View Full Version : Bussing Plug

8th Oct 2019, 11:50
Had anyone heard about bussing plug before ( use in fuel quantity indicating system for 737 )
how does it look like
and what is the function of the bussing plug
thank you

9th Oct 2019, 09:39
The3 bussing plugs on the 737 classic are mounted on the fwd wing spar for each wing tank and in the left wheel well for the centre tank they combine the internal tank units capacitances in parallel for use by the gauging system. They are large connectors approx. 3-4 inches diameter or can be rectangular depending on the aircraft configuration

7th Nov 2019, 11:08
The A320 also has a similar plug with inline fuses . It does the same function ( connect all the probes together with fuses to protect against any possible source of ignition in the fuel tank ) Mounted on the rear spar and very easy to replace .