View Full Version : CASSOA - Exam Question Bank

13th Feb 2019, 08:17
The East African CASSOA exam system has become the official system for personnel licensing examinations in East Africa. Providing a similar platform for all East African member states.
Does anyone know if there is any question bank available on the internet, as there is for FAA and EASA?

25th Feb 2019, 11:35
In plenty supply around HKNW but you certainly will have to pay something to even get a hold of all the exams. Way back when I was doing my PPL people were charging as high as 300USD for all questions including NAV plotting.

25th Feb 2019, 11:39
I have had the chance to have a glance at Airlaw and compared to the one I did before CASSOA exam came along the previous exams were abit harder to read for.

26th Feb 2019, 05:20
Will check them out,
Thanks CPT001

25th Aug 2019, 21:09
Any luck in getting the CASSOA database?

28th Aug 2019, 05:23
CASSOAS database and software are coming from a German company.... This company also sells a training software using the same database....

2nd Sep 2019, 07:13
I have now taken the CASSOA exam for my commercial converion exam in Tanzania. It did not end well.. Of the 100 questions there were about 20% of the questions in the test that is directely connected to a ATPL license. I have spoken to the TCAA about this and they act likt they dont know about this. After my third attempt I have given then all the questen written down in a pice of paper.. Cassoa is supposed to have a meeting on the 9 of this month. They told me that they would look into the case.. But I assume that as in normal African style they are not going to do anything about this. So I have now gotten a lawyer to look into this . time wil show.... Its not right for a goverment office to charge 225 USD for a test that is bogus... If there are anyone else that has had this issue,,, the more we can gather against the TCAA the better it is...

3rd Aug 2020, 14:34
Hello, I need to do the Kenya ATPL exam, does anyone have any information where i can get the exam question database, or any material for the exam? Anyone attempted the exam recently, i hear lots of different rumours.

Freddy Frank Jr.
26th Oct 2020, 21:30
Also am doing the exams here at TCAA
But I don't see any good results I think there would be a problem lets help each other friends any one with exams database

24th Aug 2022, 10:19
Hello, I need to do the Kenya ATPL exam, does anyone have any information where i can get the exam question database, or any material for the exam? Anyone attempted the exam recently, i hear lots of different rumours.
Did you get the ATPL CASSOA exam database?

28th Jun 2024, 03:34
Human factors questions and answers for aircraft maintenance