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27th Jan 2020, 07:52
I struggle to believe it if I’m honest. BACF already have ample downtime in their own fleet and are trying to put it to work...

Albert Hall
27th Jan 2020, 07:55
I've said before - they will not be welcome back at BACF after the fiasco last time. If they are taking the EJets back in the hope of a BACF contract, it's a big miscalculation.

27th Jan 2020, 08:17
I've said before - they will not be welcome back at BACF after the fiasco last time. If they are taking the EJets back in the hope of a BACF contract, it's a big miscalculation.
Or they already know that they have a contract with them which would give them the confidence to get the aircraft.

27th Jan 2020, 14:31
I hope that after the announcement if T3’s new routes that MME are looking to secure a more regular public transport service to either Darlington or Durham.

Durham?? Darlington maybe, but does the planned level of activity warrant the costs involved?

I wonder if Eastern have been given a similar deal on a smaller financial scale to get these routes going?

I'd be amazed if the Mayor hasn't come up with some form of incentive. Also, has anybody else noticed that Stobart's name seems to be as absent as Flybe's? Was Kate Willard at the event - not normally shy in getting front of a camera!

27th Jan 2020, 18:31
I would imagine the people using these expensive business-focused routes would arrive at the airport by car.

27th Jan 2020, 18:56
When there used to be a Free bus service from the nearby railway halt years ago there were often never more than 6 passengers a day used it.

27th Jan 2020, 20:48
I would imagine the people using these expensive business-focused routes would arrive at the airport by car.
Which routes are those? The new ones are to be competitive according to Eastern Airways.

27th Jan 2020, 21:25
I hope that after the announcement if T3’s new routes that MME are looking to secure a more regular public transport service to either Darlington or Durham.

It's £10 one way from anywhere in Darlington in a taxi, plus there are 8 buses a day from the town centre.

28th Jan 2020, 07:05
I wonder if Eastern have been given a similar deal on a smaller financial scale to get these routes going?

So, at the top of Pintofdoom's post #241, just noticed that it says "Based on a funding model with 75% of seat sales revenue back to Teesside Airport under a divisible benefit share" - can anybody clarify?

28th Jan 2020, 18:18
So, at the top of Pintofdoom's post #241, just noticed that it says "Based on a funding model with 75% of seat sales revenue back to Teesside Airport under a divisible benefit share" - can anybody clarify?

Good spot! It would be interesting to know what was written above that sentence.

28th Jan 2020, 19:31
I would have been so much more confident if it had been another airline rather than Eastern....oh wait..there are no other UK airlines!

The UK airline industry is in a bit of a kerfuffle ( I know..can’t spell it) at the moment ,is it not?

28th Jan 2020, 19:35
The document posted is clearly commercially sensitive and not for the public domain, one suspects the TVCA will have tasked the airport based special branch with investing some time in forcing the pprune hierarchy into revealing PintofDoom's true identity!

28th Jan 2020, 20:35
Think they will be more concerned in making the routes work? Interesting few months ahead ..the Teesside public/ or in this case business community need to start booking?

Newcastle with a bigger financial market couldn’t make London City work.
Couldn't make Cardiff work
Couldnt make IOM work
Couldn't make Belfast Harbour work

Dublin and Southampton should be ok?

lets see....

Albert Hall
28th Jan 2020, 20:39
The document quoted above was the same one I got, so if its circulation was restricted, then it wasn't marked as such and wasn't particularly controlled.

It doesn't say anything on the page above that line about the 75% / 25% share. I read it as Teesside foots the bill for the operation and Eastern takes 25% of the ticket sales to pay for its aircraft costs, but I may be wrong.

There's still no sign of any flights on sale, which is very odd. There is also no mention of Flybe in the document which is very odd. Are Flybe fully on board with this or are Eastern going to somehow need to resurrect their own booking system for this? The flights aren't going to get very far if no-one can book on them and there was nothing to say that tickets would be on sale from a set date on a set website. It's all a bit odd.

28th Jan 2020, 20:47
So basically, Eastern are contract flying for the airport with the airport taking most of the risk?

Eastern's own press release makes clear that this is still a Flybe franchise operation. Exactly what involvement Flybe have other than selling tickets (so presumably taking a cut!), isn't clear.

Albert Hall
28th Jan 2020, 21:19
That's the way I read it, yes.

Eastern's press release mentions Flybe but there was no mention of Flybe at the press conference and none in the document. The flights aren't on sale with no date given for that to happen. I am beginning to wonder if Flybe is not on board with Eastern or Eastern is not on board with Flybe on this one, I don't know which.

28th Jan 2020, 21:39
Big question is will Flybe still be here by the summer

28th Jan 2020, 22:16
Just maybe it takes FlyBe some time to update their systems to add new routes, fares, fare rules, setup any interlining and any potential codeshares?

29th Jan 2020, 05:13
Just maybe it takes FlyBe some time to update their systems to add new routes, fares, fare rules, setup any interlining and any potential codeshares?

All the sort of things you'd expect to have been sorted before a launch?

29th Jan 2020, 07:18
As some people may or may not know, Eastern current record is sketchy to say the least, they did not commit to the Glasgow base which closed after 3 months, Southampton has opened and closed multiple times and more recently the closure of their Norwich base which was run down by the company.

They have no sense of direction a dying fleet of J41s, The Saab 2000s they were trying to dispose of, 2 145s with no real commercial purpose and 3rd one sat at Humberside they won't fly. And the two ATRs they operate on behalf of Bristows.

I cannot see such a venture actually working as their is not much time to get everything up and running fully and crews will be brought in from all over the remaining bases adding to the costs that need to be covered.

The first sunday flight from NCL-CWL was cancelled due to technical issues with the aircraft after it had a whole saturday sat on the ground.

Also the document i posted was not labelled as sensitive/private.

29th Jan 2020, 07:52
I would thing Loganair are busy as we type ,looking to see if they can fit in a double daily Cardiff from Newcastle.Ryanair looking to slash Newcastle and Leeds fares to Dublin and a new player jumping on the Harbour route.This will be the problem I suspect and the new routes as always will be squeezed from all angles.
Eastern will have to perform like never before..with competitive fares and reliable aircraft.

Atlantic Explorer
29th Jan 2020, 07:57
Eastern will have to perform like never before..with competitive fares and reliable aircraft.

........and that’s exactly where the whole operation will come unstuck! Someone is going to be losing a whole load of money along the way. It smacks of desperation from both sides that this whole operation has been devised and IMO it’s not going to end well.

29th Jan 2020, 08:03
I would thing Loganair are busy as we type ,looking to see if they can fit in a double daily Cardiff from Newcastle.Ryanair looking to slash Newcastle and Leeds fares to Dublin and a new player jumping on the Harbour route.This will be the problem I suspect and the new routes as always will be squeezed from all angles.
Eastern will have to perform like never before..with competitive fares and reliable aircraft.
I doubt that they would go double daily but I could see a daily flight working. I'd also imagine that their phones are red hot at the moment!

Cautious Optimist
29th Jan 2020, 11:05
Far too much negativity on here; Eastern acknowledged their shortfalls at the press conference and gave their planned solutions so from this point on it's innocent until proven guilty.

29th Jan 2020, 11:24
Far too much negativity on here; Eastern acknowledged their shortfalls at the press conference and gave their planned solutions so from this point on it's innocent until proven guilty.
Might give us more confidence if Flybe decided to update their website and stop flying from 'Durham Tees Valley'
Their complete silence on these new flights is very worrying.

29th Jan 2020, 12:17
Moving on, can anybody confirm how long IOM is planned to operate?

30th Jan 2020, 08:15
I seem to remember Dan Air using a HS 748 did quite well on the IOM route.

