View Full Version : Rumours & News thread locked

15th Mar 2019, 13:33
Is it locked for everyone or just me? Everything else is fine

If it is just me I'd love to know why.

Do the mods tell you or do you just have to guess??

20th Feb 2020, 06:21
Yep locked for me too and no doubt others, it all began with the Ukraine B737 thread, unfortunately the mods don’t give an explanation, I have tried 3-4 times to find out why but silence. That’s just the way they prefer to play it unfortunately.

20th Feb 2020, 19:48
I am in the same boat, now...

21st Feb 2020, 07:58
I gave up asking - even when I was in a decent conversation with Mods on the 24 hr rule on "What aircraft.." etc they never answered me on this ban

I think it may be that once you are locked out the software makes it very difficult to remove the ban...............

22nd Feb 2020, 05:48
But I cannot understand the rationale behind it when I have always abided by the forum rules??

22nd Feb 2020, 08:46
Someone may have complained, they may have got the wrong person, or they may have been tired and emotional - or all three - I once had a very strange message from on high that suggested the last two..............