View Full Version : BA- Eye sight - Maths - Group exercise

23rd Apr 2001, 22:14
I know your not turned away from the cadetship straight away,if you have to wear glasses but does anyone know what the eye test is like if any of you have made it that far, I take it this would happen b4 any interview?

What I mean is, is there a certain part of the test that you have to pass without your specs on or if have passed your Class 1 already (where I believe wearing one pair of glasses for all purposes is ok)does that mean you don't have to do the eye test?

2) Do all calculations in the BA tests (the maths part) have to be done in your head, i.e with no rough work or are you allowed to work things out on paper?

3) Finally in relation to the group exercise: if most people who have reached this stage have done their homework about the exercise, does this mean that everyone is trying to look the group leader, trying to impress the board? How many per group are able to continue to the next stage?

Sorry for all the questions,
All the best,

ABZ no.2
24th Apr 2001, 17:23
In response to the medical Q, Medical takes place after the FB interview and you will have to complete the BA medical irrespective of holding a Class 1. I think that as long as your corrected vision is satifactory then eye sight should not be a problem. There are however, been several people fail their medical recently so do not jump to any conclusions.
The maths test is timed and the timing aspect means that if you dwell too long on working out on paper you will not complete too many Q's and therefore although you can, it is not really practical.
The group work exercise is strangely enough about working in a group and it is well known that if you or anyone elso dominates the exercise they are unlikely to succeed.

24th Apr 2001, 20:10
Thanks for that,

Have you applied to it this year? I don't know if anyone can comment on this but it seems the BA tests are easier than the Aer Lingus ones?

24th Apr 2001, 22:09
Also, you are allowed to use scrap paper (everything is provided). They don't tell you whether it's negatively marked, but they do say "Work quickly and accurately.


[This message has been edited by Pielander (edited 24 April 2001).]