Maj came to RAF Marham all we CMU contractor "tramps" were told in no uncertain terms we were not to be visible. This was a bit of a shame as the last time I said hello to her ## I had an armful of SLR as she presented yet another Sqdn standard to the RAFs premier AD outfit...

Anyway. We were "all" out the back of 4 shed tabing [filthy habit but it was crowd syndrome] and past rolls the motorcade on it's regal way when one of the permies [who trust me looked like an aged catweazle] did the unthinkable and WAVED. Word from the front was she gave a small wave back, but nothing like the word we got later along the lines of "if you lot ever do something like that again"...of course no one gave the smart arse reply...

## figuratively speaking of course.

8th Feb 2020, 13:39
Shabby. Now that's a good word!

8th Feb 2020, 17:39
my last day of service in December 1976. More than half a lifetime ago

Snap!! 31.12.76.

9th Feb 2020, 09:13
There might be another (Flyable... :E) one available soon.
Numerous rumour posts swirling around Facebook that Bruntingthorpe is being given over completely to car storage and all airframes to be 'removed'... :(

The old Q sheds from Leuchars were given to Bruntingthorpe. They had to go rapidly before they became listed buildings which would have prevented work for the new Typhoon seat bay. Would they become similarly listed after relocation to Bruntingthorpe, or is the assessment location-dependent?

9th Feb 2020, 09:17
Thought uniform meant uniform,well it did from 1972-1984 when I was an airman.
We take pride in the actions of the RAF during the second world war, yet the photographs of the era show a force dishevelled by any recent standard. I'd rather the efforts of the force we have goes into delivering the capabilities we are here for, rather than delivering some superficial perfection which detracts form the fighting force.

9th Feb 2020, 18:39
Whatever happened to "Tallest on the right, shortest on the left" ?

I thought that Apartheight has been abolished.....

9th Feb 2020, 20:22
I thought that Apartheight has been abolished.....

Clever..very clever.

11th Sep 2020, 07:43
Last chance to see for the lucky few before the inevitable. Reminds me of crawling round the Woodford B2 XH670 as a boy.

Before the disposal process begins we would like to give the opportunity for a small number of people to come and see her for the last time on Saturday 10th October. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the number that we are able to allow onto the station will be limited and there will be time slots allocated for viewings followed by a short visit to our Aviation Heritage Centre.


I have a recollection that in the '80s around the time Valley had its corporate wrist slapped for having the temerity to have a Gnat and Hunter on the gate, USAF airbases were ordered to have collections of historic aircraft. Which I suppose sums up a different attitude to preserving artifacts relateed to recent history. Here the short termism of the bean counters rules.

Can't see the UK ever having anything like this:

Community Static Display Program

The museum's Collection Management Division oversees the Air Force Community Static Display Program for static display aerospace vehicles on loan to municipal corporations, counties, political subdivision of a State, servicemen's monument associations, a post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States or of the American Legion or a unit of any other recognized war veterans’ association, a local or national unit of any war veterans’ association of a foreign nation which is recognized by the national government of that nation (or by the government of one of the principal political subdivisions of that nation), post of the Sons of Veterans Reserves. This program is governed by Title 10 USC, Section 2572. For more information on the application process, see the attached information sheet and then contact [email protected].

Click here for additional information about the Community Static Display program (https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Portals/7/documents/other/Loan Program/NMUSAF Community Static Dispaly Loan Program (2018).pdf?ver=2018-08-31-120720-227)

11th Sep 2020, 09:57
Silly question I'm sure, but beyond the occasional lick of paint what maintenance does a gate guardian actually need?

I was an officer at an ATC squadron that had a Vampire and there was a whole Air Publication devoted to the care and maintenance of gate guardians.

11th Sep 2020, 11:48
It looks like the Victor will be scrapped


Out Of Trim
11th Sep 2020, 19:08
The old Q sheds from Leuchars were given to Bruntingthorpe. They had to go rapidly before they became listed buildings which would have prevented work for the new Typhoon seat bay. Would they become similarly listed after relocation to Bruntingthorpe, or is the assessment location-dependent?

The LPG Q Sheds came from Wattisham...

12th Sep 2020, 19:59
I do like the idea that the gate guardian was the aircraft with the best remaining fatigue life. Hilarious. Good organisation there, someone!

12th Sep 2020, 20:55
I was an officer at an ATC squadron that had a Vampire and there was a whole Air Publication devoted to the care and maintenance of gate guardians.

Was the ATC squadron somewhere on the south coast, possibly Hastings? I remember driving past a Vampire on the way from Dover to Portsmouth in the mid seventies.

Non Emmett
13th Sep 2020, 09:22
The Cornish Aviation Society looked after St. Mawgan’s Shackleton WL795 and kept it in good order for fifteen or more years until the powers that be decided it had to be sold. Such a shame a modest enthusiastic team could not have done similar with the Victor. Ah well, someone somewhere will say this is the price of progress.