31st Jan 2020, 06:23
I'd love to see the business case for this one - I'm sure there are better ways to spend £6m on public transport on Teesside

Teesside Airport railway station to see potential £6m investment (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/18199890.teesside-airport-railway-station-see-potential-6m-investment/)

31st Jan 2020, 06:42
Best case would be to move it nearer to the entrance road so the houses of the extended village could use it and the local service bus could pass on the way to the terminal.

31st Jan 2020, 08:13
SWBKCB..agree...amazing waste of valuable financial resources.I’ve said so many times..all of this money would be much better spent on improving the whole transport structure on Teesside !
Another pointless Vanity Project!

31st Jan 2020, 08:16
SWBKCB..agree...amazing waste of valuable financial resources.I’ve said so many times..all of this money would be much better spent on improving the whole transport structure on Teesside !
Another pointless Vanity Project!
Working in the bus industry what we could do with £6m in Teesside...! Only have to look at the amount of people using the train to Manchester Airport as a percentage of overall users to see Teesside’s station is never going to be heavily used

Convair 440
31st Jan 2020, 15:24
Best case would be to move it nearer to the entrance road so the houses of the extended village could use it and the local service bus could pass on the way to the terminal.

It`s a little more than 1mile from the oak Tree to the railway station in Middleton st George with a frequent bus service which is about every 30mins

31st Jan 2020, 21:04
For all those people with the constructive (negative) feedback for Eastern, I think it is worth a mention that they operated all their flights this week on time and on a J41!

1st Feb 2020, 07:09
Station improvements include removing the bridge and the far platform, don't know how that would improve matters only allowing trains in one direction. Might as well just close the station and remove it, then use the land for aviation.

Convair 440
1st Feb 2020, 09:23
Station improvements include removing the bridge and the far platform, don't know how that would improve matters only allowing trains in one direction. Might as well just close the station and remove it, then use the land for aviation.
Don`t see how that's going to cost 6m

1st Feb 2020, 09:32
Whilst we await all the new routes being put on sale, here are the....

December CAA stats:

Terminal passengers: 11,273 - up 2% v prior year

Aberdeen: 1,109 - down 2%
Amsterdam: 9,188 - up 7%
Enontekio: 377 - up 1%

AMS back into growth territory and it is the best December on the route since 2005! ABZ down slightly - hopefully we have reached the low point on this route and it is uphill now. Good figures for the Santa charter to Finland (although there was a second one in 2018 to Pajala Yllas in Sweden which didn't appear this year).

Full year 2019 passengers: 147,824 - up 6% v 2018 and the best year since 2013 (159,311 pax then)

Aberdeen: 18,036 - down 21% & the worst year since at least 1999
Amsterdam: 118,907 - up 7% & the best year since 2007
All other routes: 10,881 - up 87% & the best year since 2013

Albert Hall
1st Feb 2020, 09:50
Routes still not on sale with no announcement of when that will happen. Mention of Flybe involvement is very limited - it wasn’t mentioned once at the press conference. It is all very odd.

1st Feb 2020, 10:14
But given the publicity around Flybe at the moment, not very surprising?

1st Feb 2020, 10:30
Weren’t some of the routes to start in Feb? Surely they must be on sale soon?

1st Feb 2020, 10:34
Cardiff is 10 February, then BHD, DUB, SOU on 9 March

1st Feb 2020, 10:36
London City – Monday 27 April

Isle of Man – Saturday 30 May

1st Feb 2020, 10:37
Weren’t some of the routes to start in Feb? Surely they must be on sale soon?
A advert on the Eastern Airways website say MME flights to BHD, DUB, IOM, LCY and SOU go on sale 7th Feb,


1st Feb 2020, 10:41
A advert on the Eastern Airways website say MME flights to BHD, DUB, IOM, LCY and SOU go on sale 7th Feb,


Be interesting to see what prices they will be charging.......

1st Feb 2020, 11:11
Don`t see how that's going to cost 6m

£700k to make the station safe by removing the platform and footbridge.

Flying Hi
1st Feb 2020, 14:57
Don`t see how that's going to cost 6m
Where's the logic in trains in one direction only, unless the whole line is going to Single Line Working.
And which platform is going? The Departures or the Arrivals , so to speak.

2nd Feb 2020, 08:06
So is it correct that CWL starts 10 Feb but only goes on sale from 7th Feb. Not much time to sell seats for the big launch.

2nd Feb 2020, 08:10
So is it correct that CWL starts 10 Feb but only goes on sale from 7th Feb. Not much time to sell seats for the big launch.
Pretty sure its already onsale.

2nd Feb 2020, 08:13
So is it correct that CWL starts 10 Feb but only goes on sale from 7th Feb. Not much time to sell seats for the big launch.

Cardiff flights from Durham Tees Valley for sale now on the Flybe website....

Convair 440
2nd Feb 2020, 18:36
Best case would be to move it nearer to the entrance road so the houses of the extended village could use it and the local service bus could pass on the way to the terminal.
Might be better to move it down the track near to the entrance to the south side development

4th Feb 2020, 16:57
Looks like Balkan have doubled Bourgas for the summer

4th Feb 2020, 18:08
Looks like Balkan have doubled Bourgas for the summer

Twice weekly for next summer 2021, flights will be Thu & Sun to Bourgas

4th Feb 2020, 18:18
The article on the Gazette's website certainly reads like this summer, but the press release on the TVCA website is clear that it is 2021

Balkan Holidays has today (Tuesday 4 February) announced that it is doubling the number of its flights to Bulgaria from Teesside International Airport for summer 2021, following excellent sales for its 2019 and 2020 services.

Teesside Airport Doubles Summer Sun Flights With Balkan (https://teesvalley-ca.gov.uk/teesside-airport-doubles-summer-sun-flights-with-balkan/)

5th Feb 2020, 15:29
More good news. I like it.

Do we know what days the flights will run next year and what the length of the summer period is?

I suspect we will know soon if the Palma flights are selling well enough to return in 2021, and indeed whether these will grow and include new destinations.

With the airport now busy in theory during the day, the marginal cost of staffing for further flights must be negligible meaning more money to be made for every new flight they bring in. (Peel axed charters because they couldn’t justify the expense of manning minimal flights).

5th Feb 2020, 15:53
Do we know what days the flights will run next year and what the length of the summer period is?

#301 says Thurs and Sun

I suspect we will know soon if the Palma flights are selling well enough to return in 2021, and indeed whether these will grow and include new destinations.

The Spanish tour operator JetsGo only offer flights to Palma from any of their points of origin.

Peel axed charters because they couldn’t justify the expense of manning minimal flights

I've always struggled with this arguement - doesn't take many people to turn round a 737

5th Feb 2020, 19:10
Would still like to see at least one other new operator. I know we do have the flights to Palma the rest are just existing operators trying a different spin.

7th Feb 2020, 12:50
I hear that the embraer 170 is coming to operate on the MME - LCY - MME and also the MME - DUB - MME routes.
How true that is we will have to wait until the seat maps are loaded into the booking engine of the web site

7th Feb 2020, 13:42
I guess that would be extended to the LCY route too?

7th Feb 2020, 13:53
I hear that the embraer 170 is coming to operate on the MME - LCY - MME and also the MME - DUB - MME routes.
How true that is we will have to wait until the seat maps are loaded into the booking engine of the web site

Mayor must have deep pockets. Weren't the flights meant to be on sale today? Flybe website only showing direct flights from DTVA (still) to CWL and ABZ

7th Feb 2020, 14:14
Mayor must have deep pockets. Weren't the flights meant to be on sale today? Flybe website only showing direct flights from DTVA (still) to CWL and ABZ
It has been noted in a few circles.

