View Full Version : Ryanair Contract 9 month on 3 month Off

737 CL
25th Jan 2019, 09:58
I was offered a 9 month on 3 month off contract as Cap in Spain. Does anybody knows the terms and conditions of this contract ?

25th Jan 2019, 10:30
You should probably ask the people who offered it to you

737 CL
25th Jan 2019, 10:45
Sure!! I asked but somebody could provide some terms that could be useful because they didn’t provide information during the roadshow.

25th Jan 2019, 11:19
It sounds like a new contract so i doubt there will be much info in here

25th Jan 2019, 14:51
Would your 3 months off be Jan, Feb and March by any chance so they don’t even have to give you paid leave.
Sounds like a good deal ( for Ryanair ).

25th Jan 2019, 14:57
Would your 3 months off be Jan, Feb and March by any chance so they don’t even have to give you paid leave.
Sounds like a good deal ( for Ryanair ).
I am sure nobody has forced him to accept it!

737 CL
25th Jan 2019, 21:13
Sure nobody force me to accept the contract I am trying to obtain more information only.

26th Jan 2019, 01:48
Silly question but why did you not ask about the terms and conditions at the time when they offered you the contract?

26th Jan 2019, 06:14
Maybe an Troll?

26th Jan 2019, 12:20
Okay, maybe it was a job advert for a 9/3 option during a marketing event.

Any details about the job offer behind it? Seems not yet.

737 CL
26th Jan 2019, 13:09
I asked about terms and conditions of this contract. I am waiting for the response.

26th Jan 2019, 14:13
Knowing Ryanair they are more than capable to make you fly 900 hours in those 9 month, so you would spend most of the remaining 3 months recovering from fatigue, and without getting paid..
I would be very careful.

The Range
28th Jan 2019, 03:26
You'll have to contribute to Social Security on your own during those three months if you don't want to loose those days when you retire

737 CL
29th Jan 2019, 21:12
Is incredible but I was chatting with Ryanair Pilots and they told me the same 900 hs in 9 months and no pay and contributions during the 3 months off. Apparently is a rubbish contract.

30th Jan 2019, 07:59
Is incredible but I was chatting with Ryanair Pilots and they told me the same 900 hs in 9 months and no pay and contributions during the 3 months off. Apparently is a rubbish contract.

Guys it is highly unlikely that they will ever come up with any kind of win-win contract or T&Cs, it's just not in their dna. Also consider that :

Ryanair issues profit warning as fares fall (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-46916389)

so they must be trying all sort of tricks in order to increase productivity.

30th Jan 2019, 10:04
You'll have to contribute to Social Security on your own during those three months if you don't want to loose those days when you retire

If you are an employee then you will get the 75% salary over the 12 months and the sector payments on top while flying

If you are on a different "contract" then you would have to contribute anyway

30th Jan 2019, 10:05
Is incredible but I was chatting with Ryanair Pilots and they told me the same 900 hs in 9 months and no pay and contributions during the 3 months off. Apparently is a rubbish contract.

Well, you have the wrong info, not sure why you always have to spread untrue rumors, you actually do get paid your basic salary all other allowances spread in 12 months.

As I suggested, contact the recruiters directly

30th Jan 2019, 10:48
I was offered a 9 month on 3 month off contract as Cap in Spain. Does anybody knows the terms and conditions of this contract ?

Hi I can tell you directly from the horses mouth that you are paid over 12 months, it is a 75% contract, flying months are Feb to Nov, for annual leave you receive 75% of normal entitlement and 75% of the basic pay, you are paid full annual allowance and normal sector pay, this in on offer in bases that have summer uplift.

30th Jan 2019, 16:32
I saw the memo. It says that you will earn 75% of basic pay and allowances over 12 months and Sector Pay (flight hours) only the months you fly.

I would stay as normal, but is just my opinion.

30th Jan 2019, 22:50
If they take 75% of your time and pay 75% of your basic in return, and
pay in full for all the flighthours delivered

where's the catch?

