View Full Version : New User Post Approval

3rd May 2019, 23:43
What is the protocol/expected timeline for a post to be approved for a new member on this site? Is the poster notified if the post doesn't get approved and is there an opportunity to modify the post in that case?

Saab Dastard
4th May 2019, 12:16
What is the protocol/expected timeline for a post to be approved for a new member on this site? Is the poster notified if the post doesn't get approved and is there an opportunity to modify the post in that case?

There's no SLA for moderating posts - all the mods are volunteers, so it depends on the forum, the number of mods for that forum and how busy they are in their day jobs. It ranges from a few minutes in a busy forum with lots of mods to several hours in a forum such as this, with few mods. No notification is sent if a post isn't approved. Unapproved posts can't be edited. Of course, it's possible to post again.


4th May 2019, 16:54
Alright makes sense, thanks!