7th Feb 2020, 15:09
I have no doubt the routes could grow into the Embraer 170, but seems a bit big to start off with

7th Feb 2020, 17:18
Mayor must have deep pockets. Weren't the flights meant to be on sale today? Flybe website only showing direct flights from DTVA (still) to CWL and ABZ

Apparently on sale 9am Monday morning.

8th Feb 2020, 17:24
All new routes are now on sale via online travel agents (but not on flybe.com).

All fares (for the moment anyway) to/from LCY, SOU, IOM, BHD and DUB are £80.95 each way (even the DUB-MME leg which doesn't attract APD) although some of the return flights are a few pennies cheaper. Most flights to CWL are now also £80.95 as are the Tue-Fri ABZ flights (Sun & Mon are a lot more expensive). You can also book connections onto FlyBe's network which will open up a lot of new destinations.

I booked the inaugural MME-LCY on 27 April.

8th Feb 2020, 19:19
Seemingly E145 operating MME- DUB & BHD initially. J41 to SOU and CWL

10th Feb 2020, 07:48
All flights available for sale on flybe.com - most priced at around £69.95 one way.

Shame the FlyBe haven't managed to update the name of the airport on their website yet...

10th Feb 2020, 07:50
Flights available to book online now

LCY flights on the SAAB 2000
SOU, BHD & DUB on the Embraer 145

10th Feb 2020, 14:17
Flights available to book online now

LCY flights on the SAAB 2000
SOU, BHD & DUB on the Embraer 145
The ER4 will only be used to operate the 6 x weekly BHD and DUB services and weekday services to SOU (Sunday rotation is op by J41) from 9th March to 26th April. From 27th April a S2000 will be used to operate DUB and LCY services. Flights to BHD and SOU will be op by J41

10th Feb 2020, 15:39
Ah that makes more sense especially the BHD. I thought the jet was a little bit of overkill!

10th Feb 2020, 19:32
Gazette story about the tickets going on sale.

Ticket prices for new routes from Teesside Airport to Ireland are unveiled (https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/ticket-prices-new-routes-teesside-17724397)

12th Feb 2020, 06:00
Airport continues to be an issue in the Mayoral election

However, Jessie Joe Jacobs, Labour’s Tees Valley Mayor candidate, has called for transparency on how much has been offered up. She said: “If subsidies are going to flights, are we going to see subsidies for buses for places like Port Clarence, where people cannot get to their local hospital without getting a taxi? I am fully supportive of our airport and I want to see it succeed, but I want transport infrastructure and the whole thing to work together. At the moment, we are failing on buses and on the railways. He (Ben Houchen) needs to keep his eye on the whole ball – not just the airport.”

Echo - Taxpayers are subsidising new Teesside Airport routes (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/18227920.dublin-belfast-london-flights-subsidised-local-authority/)

12th Feb 2020, 07:26
I’m conflicted in my view on this.

On the one hand, you have to do things to stimulate demand and build economies of scale. On the other, using taxpayers money to subsidise what will largely be business travel to locations where adequate alternatives already exist worries me, both ethically and environmentally. Could the money have been better spent elsewhere in the region.

For now, I’ll take the huge positive that loads of new flights are coming but it’s clear that, at least initially, these flights are not commercially viable.

12th Feb 2020, 07:58
Good points P330...all have been raised previously.

The money spent would have had much more impact on Teesside as a whole if it had been used to subside services,both social and locally economic.
As it is the Teesside taxpayer is subsiding folk..probably a lot from outside the region to have a weeks summer holiday in Bulgaria or Spain!
The Airport was doing ok with core Amsterdam and Aberdeen routes for the business community.
These new business ? flights may over years work..but again massive input of local money..When other alternatives are available close by?
Aviation is falling out of favour with environmental campaigners and can only get worse?

12th Feb 2020, 08:04
but again massive input of local money

Slight correction - the Mayor's investment pot isn't local money but comes from central government.

12th Feb 2020, 08:14
I agree to an extent.

However, initial subsidies, can be like a loss leader in commercial businesses...something that kick starts something that ultimately leads to commercial viability. I suspect this is the case here. Will the routes become self-sustaining and/or will this attract new players so the combination of all routes become self sustaining. So, the big picture idea is probably the right one but initially, in these difficult times, it’s a tricky pill to swallow.

By the way, I haven’t seen anything that suggests the holiday flights are subsidised?

On taxpayers money, this is central funds devolved as opposed to being entirely funded by local council tax.

12th Feb 2020, 08:29
The Teesside public voted him in and he's doing what he said he'd do. If you don't like it vote him out! Next election is coming up.
The subsidies are no different to any airport that subsidies a new route. It happens, it's the industry. Its clear Peel weren't interested so the mayor came in with the promise of making a go of it.
The worry is that the Labour candidate believes this is strange in the industry.... leading to me thinking she can't be trusted or that she doesn't have an understanding of business.
Support the routes and the subsidies wont be needed. If they over achieve it could be that larger aircraft are used and economies of scale are reached thus reducing ticket price further. If it works the whole project could give confidence to other airlines or existing to open new routes and hopefully lead to removal of the passenger departure fee.

Those that keep harping on about alternatives from other airports are clearly from those areas and have an agenda.
Remember this is what the Teesside public wanted.

12th Feb 2020, 08:37
The subsidies are no different to any airport that subsidies a new route

I would assume so also. However, there was a discussion earlier in the thread of a 75/25 split in ticket money between the airport and Eastern, which suggests there maybe something other than normal route development funding

12th Feb 2020, 08:38
I agree to an extent.

On taxpayers money, this is central funds devolved as opposed to being entirely funded by local council tax.

- that includes Teesside tax payers
- arguably the people of Teesside could be better served if this centrally funded pot which has been allocated to them, is spent on other projects within Teesside.

The problem with giving central funds to local mayors is that you end up with grand gestures such as the Boris Bridge, or the Boris Cable Car.

12th Feb 2020, 09:28
Onion - you are right: this is what people wanted, a stimulus is often needed to kick things off and I can live with that, but we should all accept that when it’s a public money stimulus, there will be added scrutiny and the Mayor and the owners should be ready and willing to defend that.

It makes me feel uncomfortable, but for the sake of long term benefit, it is probably the right thing to do. If other airlines come in as a result, then it will probably be job well done.

With 2021 routes starting to come on sale, I wonder if we dare dream that the intention of winning a lo-co could come to fruition in the
coming weeks...::

12th Feb 2020, 15:34
Its clear Peel weren't interested so the mayor came in with the promise of making a go of it.
Not to defend a company that is no longer in the picture, but the only thing the Mayor/TVCA/Stobart have done (entirely themselves) so far is the name change. They claimed credit for Balkan returning for a second season but A) they in all likelihood would have anyway and B) you never negotiate airline deals as singular terms, they're always three or five year deals so I find it very hard to believe any negotiating was required at all for the second season. The JetsGo deal was taken to an advanced stage of negotiation by Peel then placed on hold when the takeover completed, so the Mayor was handed that one as a nice neat package. Whilst the Eastern deal is solely the new regimes, Peel had a similar, possibly larger operation lined up through Loganair who were planning a whole network of routes, many covered now by Eastern. Loganair's included Jersey and Guernsey (a photo of the Guernsey application appeared on here) as well as a Dundee-Durham-Southampton amongst others.

To the best of my knowledge anything Peel had in the pipeline is now either complete or discarded, so whatever comes next will give a more accurate picture of how effective the new regime is - and I'm sure they will be.

12th Feb 2020, 16:01
Excellent post Robert...

looking at the broader NE picture..we are a backwater.. HS2.. an expensive folly. No benefit at all to the NE. We are the East Coast line? And the majority of Teesside is outside of that! Aviation the same..whatever we think TIA , NCL and CAX. Will always have a major battle for new routes ,limited passengers and Freight. Because at the end of the day..the country will remain London-centric....