31st Jan 2019, 07:35
If they take 75% of your time and pay 75% of your basic in return, and
pay in full for all the flighthours delivered

where's the catch?

They save 25 % of your basic salary and in winter they don't need you. In line with other part time offers I have seen.

You could make a (good) case that you should be restricted to 75 % of 900 block hours in a year, or your work days will be very exhausting and not in line with a healthy family life. But then they'll probably think you get to save the cake and eat it too.

31st Jan 2019, 08:14
You could make a (good) case that you should be restricted to 75 % of 900 block hours in a year

Which is exactly what happens in other (serious) airlines, for example easyJet, with any part time option.

31st Jan 2019, 16:58
A friend of mine accepted this contract and he said that he won't be flying more than 750h

1st Feb 2019, 06:46
Hi I can tell you directly from the horses mouth that you are paid over 12 months, it is a 75% contract, flying months are Feb to Nov, for annual leave you receive 75% of normal entitlement and 75% of the basic pay, you are paid full annual allowance and normal sector pay, this in on offer in bases that have summer uplift.

What you’re saying here is not in line with the internal memo we had about it from DR. In that memo he says 75% of the annual allowance is paid. So are you really talking from the horse’s mouth?

1st Feb 2019, 14:13
What you’re saying here is not in line with the internal memo we had about it from DR. In that memo he says 75% of the annual allowance is paid. So are you really talking from the horse’s mouth?

Annual allowance stays the same 100% and productivity is 75%

1st Feb 2019, 18:24
Annual allowance stays the same 100% and productivity is 75%

That’s not how I read it. It says successful applicants will receive 75 % of basic pay and allowances over 12 months and flight sector pay during flying months.

737 CL
3rd Feb 2019, 11:30
For people flyng in FR. What is your opinion about the contract and how many hours could you expect fly approximately?

3rd Feb 2019, 11:41
Remember,on a full time contract you will have 1 month off, and 10 days leave, so for a full time contract you will work 10.3 months, now this new scheme you’ll work like a dog doing 850hrs in 9 months, lose 25% pay and get a little over 1 month off in return.

Doesn’t seem worth the 30k you sacrifice in wages for 1 month extra off!

As as mentioned before, when ryr release new contracts, it is always in their favour. Do not take it.

4th Feb 2019, 14:30
Remember,on a full time contract you will have 1 month off, and 10 days leave, so for a full time contract you will work 10.3 months, now this new scheme you’ll work like a dog doing 850hrs in 9 months, lose 25% pay and get a little over 1 month off in return.

Doesn’t seem worth the 30k you sacrifice in wages for 1 month extra off!

As as mentioned before, when ryr release new contracts, it is always in their favour. Do not take it.

You won't work more than 750h during the 9 months so not sure where you get the info from.
You love slamming FR no matter what they do (just checked your posts)

4th Feb 2019, 19:31
Why take a massive pay cut to work the same hours per month? Ask any RYR CPT in a seasonal base about summer hours. It's 100 a month. Many calendar months (i.e. 31 days) rostered over 110, with frequent phone calls to work days off.
Realistically on these new contracts I suspect one would fly about 850 hours, the same as a full time employee but for less money. Fixed pay and allowances are 75%, the only thing you get properly paid for is the sector pay.

4th Feb 2019, 20:18
You won't work more than 750h during the 9 months so not sure where you get the info from.
You love slamming FR no matter what they do (just checked your posts)

part timers are doing 600hrs a year, and they work way less than 9months! Last few years full timers have had not available due high hours in nov and dec because they have maxed out, and that is after their month off!! So it is very likely you will hit 750+ hours.

At 75% pay, they should cap your hours contractually at 675 (75% of 900hrs). But they wont, they will want to hit you with as close to 900 as possible.

an accountants wet dream.

737 CL
5th Feb 2019, 12:26
Definitely it is a great business for Ryanair if you fly almost 900 hs in 9 months with less 30K at the end of the year.

5th Feb 2019, 13:24
Definitely it is a great business for Ryanair if you fly almost 900 hs in 9 months with less 30K at the end of the year.

