View Full Version : Bar being fast tracked for a future job at Virgin Atlantic...

3rd Oct 2019, 14:20
One has to ask why? Will he be there to call "Fox 3"? or perhaps they need someone skilled in pressing the tit?...

It does seem an odd thing to be seconded too.


Bob Viking
4th Oct 2019, 07:03
Stanny is a Test Pilot and a very clever bloke. I’m sure lots of people applied but he was chosen as the best candidate. The fact that he is a fast jet guy is potentially irrelevant. The TP qualification was likely far more relevant.

Best of luck to him.


4th Oct 2019, 07:27
Good on him! Nice to see a Brit doing some pioneering work in aerospace like the good old days. I guess Virgin pick up his salary for the next few years until he rejoins the mob?

4th Oct 2019, 07:53
There was a piece on this on Forces news last night and although when the topic was mentioned I wondered what the point was. However the more it was explained then the more I thought it was a good idea and would benefit the RAF and the UK in general both commercially, technology and benefits from cooperation with the USA. Don't usually like old Beardie's ideas as most are publicity stunts but there could be lots of benefits from this project.
Must say Stanny came over very well on TV and seems the right chap for the job.

4th Oct 2019, 15:33
Congratulations on one of our own, though laughingly was watching the opening sequence of Moonraker ...(late great Broccoli seems to have put nav wings on exchange Flt Lt co-piloting the SCA).


4th Oct 2019, 22:06
When you say Barr is being fast tracked..
Do yo mean DM?
Is he a reggla again then,.....

and is he not a nav now?