Its a large pie but we have very small pieces and will have to fight for everything..as a result it’s diluted and we end up with negligible amounts!

And the weathers worse here toooooo!

12th Feb 2020, 16:12
Robert-Ryan I ll give you the Gurnsey but not the other stuff unless you have proof.
That company could not be trusted.
Its more likely that Logan never had any intention to do the other claimed flights and never discussed them or Peel weren't prepared to support them in their endeavours. Yet Peel could of if they had invested what was originally promised.
Peel were (at MME) a horrible company who bullied manipulated and harassed staff. Didnt care for the place and couldn't be trusted. I would quite happily tell any director or senior manager of them that too.
There are several who were on the receiving end of their compassion, and still are.
I'm unsure why you support them but they do not deserve it.

12th Feb 2020, 16:34
onion not looking to start any arguments, Peel employed me for a few years and I never saw that side of them, but I concede from what I hear that previous incarnations of the company were as you described. I can only comment on the version I dealt with which seems to have been very different at the end than the beginning. I supported them when they were here yes, it's a bit strong to say I support them now but I do like things presented correctly and everything I said in my previous post is true

12th Feb 2020, 16:56
And so it begins. 25% cost but I would be highly surprised if they take just 25% of any profits.

12th Feb 2020, 18:43
And so it begins. 25% cost but I would be highly surprised if they take just 25% of any profits.

Can somebody explain?

13th Feb 2020, 08:04
Can somebody explain?

Stobart have a 25% stake. But I can almost guarantee our money will cover the losses (subsidies in this case), but profits will walk out the door.

Get me some traffic
13th Feb 2020, 22:34
Robert Ryan, I am one of the many unfortunate victims of Peel's greed. I and many good friends and colleagues suffered under the long term plans for profit by a property development company. Peel wanted land to build. £500,000 for the airport, unbelievable. We were culled. Removed to facilitate a building site. People were dismissed by removing them from a presentation. People who spent over 30 years faithful service and believed passionately in the airport were shown the door without even a thank you .I found out that I was sacked when my airport pass wasn't renewed.. Listen to what Onion says, he knows a lot more that went on at that time. Peel tried to close the airport. How do you go from 900,000+ pax to 160,000 in less than 10 years when aviation was growing by 12%+ if you don't have an alternate agenda? Good luck to the new management. They deserve our support. Use it or lose it.

14th Feb 2020, 10:33
I'm not disputing the way Peel treated staff; it's quite clear from those who have served longer than I that what you say was correct at one time or another, but I never saw that side of them, or at least nothing on that scale, some mild stuff yes. But, I don't buy the close-to-build argument because ultimately they didn't close and they didn't build. If it were true they'd still be here holding out for near half a billion and the airport would be long gone.

15th Feb 2020, 18:23
I'm not disputing the way Peel treated staff; it's quite clear from those who have served longer than I that what you say was correct at one time or another, but I never saw that side of them, or at least nothing on that scale, some mild stuff yes. But, I don't buy the close-to-build argument because ultimately they didn't close and they didn't build. If it were true they'd still be here holding out for near half a billion and the airport would be long gone.

Building houses costs money. I wonder if the £4billion debt pile of a certain company which has been increasing for some time had anything to do with the quick sale of the airport to raise cash?

There was talk of a Hong Kong company putting money in, but dont think thats now happening. Might be a few shopping centres up for sale shortly.
I also heard that the airport staff had a rough time under the other company.

15th Feb 2020, 22:39
How do you go from 900,000+ pax to 160,000 in less than 10 years when aviation was growing by 12%+ if you don't have an alternate agenda?

By having an airport that's not quite in the right place at a time when
- competition from other airports is increasing as they know they have to offer deals and attract locos rather than rely on history
- regional flying is becoming very difficult (not just here and not just because of APD and improved rail links, but all over Europe).
-increased cost sensitivity tends towards centralising the operations of locos at bigger airports
- many other reasons!

Aviation may be growing, but not in every sector and not at every airport.

15th Feb 2020, 23:16
many other reasons! - including...

- being in one of the poorest, most remote areas of the country;
- having to shop in the charity/discount shop end of the market (Globespan/Baby)

12% growth - tell that to Prestwick, Blackpool, Coventry. The difference between MME and other secondary airports - Liverpool succeeded by getting LOCO's in when MAN wasn't interested, Leeds has Jet2, Cardiff the Welsh Govt, DSA suits Wizz's demographic.

16th Feb 2020, 15:19
Not really viable airport with NCL next door.

16th Feb 2020, 15:29
01475 and SWBKCB nicely put, glad to see people are starting to wake up to these issues, but SWBKCB I have to say - I'm surprised you are so accepting of this but struggle with the charter flight argument given they're both sides of the same coin?

16th Feb 2020, 15:53
R-R - I've consistently said that the North East airports struggle compared to others more for economic reasons than anything the airport operators do.

My issue with the charter flights i.e kicking out TUI, was the arguement that they were too expensive to handle (but KLM Fokkers and BE DHC8D weren't?).

16th Feb 2020, 17:54
Amazed its taken this long before the boot starts to go in and the Tees Tyne rivalries re appear. Its boring.

16th Feb 2020, 18:42
My issue with the charter flights i.e kicking out TUI, was the arguement that they were too expensive to handle (but KLM Fokkers and BE DHC8D weren't?).
My memory is too hazy at this point to attempt to repeat the case for it here other than to say it was iron clad at the time

16th Feb 2020, 18:44
On a lighter note..it’s a sad week for us departure/arrival boards aficionados....For the first time in years..the Teesside Airport information boards shows a destination not starting in the the letter ‘A’ ! Hello Cardiff !

20th Feb 2020, 13:38
Most will be aware that following Sajid Javid's resignation as Chancellor, the Govt is a bit less keen on saving Flybe

Many of the routes that Flybe operate are done with 78 seaters rather than 150+ seat aircraft operated by Easyjet/Ryanair so the like of Eastern may see an opportunity to expand. Would the planned new routes at Teesside still happen or might other more established regional routes from other airports that cannot support a 150 seat aircraft be taken up instead with Teesside "temporarily delayed for operational reasons" ?

20th Feb 2020, 14:46
Most will be aware that following Sajid Javid's resignation as Chancellor, the Govt is a bit less keen on saving Flybe

Many of the routes that Flybe operate are done with 78 seaters rather than 150+ seat aircraft operated by Easyjet/Ryanair so the like of Eastern may see an opportunity to expand. Would the planned new routes at Teesside still happen or might other more established regional routes from other airports that cannot support a 150 seat aircraft be taken up instead with Teesside "temporarily delayed for operational reasons" ?

Given they’re funded and therefore effectively PSO-type contracted then I think we can be fairly certain they’ll run. Reliability and punctuality has been pretty spot on since the announcement whereas before it was best described as shocking with flights regularly delayed and/or combined with other airports.

20th Feb 2020, 15:03
I can see a scenario where they run but how will flights be booked with no booking engine?

Of course this can be overcome, but surely this would takes weeks or months and could delay the start of the routes?

Cautious Optimist
20th Feb 2020, 16:44
Given their own financial situation I would suspect if Flybe go, Eastern go

26th Feb 2020, 15:45
Amazing amount of crew training at the airport over past few days!

would always love to know how much revenue it generates.?.definitely bumps up the movement figures though!

memories of 30 years ago...

Anyone got any any Cardiff figures yet?

26th Feb 2020, 17:27
Anyone got any any Cardiff figures yet?
The route did not start until 10th February. No CAA stats out yet.

26th Feb 2020, 18:06
Flybe/Eastern to Alicante just announced on FB by the Mayor! Twice a week from 17th July on E170 available to book from 3rd of March.

26th Feb 2020, 18:16
And its £119 one way.

26th Feb 2020, 18:20
Wow..who is the tour operator..or is it low cost flight only?