Did someone point the gun at you and forced you to accept the contract? I doubt it,

Instead of moaning why don't you just talk to the person who offered you the contract and express your concerns. You have come here and you basically are talking to a bunch of haters

6th Feb 2019, 09:00
Because most probably "people" that offer to him this contract will not tell the true and for sure will not be honest. So is moré than logic to ask other*collegues What they think.
Beacuse he wants a second opinion from people working at the company or ex Ryr pilots.
I never would accept such contract because in months you work they aré going to program your roster and push you to the limit. Be sure of that, specially in bases like Malaga, Palma...
Don't let some people of this forum intimidate you, it is a practice well learned from some companies staff, bullying.
Just feel free to ask ✌��

6th Feb 2019, 10:25
Because most probably "people" that offer to him this contract will not tell the true and for sure will not be honest. So is moré than logic to ask other*collegues What they think.
Beacuse he wants a second opinion from people working at the company or ex Ryr pilots.
I never would accept such contract because in months you work they aré going to program your roster and push you to the limit. Be sure of that, specially in bases like Malaga, Palma...
Don't let some people of this forum intimidate you, it is a practice well learned from some companies staff, bullying.
Just feel free to ask ✌��

And who told you that they are not honest? Sick of people talking absolute garbage in this place. It's all in black & white, you check the contract, if you don'l like it you don't sign it. Simple as that isn't it?

6th Feb 2019, 10:41
And who told you that they are not honest? Sick of people talking absolute garbage in this place. It's all in black & white, you check the contract, if you don'l like it you don't sign it. Simple as that isn't it?
I tell to you and 100000000 people more.

6th Feb 2019, 10:44
And who told you that they are not honest? Sick of people talking absolute garbage in this place. It's all in black & white, you check the contract, if you don'l like it you don't sign it. Simple as that isn't it?
I’m checking your post it seems that you recieve a good comisión from “someone” to defend what is indefensible

6th Feb 2019, 12:18
If they were serious about it being a 75% contract, they would cap your hours contractually at 675hrs and overtime for anything extra.

but they wont, and that is because they want to try and get you as close as possible to 900!

6th Feb 2019, 13:02
I’m checking your post it seems that you recieve a good comisión from “someone” to defend what is indefensible

You should probably learn how to spell

6th Feb 2019, 21:33
Funny thing, hard to get any info on this contract , even from people in positions that should know.
So , I can only conclude that they intend to get say 800+ hrs for 75% basic pay over the 9 months work.
And by the way part time contractors does anything from 650 to 800hrs, so , they can, and most likely will roster you minimum 100hrs per month if employed like this.
Skeptical until proven wrong , in this case.

Say Mach Number
7th Feb 2019, 06:49
The key here is Annual Leave and the fixed roster pattern for the Leave.

75% of 28 is 21. That’s 4 blocks of 5 and a random day.

On a fixed 5 / 4 roster 5 days of AL is 13 days off.

4 blocks of 13 is 52 days plus the odd day is 53.

So by my reckoning 9 months work is reduced to about 7 months work after AL.

100 hrs per month so 700 hrs plus a bit is the max you can do.

Thats my back of the fag packet calc.

737 CL
7th Feb 2019, 09:09
The key here is Annual Leave and the fixed roster pattern for the Leave. Estimating 850 hs in 9 months.

75% of 28 is 21. That’s 4 blocks of 5 and a random day.

On a fixed 5 / 4 roster 5 days of AL is 13 days off.

4 blocks of 13 is 52 days plus the odd day is 53.

So by my reckoning 9 months work is reduced to about 7 months work after AL.

100 hrs per month so 700 hrs plus a bit is the max you can do.

Thats my back of the fag packet calc.

The AL = 22 days during the non flying months and 5 days during the flying month.

7th Feb 2019, 09:21
It’s Ryanair, if they can get 900hrs out of you in that 9 months, they will and the bean counters laugh all the way to the bank. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

7th Feb 2019, 15:33
It’s Ryanair, if they can get 900hrs out of you in that 9 months, they will and the bean counters laugh all the way to the bank. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.
100% agree