View Full Version : Indian pilot looking to settle in Canada

9th Apr 2019, 06:37
Hello everyone,
First of all, my profile is as follows.
TT - 2500 Hrs.
Indian (ICAO) ATPL with multi engine IR obtained this year.
FAA CPL with multi engine IR obtained in 2007
Currently flying for the Military and leaving in Dec 2019.

My wife is a Canadian PR holder in Toronto and after I leave my current service I intend to come up to Canada and convert my licence and find a job. As you can see from my profile it has been a long time since I was in the States. I checked the regulations and am aware of the exams to be given for conversion of licence. Now, is it easier to convert the FAA CPL to Canadian CPL/ATPL or from Indian ATPL to TC ATPL?
Also,what is the current job scenario for a pilot with my hours and military experience?
I plan to visit Canada In June to do the ground research but at the same time help here would be highly appreciated.

9th Apr 2019, 07:03
FAA should be easier to convert.
What aircraft have you been flying in the military?

9th Apr 2019, 07:11
Thanks for the quick reply.
I am currently flying turbo props - the Dornier 228.

So basically convert FAA CPL to TC CPL and then to TC ATPL?
I havent really been aware of this option until now.

9th Apr 2019, 08:11
That is the way to go. ICAO licenses have to go through a longer process.

9th Apr 2019, 08:20
Oh alright
I thought Canada and India being ICAO states, the conversion might be simpler.
Could you let me know of any flight schools in Toronto?
From other threads I could see Canadian flyers being one of the best ones out there.

9th Apr 2019, 08:31
just read the gist of the bilateral agreement between FAA and TC.
It does look way simpler to convert FAA CPL to TC CPL with a single exam on law and communications required and no skill test.
Thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely look into this option further.

9th Apr 2019, 11:14
Oh alright
I thought Canada and India being ICAO states, the conversion might be simpler.
Could you let me know of any flight schools in Toronto?
From other threads I could see Canadian flyers being one of the best ones out there.

+TSRA and Takira101 frequent this section. Both can provide you with the best information.