26th Feb 2020, 18:43
Flybe/Eastern to Alicante just announced on FB by the Mayor! Twice a week from 17th July on E170 available to book from 3rd of March.

Awesome news! Does anyone know if this is just for the main summer two months or longer? Dates/Times...?

I’m loving the good news this year and crossing everything that things go well. With Flybe’s precarious position and the virus news, we’re certainly starting at an interesting time!

26th Feb 2020, 18:54
More great news from Eastern. They’re definitely expanding outside their comfort zone with a route like this but certainly on the Mayor’s post last week Alicante came up time and time again as a requested destination so thumbs up to Eastern for reacting quickly here. Interesting comments in the Gazette article suggesting they’re working on an expanded European program for 2021...

26th Feb 2020, 19:10
I've been saying for ages that the east side of Darlington alone could fill a couple of flights a week to Alicante. Great news, good to see the airport finally getting back on the road to fulfilling its potential.

26th Feb 2020, 19:35
The new 2x weekly Teeside - Alicante flights will operate Mondays & Fridays and be bookable from March 2nd on Flybe website according to Eastern Airways facebook page update

Eastern Airways new Teeside - Alicante flights (https://www.facebook.com/EasternAirways)

26th Feb 2020, 20:15
Oh dear..an unbelievable advert though?

27th Feb 2020, 06:09
Leading members of Darlington Borough Council (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/council/darlingtonboroughcouncil/), which has maintained its stake in the airport since Tees Valley Combined Authority (TCVA) agreed to buy the 89 per cent shareholding of Peel Holdings in January last year, will next week also consider supporting the huge development scheme through a £23.6m loan from TVCA to create roads, utilities and flood mitigation works....

...The meeting will hear following a robust selection process Stockton (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/local/teesside/stockton/) developers Theakston Land and Billingham-based Wynyard Business Park had been chosen to take the project forward....

...A report to the cabinet meeting states the firms were selected after agreeing not to take any profit out early in the development, and forego pay for their management of the infrastructure works. The firms also said they were prepared to earn their returns in the long-term, through dividends, which would depend on effective partnership working.

Northern Echo - Airport development plan set to take step forward (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/business/18263692.teesside-international-airport-development-plan-set-take-step-forward/)

27th Feb 2020, 13:42
Do we know how many weeks the Alicante flights will run for?

Cautious Optimist
27th Feb 2020, 13:58
July - September

27th Feb 2020, 14:04
Will be interesting to see how the crewing is going to work if its only a short season, guess they are going to need two or three cabin staff.

Flybe operated the two 170s out of Doncaster so it would be interesting to see how that operation compared to this.

1st Mar 2020, 09:52
Does anyone have any information on the Jersey flights - direct flights still not bookable on Flybe, but can book holidays, where the flights are with flybe.. have they gone just to charter flights and not scheduled?

1st Mar 2020, 17:16
I notice that Newmarket Holidays are advertising a holiday using a flight from MME to Bergamo during June. Apologies if this has already been mentioned in the thread.

2nd Mar 2020, 09:10
ALC flights are up for sale on the BE website (and they're now from Teesside!) and run until 12 Sept. The base fare quoted is hand luggage only (cue social media outrage) - saw a return flight for £99?

The Saturday direct Jersey flights also showing on the DHC-8D (BE1185/86).

2nd Mar 2020, 12:43
MME-ALC 0800-1050/1150-1440 Monday and Friday BE7780/1 17/7/20 through to 11/9/20 according to Amadeus.
However - suspect timings incorrect as it shows 1h50 out and 3h50 home!

2nd Mar 2020, 15:19
Just over a week until the new services start with Flybe/Eastern.
Any ideas how bookings are looking?

2nd Mar 2020, 15:54
MME-ALC 0800-1050/1150-1440 Monday and Friday BE7780/1 17/7/20 through to 11/9/20 according to Amadeus.
However - suspect timings incorrect as it shows 1h50 out and 3h50 home!
Nothing to do with British Summer Time of course!

2nd Mar 2020, 19:59
Nothing to do with British Summer Time of course!
I don't think it is. Those times do indeed look suspect, i.e. wrong :)

2nd Mar 2020, 20:42
The FlyBe website has the timings as MME 0800-1150 ALC and ALC 1250-1440 MME.

3rd Mar 2020, 08:36
Southside ground clearing and utilities work started this week so if aviation doesn't take off we have a good industrial estate basis.

3rd Mar 2020, 12:44
I don't think it is. Those times do indeed look suspect, i.e. wrong :)

Alicante is 1hr ahead of UK time, both GMT and BST, which explains the anomoly.

3rd Mar 2020, 16:37
Alicante is 1hr ahead of UK time, both GMT and BST, which explains the anomoly.
Yep. I'm not familiar with Amadeus, so maybe they have all their times in GMT, not sure.

3rd Mar 2020, 19:22
Jan 20 Pax Figures are out.

Aberdeen 1,120 (1,638) -32%
Amsterdam 8,981 (8,221) +9%

As expected Aberdeen took a dive in January but punctuality was absolutely horrific. Amsterdam continues to grow and is up on Jan19 by nearly 10%. I’m sure someone can do the load factor figures on that but KLM must be happy with how it’s going

3rd Mar 2020, 19:54
Assuming you got the percentages the wrong way around? Eastern have been almost faultless since the relaunch, it will be interesting to see their figures going forward

3rd Mar 2020, 20:05
Assuming you got the percentages the wrong way around? Eastern have been almost faultless since the relaunch, it will be interesting to see their figures going forward

No, figures are correct. Jan 20 first, in brackets is Jan19

3rd Mar 2020, 22:30
Sorry thought Aberdeen said +9% and AMS -32%

Cautious Optimist
4th Mar 2020, 18:21
Struggling to fathom how the next three routes starting on Monday are going to work, the aircraft leaves for Southampton at 0720 returning at 1050, but is supposed to be going to Belfast at 0950 which is obviously impossible, I believe when the Saab takes over after seven weeks it only takes over BHD and DUB with SOU going to the J41, so perhaps to start with a non-based aircraft will position in for BHD?

4th Mar 2020, 19:17
Fly Be on the brink..will this have an effect on Eastern as mentioned earlier? Sad times for all..not just the aviation industry..

4th Mar 2020, 20:08
I suppose Eastern in poll position to take over the Jersey series?

4th Mar 2020, 20:52
I suppose Eastern in poll position to take over the Jersey series?
They'd be daft not to, given its mostly all paid for

4th Mar 2020, 20:56
Wonder if the Eastern flights will operate tomorrow?

4th Mar 2020, 21:01
Wonder if the Eastern flights will operate tomorrow?

Business as usual and a New Eastern booking system kicks in on Monday according to Ben Houchen.

Atlantic Explorer
5th Mar 2020, 12:29
So is there really a market for 2 SOU flights so close to each other now that LM will be operating from NCL to SOU and also to EXT?

5th Mar 2020, 12:32
BE operated SOU for years. Eastern will be also operating SOU from LBA.

Atlantic Explorer
5th Mar 2020, 12:42
BE operated SOU for years. Eastern will be also operating SOU from LBA.

Well that’s exactly my point, is there enough demand for all these flights to SOU? LBA certainly seems a stable market, and obviously NCL as it’s been done for years, but how will MME fair will be the big question.

5th Mar 2020, 17:16
and now Eastern are back on SOU-NCL...

6th Mar 2020, 07:08
Sadly it looks like Jersey has been dropped for the summer, fairly big loss for passenger numbers.

6th Mar 2020, 07:14
Potential one for Eastern to pick up?

6th Mar 2020, 08:02
It would be a sensible option, but we have been removed from the tour operators system. I suppose they could always sell it independently.

