View Full Version : Is this possibly a record?

6th Apr 2019, 18:36
As a navigator in a constituted crew on one aircraft type, I shared a cockpit with the same pilot for 6 years during which we flew 4111 hours together. Might this be a record for a pilot/nav combination? Does anybody know of any other duo that might top this?

6th Apr 2019, 20:25
Which one of you worked out how to open the canopy after 6 years of trying?

6th Apr 2019, 20:26
With some pilots I've known, that would be 4110 too many.

Pontius Navigator
6th Apr 2019, 20:36
700 hours a year. I know of one crew that changed aircraft type and remained together for two hours with just the copilot on the first tour becoming captain on the second. 2,000 hours would be more likely.

MAD Boom
6th Apr 2019, 21:15
4111 hours with a Nav? There’s a guy with more need of a TRiM session than any other pilot in history.....

6th Apr 2019, 23:34
What type of aircraft? That sort of hours total sounds like transports but I didn't think constituted crews existed in that world. Loads of hours for V Force.

7th Apr 2019, 06:27
Support Helicopter.