View Full Version : Kenya Airport Authority 'security awareness course'

28th Jan 2019, 09:59
Applying for a security pass for Nairobi Wilson, I am told I need to attend a morning "security awareness course" at JKIA.

The Wilson security people tell me I just turn-up at JKIA airport any morning and ask around to find the course! That seem kind of sketchy.

Does anyone have any experience of this and how to connect with the right place and time?


28th Jan 2019, 12:16
Hi Double_Barrel,

Unfortunately thats the way to get an air side pass. You need to go to the security office near customs and request to register for the one day course.

After attending the course, you will need to get a Good Conduct certificate, have your picture taken at the KAA office, fill in the application form and wait for vetting. You will pay 3k for the pass. Vetting may take a month or so depending in how soon the 'board" sits.

My 2 cents.

Best of luck

28th Jan 2019, 14:56
Hi Double_Barrel,

Unfortunately thats the way to get an air side pass. You need to go to the security office near customs and request to register for the one day course.

After attending the course, you will need to get a Good Conduct certificate, have your picture taken at the KAA office, fill in the application form and wait for vetting. You will pay 3k for the pass. Vetting may take a month or so depending in how soon the 'board" sits.

My 2 cents.

Best of luck

Thanks. I have been to the Wilson security office. I think I have done all the paperwork, they took my picture and fingerprints, then said '...and have you done the security course....' First I had heard about that.

But they insisted that I could not book onto a course, just turn-up at JKIA any morning and ask for the course! Sounds mad.

30th Jan 2019, 09:09
To close this off in case anyone is interested in the future...

But they insisted that I could not book onto a course, just turn-up at JKIA any morning and ask for the course! Sounds mad.

That's exactly what happened and it all went smoothly. I should not have doubted them!