6th Mar 2020, 17:28
With it now being March they must have sold at least a number of seats on the Jersey flight so I presume there must be some info somewhere.

6th Mar 2020, 20:36
Arent they sucked into a 3 year deal.with MME?

6th Mar 2020, 20:41
All depends on how severe a penalty comes with the break clause in the contract with MME. I imagine Eastern right now would (if no penalty exists), happily drop MME to pick up the more promising routes that Flybe flew.

7th Mar 2020, 15:35
All depends on how severe a penalty comes with the break clause in the contract with MME. I imagine Eastern right now would (if no penalty exists), happily drop MME to pick up the more promising routes that Flybe flew.
I don’t think they would... why would you drop stuff you are getting paid (though we don’t know how much...) to fly?

7th Mar 2020, 15:49
I don’t think they would... why would you drop stuff you are getting paid (though we don’t know how much...) to fly?

Yes - I don't think the MME operation should be looked at as a normal operation where the airline carries the risk

7th Mar 2020, 16:57
All these routes..just where are the Eastern aircraft going to come from? They are not/were not the happiest airline on these threads..I’m sure the crews will have some input?

7th Mar 2020, 19:41
Crews might be more than an issue than a/c. There's the new 170, a S.2000 returned recently, and the rest of the fleet wasn't exactly stretched - especially the E.145's. The Atr's should also be less busy when the loss of the IAC contract kicks in.

Also, as pointed out elsewhere, there doesn't seem to be an ALC-MME sized gap in the E.170's SOU-MAN schedule in the summer.

9th Mar 2020, 06:37
Big day at MME today!

Hope the new schedule goes well!

Can anyone confirm if Southampton is twice a day by the way, per DTV movements?

9th Mar 2020, 08:55
Will be interesting to see how many pax fly on each flight today

9th Mar 2020, 18:01
Using Easterns booking engine, Dublin and Belfast would appear to have no more than 10 available seats over the coming week. Now I'm not sure if this is reliable, but if so surely it's a good sign?

9th Mar 2020, 18:35
Using Easterns booking engine, Dublin and Belfast would appear to have no more than 10 available seats over the coming week. Now I'm not sure if this is reliable, but if so surely it's a good sign?

Isn't that the number of seats available at the lowest fare?

Irish Cream
9th Mar 2020, 19:47
So any news on the performance of today’s new flights?

9th Mar 2020, 20:09
.....not specifically on MME flights, but this is up on their website this evening....

We apologise for the delays in customers trying to reach us today (Monday 9 March 2020), having already taken over 3,000 bookings so far today. Our teams have been inundated with calls and emails and are working hard to respond to everyone quickly. Our phone lines are open again at 8am tomorrow or book directly here on the website

9th Mar 2020, 20:23
Isn't that the number of seats available at the lowest fare?
Very possibly looking at some other flights.

9th Mar 2020, 21:40
Using Easterns booking engine, Dublin and Belfast would appear to have no more than 10 available seats over the coming week. Now I'm not sure if this is reliable, but if so surely it's a good sign?

I think it is misleading. Aberdeen Wick route shows "6 seats left" on many future dates and I know those flights aren't full this far out.

It could also indicate the number of seats left at the base fare.shown.

10th Mar 2020, 11:50
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x960/fb_img_1583840913218_60bde2628be6647561787329cd9f7927dde8588 3.jpg
Newquay and Bristol?

10th Mar 2020, 12:49
NQY is due to be served by Loganair from NCL I thought?

10th Mar 2020, 13:03
Newquay and Bristol are new - not been mentioned before from Teesside.

10th Mar 2020, 20:41
Wonder if Bristol and Newquay are typos; something that was intended at the last launch but failed, or something about to be announced?

Can’t help but feel for MME; for 10 years we have all craved new routes and they finally launch at what could well turn out to be one of the worst periods in aviation history.

10th Mar 2020, 22:17
That flyer is supposedly going round every household in the mayors constituency, I don't think his PR team would get it wrong.

Wonder if Bristol and Newquay are typos; something that was intended at the last launch but failed, or something about to be announced?

Can’t help but feel for MME; for 10 years we have all craved new routes and they finally launch at what could well turn out to be one of the worst periods in aviation history. On the other hand it might work with the demise of Flybe.

DC3 Dave
10th Mar 2020, 22:48
That flyer is supposedly going round every household in the mayors constituency, I don't think his PR team would get it wrong.

Obviously not. Would, for example, Boris Johnson ever make an inaccurate/ untruthful statement. People really should start to trust our politicians.

But it is good to see the airport making progress in difficult times - to say the least - for aviation.

Flying Hi
10th Mar 2020, 22:50
Not in this lifetime!

10th Mar 2020, 23:40
Just noticed on Ben's FB page that he repiled to a comment yesterday in regards to Exeter saying that he was "looking at Newquay and Bristol", so theres definitely some foundation to it.

11th Mar 2020, 00:13
Just noticed on Ben's FB page that he repiled to a comment yesterday in regards to Exeter saying that he was "looking at Newquay and Bristol", so theres definitely some foundation to it.

Fantastic words from Ben.

Why not charge on and link MME with BRS and NQY as well as (already served) CWL!

Massive market from the Tees Valley to the SW & Wales I'm sure...


11th Mar 2020, 00:39
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x960/fb_img_1583840913218_60bde2628be6647561787329cd9f7927dde8588 3.jpg
Newquay and Bristol?

And also no mention of CWL which is new.

12th Mar 2020, 18:51
Frightening times for the world..and the aviation industry?

On all these threads it’s cancelled,delayed,postponed flights!

Weirdly ,Teesside seems to be avoiding it all? Can’t answer why,other than the mayor has very deep pockets to subsidise routes?

Anyone know how many passengers are actually using these new flights.I know Newcastle is suffering big time and that’s with an established market.

12th Mar 2020, 19:15
Weirdly ,Teesside seems to be avoiding it all? Can’t answer why,other than the mayor has very deep pockets to subsidise routes?

Think you've answered you own question. Sure there will be performance requirements in the contract and I would be surprised if MME flights aren't being prioritised. Anyway, given the flyBe situation and then the lack of their own booking engine, it would be amazing if any of the new flights do anything to start with.

12th Mar 2020, 22:14
Around 30 passengers on the flight from Southampton tonight, which seems pretty good to me.

18th Mar 2020, 21:38
Not surprising but Dublin and Cardiff no longer bookable with Eastern, Belfast and Southampton prices have increased hugely, which might suggest they are stopping till at least after Easter, and Aberdeen down to 2 flights a day. Worrying times.

19th Mar 2020, 03:45
Just had a go, Dublin still bookable for June

19th Mar 2020, 07:21
Cardiff and Dublin suspended until the 17th of April


19th Mar 2020, 08:07
5 x weekly flights still operating to ABZ, SOU and BHD

19th Mar 2020, 09:47
KLM down to 1 daily until the 28th, then suspended.


19th Mar 2020, 17:00
Around 30 passengers on the flight from Southampton tonight, which seems pretty good to me.

This does sound very good considering what is going on. Then again there must be a lot of people using it to get to/from NCL that previously perhaps used the Flybe service.

20th Mar 2020, 08:05
Newcastle has a Southampton route.

Currently 1-2 daily with Eastern but Loganair starting on Monday.

23rd Mar 2020, 17:49
So Peel were accused of closing the airport for 16 years but never did and the saviour of a Mayor has done it in just over one :E

23rd Mar 2020, 17:59
It only refers to the airport terminal being closed, rather than no flying - the military will still need training and the Air Ambulance and IAS Medical aren't "non-essential" travel.

Teesside International Airport Terminal will be temporarily closed to the public from tomorrow, (March 24)

23rd Mar 2020, 18:32
Who knows what the passenger loads have been..the airlines are desperate,the airports are desperate...who knows where it will end.
A lot of money was invested in the airport by the mayor....the interesting times will be if no improvement..how will it be paid back?

