View Full Version : Strikes from 5th Dec 2019

28th Nov 2019, 06:59

Is there any way to have visibility of the impact of the proposed strikes in France scheduled from 5th Dec, thinking particularly about:

- Air France
- Hop!
- Air Traffic Control

I believe there will be visibility from 48hrs before as it is required to notify in that timeframe, anything likely to be known before?

28th Nov 2019, 08:39
anything likely to be known before?

1. It already known/assumed by the locals that this is going to be a biggy - well supported across many sectors including transport...Certainly if I was planning on using any of the assets you've listed from late 4th through early 6th I would either be making other arrangements now or if had to travel on the 5th I would very very much expect to have my plans disrupted....

2. The Unions representing some of the Air France ground staff have already given notice that they will be taking part in Industrial Action, there are calls for flight crew/cabin crew to join in..


3. The French language site below here gives overview and other links....

cestlagreve (https://www.cestlagreve.fr/greve/greve-generale-5-decembre-2019/)

4. Closer into the strike ( 48 hours and less) the Eurocontrol Network Ops portal (https://www.public.nm.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL/gateway/spec/index.html) usually starts carrying specific detailed info on Airspace/ATC Closures as they get the news from the French authorities.

Bon Courage...

28th Nov 2019, 09:01
Thanks Wiggy,

Travel is likely to be 8th through 12th, travel company have flagged concerns up front, company is pressuring to travel...

I don't mind too much being stuck in Paris (has happened a few times in the past..) there are many good ways to amuse oneself, this time though the ability to return on the planned date is quite important.

28th Nov 2019, 11:40
OK, good luck with it....FWIW to give some idea of the potential disruption that could happen at ground level: this morning SNCF announced they were not taking bookings and cancelling existing bookings on their long distance services (TGV etc) 5th-8th inclusive.


15th Dec 2019, 20:11

Paul Lupp
8th Jan 2020, 19:58
Hmm, the strikes and disruptions still seem to be going on. Depending on how much French you understand, websites such as lefigaro.fr and lemonde.fr give a reasonable idea of the disruptions.

I went on Eurostar with younger daughter. St P to Lille outward on 12 Dec and back on 15 Dec and we were lucky that our trains were not cancelled (possibly as they went onwards/originated to/in Belgium).
From what I can understand from my "schoolboy" French, it does not look like a solution is close by :-(

10th Jan 2020, 06:15
Yes, it’s ongoing.

I’m not sure if Eurostar is effected (other than on national strike days) but the internal network...SNCF including RER, RATP etc has been clobbered everyday for over a month....I do pity the long suffering commuters...

Oil refineries are being blockaded this week,..the promise is only for four days..locally though fuel supplies are OK.

There was considerable disruption yesterday due to a National day of protest with for example multiple cancellations into/out of our local airport due to ATC flow restrictions leading to lots of folk having to rapidly rejig travel plans..:oh:

Looking ahead there have been hints from the government side at a bit of compromise being possible and more talks between governments and unions are scheduled (starting today?)

If I haven’t mentioned it https://www.cestlagreve.fr/

Paul Lupp
1st Feb 2020, 20:17
.... and still ongoing (01 Feb 2020) :-(

Paul Lupp
9th Feb 2020, 14:13
.. and still ongoing ! Younger daughter flew from Stansted to Portugal (Faro) on Friday morning 7 Feb, and there was a delay of about half an hour due to French air traffic control strike action.

15th Feb 2020, 18:41
From Eurocontrol:

As a consequence of an inter-professional social movement affecting the entire public services in France and private sector, some local disturbances might impact French ATS, AIS and COM services.

The ATC Industrial Action in France will take place from 1800 UTC on Wednsday 19th of February until 0530 UTC on Friday 21st of February.

Red Four
20th Feb 2020, 07:39
Or from another perspective: Ops Group (https://ops.group/blog/france-switches-to-atc-by-notam-only/)

20th Feb 2020, 08:43

Very good.......SNCF and TER should introduce a similar system.

A bit of overview...the dispute appears to have been losing momentum.It’s a big week this week with regard to debate/senate/what’s going on politically....

The leadership of the CGT are still talking tough but after this week who knows.....