View Full Version : sorry

11th Aug 2002, 07:50
I apologise to all for my drunken rubbish.

Nil nos tremefacit
11th Aug 2002, 07:57
...but it's the drunken rubbish that makes threads interesting (cf jet Blast):cool:

11th Aug 2002, 21:44
We've all typed under booze-induced oscillations Charlie...

But it takes a big man to come back and say sorry.

>>>>>>> insert "Thumbs Up.Gif" Here ;)

12th Aug 2002, 05:58
Apologies accepted.

No tongues though, OK?

Min Decent Ht
13th Aug 2002, 17:38
Now I'm curious. Can someone supply a link to the forementioned drunken rubbish, please?

13th Aug 2002, 18:45
Is that idle curiosity or just plain ol nosiness. The people who replied know what it was and I suspect it is better it stays that way. Wouldn't you say?