24th Mar 2020, 19:10
A lot of money was invested in the airport by the mayor....the interesting times will be if no improvement..how will it be paid back?[/QUOTE]
I think you know what the answer to that will be. The Mayor obviously didn't have the benefit of a crystal ball. Kudos for trying.

24th Mar 2020, 19:31
It only refers to the airport terminal being closed, rather than no flying - the military will still need training and the Air Ambulance and IAS Medical aren't "non-essential" travel.

A couple of Cobhams have recently departed, so looks like it is the terminal and not the airport as a whole.

Not surprising, but the airshow has been delayed.

29th Mar 2020, 18:47
According to the Notams, airfield is open 07.00 to 17:00 Mon to Fri - closed Saturday and Sunday. Fire category reduced to 4.

29th Mar 2020, 18:57
Pretty good..seems to be open longer hours than Newcastle?

i suppose it’s to keep Flight Refuelling /Cobhams operating?

30th Mar 2020, 09:44
According to the Notams, airfield is open 07.00 to 17:00 Mon to Fri - closed Saturday and Sunday. Fire category reduced to 4.

These times are G.M.T. 08:00-18:00 B.S.T.

30th Mar 2020, 11:02
I really believe that the companies still struggling on rather than just closing and going on a deep freeze are probably going to be in a worse position when recovery starts. Far more sensible to call it quits soon and shut down to preserve cash.

30th Mar 2020, 11:09
Perhaps what they are doing is already paid for.

30th Mar 2020, 11:09
The major customer for Teesside at the moment is Cobham's, who are involved in air defence training - presumably still an essential activity?

30th Mar 2020, 17:35
The likes of Bournemouth and Southend are being used to store large amounts of aircraft, is there a reason that we are not considered for such work?

Flying Hi
30th Mar 2020, 17:43
The likes of Bournemouth and Southend are being used to store large amounts of aircraft, is there a reason that we are not considered for such work?
The remains of the 2 WW2 runways to the east and south east of the main should be quite useful..
Maybe the Mayor didn't ask anyone.

30th Mar 2020, 18:13
Old runways are fenced off and would need sweeping trees and bushes would need cutting out also. Hangar 1 is available but there are no on site engineers to maintain stored aircraft.

30th Mar 2020, 18:28
Hangar 1 is available but there are no on site engineers to maintain stored aircraft.

Yes - SEN and BOH either have somebody capable on site or are handy enough for other engineering bases (e.g LHR for BOH).

Cautious Optimist
30th Mar 2020, 21:53
The engineers argument is a bit thin; if BOH can get them from LHR I'm sure we could from within reasonable distance too. And if not the old runways then close off alpha and/or delta taxiways, stands 1-2/5RR etc. There is definitely space and definitely the means.

30th Mar 2020, 21:59
Isn't there space where they used to park the Tridents? Or is someone a bit too concerned that they'll just set fire to the nearest Airbus A319 out of habit - the BA ones do have quite a lot of the same callsigns!

31st Mar 2020, 08:56
February CAA stats:

Terminal passengers: 10,450 - down 5% v prior year

Aberdeen: 1,347 - down 6%
Amsterdam: 8,938 - down 1%
Cardiff: 124 - new
Southampton: 41 - presumably a charter as the route did not start until March

Note that in February 2019 there was a flight to Akureyri in Iceland (378 pax).

Rolling 12 month passengers: 147,695

31st Mar 2020, 11:05
I seem to remember sycamore advertising space for upto 40 narrowbodies, but I think that was before the southside fence went up, but I could be wrong. Obviously with the airport all but closed, Delta and sections od Alpha could be used, as at BOH.

11th Apr 2020, 07:21
Looks like KLM are currently not planning on restarting until 4th July - all subject to change.

12th Apr 2020, 22:10
Not sure if it has been picked up on here yet but Eastern have taken over the weekly Saturday flight to Jersey for this summer if it is eventually able to go ahead.

13th Apr 2020, 00:03
Knew it had been picked up and Eastern were red hot favourites but was never confirmed, do you have a source? If it goes ahead it will almost certainly be a partial programme from July onwards.

13th Apr 2020, 08:00
Knew it had been picked up and Eastern were red hot favourites but was never confirmed, do you have a source? If it goes ahead it will almost certainly be a partial programme from July onwards.
Do a dummy booking on https://www.jerseytravel.com/

6th June to 12th Sept is the current bookable dates. I suspect your estimate of July onwards is more realistic though!

13th Apr 2020, 09:41
do a dummy booking on https://www.jerseytravel.com/

6th june to 12th sept is the current bookable dates. I suspect your estimate of july onwards is more realistic though!

t37880 = mme 11:30 - jer 13:00
t37881 = jer 13:50 - mme 15:20

21st Apr 2020, 08:39
As thoughts turn ..hopefully to a relaxing of lockdowns,a vaccine and a very slow return to some form of normality..where do we all think this leaves our airports?

Contraction and even some closures is my wide sweeping guesstimate..
Up here ,we of course will be massively effected.

Carlisle at moment closed until July.
Newcastle barely open
Leeds even worse.

Only Teesside ,amazingly..and thanks to Cobhams work ,seem to have the best opening hours and most movements..who would ever have thought that! Proves that all airports should diversify their business plan.This has been mentioned on the thread before!

Which of these four have the brightest future?

Stay Safe!

21st Apr 2020, 11:17
All will be massively affected for the next 18 months. If we were still owned by Peel, this would be the death nail. Under our new ownership, we can maybe hang in there longer until normality returns.

As said before, old normality is probably 18 months away and by then we may all accept a new normal.

I certainly think the airports planned attraction of a lo-co will now not happen for a couple of years. We also need Eastern to survive.

As for Leeds and Newcastle, they will survive but they will take a big near term hit IMO.

21st Apr 2020, 11:56
Under our new ownership, we can maybe hang in there longer until normality returns.

Till the next mayoral elections at least, though it might also depend on what other budget pressures TVCA now come under.

As for Leeds and Newcastle, they will survive but they will take a big near term hit IMO.

NCL hadn't recovered back to 2007 levels - its always the poorer, remote regions who are impacted the most

21st Apr 2020, 12:29
Good point SWBKCB..the budget pressures may be greater on Teesside as the plans called for new business.It was never foreseen that there actually would be no business!
Not sure about Leeds but Newcastle I would guess, have this last financial years pot to prop them up..maybe not pay dividends to the councils and have the staff ready and primed when needed.
Teesside ,I suppose have the guaranteed Cobhams contract money to keep them going.Everything else will have to come from the mayor’s deep pocket?

22nd Apr 2020, 10:55
Extract taken from the movements website this morning.

It is understood that Willis Lease are taking over Hangar 1 and 1A and are specialist's in engine leasing and overhaul, along with part-out and storage. They will also require outside parking bays, which are not known at present.

22nd Apr 2020, 13:26
Unfortunately....! It looks like they are going to be pretty busy boys!!

23rd Apr 2020, 13:40
All reference to this has since been removed for some reason🤔

23rd Apr 2020, 13:46
Still being promoted on the Willis Lease website under "Latest News"


23rd Apr 2020, 14:18
Still being promoted on the Willis Lease website under "Latest News"

Believe the Mayor will issue a press release about it in due course! Has been promoted on Willis Lease’ Facebook page since at least the start of the month.

23rd Apr 2020, 14:56
Ah, was wondering why he hadn't got his face in the paper!

23rd Apr 2020, 15:37
At least it’s business ..and a lot of Northern airports would give their right arms to have such diversity?

24th Apr 2020, 07:20
Does Sycamore Aviation still exist? I thought they had a dismantling business in hanger one.

