View Full Version : Flybe DEC INTERVIEW

9th Dec 2019, 18:46
Hello everyone

I have a Flybe DEC interview coming up

I would be very grateful for some information on what to expect

It’s in Exeter and I believe involves an interview ,tech paper and a sim on 737 ?

very grateful for any gen on it

Thank you

10th Dec 2019, 02:26
If you are a BALPA member they have a ‘crew connected’ program to hook you up with a pilot from the airline you have your assessment with. Just give them a call and they will sort you out, I know a few people that have availed of this little known benefit of membership

10th Dec 2019, 17:11
Be thankful the sim isn’t in the Crash 8.

10th Dec 2019, 19:31
Passed on from a friend and a few years ago, Might be a bit out of date:

”There were around 8 candidates on the day, the plan is for 2 interviews to be carried out at a time; then if successful go into the same later the same day. If you are one of the later timings you might not finish until 7pm (https://www.pprune.org/x-apple-data-detectors://0). Six were first officer candidates and two for DEC.

The academy has its own free parking and your given a visitors pass when you sign in. Then you move to the canteen / breakout area on the ground floor. There are food and drink vending machines and reception will give you change if required.

The interview is with a pilot (could be a captain but there was a first officer working that day as well) and one of the HR personnel. One of them will come and collect your documents then about 15 mins later will collect you to start the interview. It lasts for about 45min, normal questions regarding why you started flying, what you know about the company and your aspirations for the future. Then they focused on questions like....tell me about a time when you did something you regretted, or tell me about SOPs and would you ever go outside of them. They have a script to follow and one will be writing while the other is talking so don't let that put you off. There will be tech questions, the favourite seems to be the critical engine on the Q400. It is the number one for two reasons and it's simple to explain.

They will ask you what base you would prefer and there will probably be a 2 year base freeze, so think carefully.

After the interview you wait in the canteen and one of the panel will tell you if you've passed the interview or not. If successful the next event is a sim brief. I have sketched a diagram of the flight which we did in the Q400 sim, but it could be also completed in the E-Jet.

You are on the runway at Birmingham, rwy 33 and will brief to fly the DTY5D. It is well briefed by the instructor, but it's useful if you copy the diagram with the power settings etc. No checklists are used and the FMS is not switched on. They want you to fly raw data so no flight director guidance.

If you don't get something quite right they will reset the sim for you to have another go. The Q400 is a bit of a handful and feels heavy in roll. Be ready for a large pitch change when selecting flap, particularly 15 and 35. If uncorrected the aircraft will climb at quite a high rate.

Once the power is set for 170kts / 28% at gate 1, you don't have to move it till touchdown. It is a raw ILS approach, radar vectored and they will pause the sim to allow you to brief the approach.

They are not allowed to give you a debrief after the sim but unofficially they may give you the nod.”
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1429/0be2be67_dac2_43dd_be73_f20406c91de6_f4d53b0dacbe261f605ed5e bb8fe743865dc53e3.jpeg

14th Dec 2019, 09:08
Many thanks !

Very helpful