View Full Version : Historic TCDS

compressor stall
13th Jul 2019, 14:10
I'm trying to track down historic TCDS of a current type to determine some grandfather righting and when some compliance with updated regulations happened.

Is there anywhere that there is an historic archive of them for a type? FAA land. I've been googling the words and have obtained three past revisions over the last 25 years, but there's a LOT more and I want to try and narrow it down.

Thanks in advance.

Pilot DAR
13th Jul 2019, 16:01
Perhaps contact the TCDS holder. I would expect some pushback from the authority trying to show compliance to an earlier version of a TCDS. Changed produce rule may be enacted.

Dave Therhino
18th Jul 2019, 01:40
The TCDS is considered to be public information. Did you check the records available on rgl.faa.gov?

If that resource doesn't have what you need, contact the FAA aircraft certification office listed in the current TCDS version as responsible for the certificate and request that they pull their records of the historical revisions. They may not have complete records, but they should be willing to provide you with a copy of what they have. There is a records expert in each office and they are typically very helpful.

Mad (Flt) Scientist
18th Jul 2019, 01:47
Try hunting around on the FAA site a bit? As far as i can see it seems to have full histories ...



Unless you're looking for some real ancient stuff, I guess. I have found other instances where FAA didn't have all revisions (not all regulations have their full history online, for example)

edit: beaten to it

compressor stall
19th Jul 2019, 00:59
Perfect thanks to all for all the info - I had a bit of a senior's moment. I was looking at the historical page but the big warning in red saying it was no longer in force and to click here, and I couldn't see the pdf logo in the top left corner.....

11th Aug 2019, 03:52
Which aircraft are you researching CS? I've spent a far bit of time on the FAA site so think I know my way around a little. One thing I've found is that unless the type features in the registration listings somewhere in the world the TCDS no longer shows, different versions of the DC-3 being a case in point. Always found the Smithsonian most helpful when researching, think they now charge a fee, used to be free.