24th Apr 2020, 11:53
Does Sycamore Aviation still exist? I thought they had a dismantling business in hanger one.
No not for a few years.

25th Apr 2020, 08:02
No not for a few years.
Thank you, lets hope this new firm make a go of it.

25th Apr 2020, 22:25
The Airport opening hours have now been revised to between 0700 and 2245 on weekdays, still PPR only.

26th Apr 2020, 07:55
Cobham do seem to have been busy lately - is it just more noticable with nothing else flying, or are they busier than normal?

26th Apr 2020, 22:14
To be honest Cobham are operating less than the usual number of flights.

29th Apr 2020, 12:03
March CAA stats (for what they are worth):

Terminal passengers: 5,215 - down 53% v prior year

Aberdeen: 820 - down 47%
Amsterdam: 3,836 - down 60%
Cardiff: 80 - new
Southampton: 239 - new
Belfast City: 136 - new
Dublin: 81 - new

Rolling 12 month passengers: 141,801

29th Apr 2020, 14:45
Like all airports..figures are pretty meaningless?

It’s the future that matters...Airport seems pretty secure due to ancillary work...Cobhams et.al....as long as those contracts continue..the airport might actually be in a better position than most after this nightmare is over?

6th May 2020, 05:35
Eastern have cancelled the August short series of IOM flights, after the cancellation of the Classic TT.

15th May 2020, 11:22
Willis Asset Management finally announced officially by Mayor Ben today, so I guess we can talk about it again...

15th May 2020, 11:36
A GLOBAL aviation company will be using Teesside airport as its base for European aircraft maintenance. The deal will create 20 high skilled jobs at the airport, with the opportunity for further expansion.

Willis Asset Management Limite, which has its headquarters in Florida, has leased a two hangars at the airport to allow it to house aircraft and parts while carrying out maintenance, storage and disassembly of a wide variety of commercial aircraft types.


18th May 2020, 15:33
How many staff work at Teesside airport under the new management? Are most being paid 80% by the government?

30th May 2020, 13:57
Restart of routes appears to have been delayed a week from previously available 15th. Aberdeen and Belfast due to return on 22nd June now, with a fairly quick increase after, Southampton & Cardiff restarting on 29th, and Amsterdam, Bourgas and London City around a week later. Alicante from 17th July.
Good to see operational airfield hours will be 7 days from Monday too!

31st May 2020, 12:29
Wonder if they will advertise the fact that its going to be open again.

31st May 2020, 14:02
Word is probably getting round anyway as been a lot of training,fuel stops this last month ?

Wonder when the first aircraft will arrive for the new US company..plenty of aircraft going to waste out there sadly☹️

31st May 2020, 14:03
Perhaps a first step would be to update the airport website from an 'Airport is closed' message to an 'Airport will reopen' message ?

2nd Jun 2020, 06:11
A quote from the local gazette about management not being replaced.

Neither the former chief executive of the South Tees Development Corporation (STDC), David Allison, or the ex-managing director of Teesside International Airport Limited, David Grant, who departed in April this year and September last year respectively, will be replaced and day to day operational management of these organisations will be undertaken by the respective director groups already in place.

3rd Jun 2020, 18:25
Looks like KLM have delayed their return until Monday 3rd August.

3rd Jun 2020, 18:58
April CAA stats released:

Terminal & transit passengers: 0

Only 245,000 passengers across all UK airports (v 24.6m last year), and only 15,000 passengers to/from non-London airports. LBA was also zero and NCL had 916 passengers.

4th Jun 2020, 13:27
I see the Mayor has been on twitter again. Eastern Airways are to announce a new Teeside to Newquay route starting July 6th 2020. On the same day the will also launch the planned Teeside - London City service.


4th Jun 2020, 13:35
I see the Mayor has been on twitter again. Eastern Airways are to announce a new Teeside to Newquay route starting July 6th 2020. On the same day the will also launch the planned Teeside - London City service.

I suppose with LM not serving NQY at all now this summer, then they might stand a chance.

Cautious Optimist
4th Jun 2020, 13:55
I suppose with LM not serving NQY at all now this summer, then they might stand a chance.
Would have anyway, NQY was an unexpected success for WW with a 148 seater so Eastern will do just fine

4th Jun 2020, 13:59
Would have anyway, NQY was an unexpected success for WW with a 148 seater so Eastern will do just fine

Even with around 4 weeks notice? And hotels might not even be fully open by then anyway

Flying Hi
4th Jun 2020, 14:00
Would have anyway, NQY was an unexpected success for WW with a 148 seater so Eastern will do just fine
8 - 9 hour drive at best so a winner.

Cautious Optimist
4th Jun 2020, 14:06
Even with around 4 weeks notice? And hotels might not even be fully open by then anyway
Hmm, interesting point, I'm confident it should still do well but just in case let's hope they don't judge it or any of the routes based on this years performance

4th Jun 2020, 14:26
Is NQY a holiday season flight or a full yearly.

4th Jun 2020, 15:01
Hmm, interesting point, I'm confident it should still do well but just in case let's hope they don't judge it or any of the routes based on this years performance
Will T3 count the year as part of the contract?:confused:

5th Jun 2020, 07:21
Is NQY a holiday season flight or a full yearly.

I looked at that service just now for my Yorkshire trip - seems to be just one flight a week only from Mid-July.

5th Jun 2020, 08:26
I looked at that service just now for my Yorkshire trip - seems to be just one flight a week only from Mid-July.
It is twice a week - Mon & Fri - from 6th July until 18th September I saw elsewhere.
Rumoured to be run with a J41.

5th Jun 2020, 09:45
It is twice a week - Mon & Fri - from 6th July until 18th September I saw elsewhere.
Rumoured to be run with a J41.

Thanks - I did only see one flight (MON) running when I looked on the booking site today (for the first two weeks of July) - maybe the FRI starts later?

5th Jun 2020, 10:38
Thanks - I did only see one flight (MON) running when I looked on the booking site today (for the first two weeks of July) - maybe the FRI starts later?
Certainly bookable Mon/Fri from 6th July now - maybe they were still uploading different dates? Confirmed they are J41 operated.

6th Jun 2020, 08:25
See Leeds have a Newquay service as well! Could be interesting..Eastern are certainly pushing the boat out considering no one is flying anywhere!

Thinking about the extended opening hours..see open all day weekends..,with no movements it must be costing a fortune in staffing? Is this coming out of the mayor’s budget I wonder? Belfast reported it was costing them 60k per day to stay open all hours.
Wonder what TIAs costs are?

19th Jun 2020, 11:22
Airport drive in music venue plans by Ben Houchen.
Comments about the stage and active runway.. Should be interesting if any litter is blowing around.


22nd Jun 2020, 19:34
Aggressive summer sale launched today on Teesside to London City, Belfast City, Aberdeen and Newquay. £49.99 (or a bit less) each way, availability is wide open until 13 September.

22nd Jun 2020, 19:52
Allegedly Eastern have applied for slots at Heathrow to operate a daily service from teeside.

Credit from Heathrow spotters if true.

22nd Jun 2020, 19:56
Allegedly Eastern have applied for slots at Heathrow to operate a daily service from teeside.

Credit from Heathrow spotters if true.
3x daily allegedly.
Flight numbers the same as SOU route, and mayor told me yesterday that SOU won’t resume on 6 July despite being bookable. Coincidence?

22nd Jun 2020, 19:56
Why not? Shy bairns get nowt. No better time to try, and if they get turned down it's not their fault...

Also, SOU is also £49 but doesn't get a mention.


22nd Jun 2020, 20:20
mmeteeside - sorry if I'm being a bit thick - but are you saying that the MME-SOU flight numbers will be used for MME-LHR or are you saying that the MME-LCY is being a MME-LCY-SOU route ?

22nd Jun 2020, 20:23