13th Sep 2020, 14:42
The Cornish Aviation Society looked after St. Mawgan’s Shackleton WL795 and kept it in good order for fifteen or more years until the powers that be decided it had to be sold. Such a shame a modest enthusiastic team could not have done similar with the Victor. Ah well, someone somewhere will say this is the price of progress.
The last remaining Beverley presently at Fort Paull east of Hull is likely to be scrapped (as was the example at the RAF Museum) unless a buyer can be found.

13th Sep 2020, 15:30
The last remaining Beverley presently at Fort Paull east of Hull is likely to be scrapped (as was the example at the RAF Museum) unless a buyer can be found.

Its already been taken apart and moved twice now since....and the rumour is, its probably not going to survive a 3rd go at taking it apart and putting it back together....or rather the putting it back together bit might be a 3rd time too many.
Everyone also forgets about the Bev that was at Southend as well, the ex-A&AEE XB261, had been there since flown in there in 1971, and was scrapped there the same year that the one at Hendon was scrapped.

14th Sep 2020, 05:49
I did my last five years at Marham so I'll be sad to see her go but I guess it's inevitable really as I expect she's in a right state internally. It makes you wonder what some of the other large aircraft preserved outside are like, Waddington Vulcan?

Further afield I would hope the VC10 and C130 C3 at Cosford will survive a while longer being fairly recently retired but I expect they will eventually go a similar way? Likewise the Vulcans at various civvy sites up and down the country.
Although I have a soft spot for the Bev it was a fairly small fleet, operated a long time ago and is not well known by the public, it's also flipping big, all of which don't work for it sadly. No disrespect intended- I'd love to see it survive but I can't see it somehow.

At least a couple of Victor's have long term futures, the Duxford K1 (?) looked to be undergoing some pretty serious maintenance work when I visited last year

Hopefully parts of the Marham Victor will survive.

16th Sep 2020, 18:35
and yet the RAF Museum gives space to a B-17 and a P-51 in USAAF colours, and sundry Luftwaffe types, while Duxford's collection includes more American aircraft. Surely the Beverley deserves a place under cover?

16th Sep 2020, 19:09
and yet the RAF Museum gives space to a B-17 and a P-51 in USAAF colours, and sundry Luftwaffe types, while Duxford's collection includes more American aircraft. Surely the Beverley deserves a place under cover?

The problem is finding a museum 'indoors' capable of housing a Bev...?

But, yes, its always annoyed me that RAFM couldn't be arsed or were too lazy to repaint the P-51D into a RAF Mustang IV scheme, and likewise the B-17G into a Bomber or Coastal Command Fortress III.
(unless it was part of the condition of getting them?)

16th Sep 2020, 22:53
Re the Beverley, could they not put it in the reserve store at Stafford? Until a home is found for it, or Wroughton. It does not need to be assembled

19th Sep 2020, 19:30
Re the Beverley, could they not put it in the reserve store at Stafford? Until a home is found for it, or Wroughton. It does not need to be assembled

I’ve just heard via the Beverley Association that the Bev at Fort Paul has been bought by Martin Wiseman of Condor Aviation International Ltd based in East Yorkshire with the intention of restoring and refurbishing it.

19th Sep 2020, 19:59
Good news indeed.

19th Sep 2020, 20:05
Good news indeed.
Have you started a campaign to return it to flight yet?

20th Sep 2020, 05:51
Have you started a campaign to return it to flight yet?
Now that would be something to see!

20th Sep 2020, 07:17
Now that would be something to see!
It certainly would, but I reckon the chances are between zero and zero. However, good static display condition would be special, and taxying condition even better. Good luck to the team undertaking it.

20th Sep 2020, 13:56
Checking their website, they seem the ideal to restore her as required, I wish them well.

13th Oct 2020, 18:59
There are 4 other complete Victors, at Duxford, Cosford, Elvington and Bruntingthorpe.

I expect they'll scrap this one.

Ive just attended the Farewell to Victor this weekend at Marham. Sadly she is going to be scrapped as no one has come forward to restore her.

13th Oct 2020, 19:53
It was the moving costs sadly.

Top West 50
15th Oct 2020, 22:05
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x800/no_parking_for_an_old_cab_copy_3_84d87e6fde0ad0e0c1d8f5dd024 4aa4649ee753b.jpg
Last flown in September 1985 - Happy Days!

16th Oct 2020, 07:02

Compass Call
16th Oct 2020, 21:56
In the video, a senior RAF officer walking around with his hands in his pockets whilst escorting a guest:confused: A chargeable offence for anybody in my day!
It is a sad state of affairs when the RAF standards have dropped this low.

18th Oct 2020, 08:26
Ah, you were there, a very wet day. Sad to say farewell. My brother was on board the Victor that crashed into the North Sea In 1975.

18th Feb 2021, 11:22

Sadly, the end.

19th Feb 2021, 20:35
RAF Marham's Victor gate guardian removed: