View Full Version : Ban the AOA. Join CX Everybody!!

King Kong
31st Jul 2002, 10:02
The last place they can fight.......on a non tangible medium called Pprune.

No common sense, no basis to their ban, no basis to their arguments.

No basis to their intimidation.

Do not be intimdated by their comments.

Do not let them make you feel shame or fear.

They are the ones who should feel shamed.

Hypocracy reeks disrespect for their action and totally undermines their stance and words.

31st Jul 2002, 10:40
Go back to work Nick.


Alpha Leader
31st Jul 2002, 11:23
Bengi 25:

I very much doubt whether you have an educated opinion on the term "scab".

However, since you obviously wish to make a sweeping statement, your understanding of "scab" must surely include all those who accepted upgrades in the wake of the 49-ers incident.

Cpt. Underpants
31st Jul 2002, 14:36
No "incident" here, old man.

Intimidation, union busting and vindictiveness. Take your pick, or all three. They are acting like the colonial masters never left. They're the Taipan's, the pilots are the "coolies".

It's like calling the bombing of the USS Vincennes an "incident". This attack is an attack on all labour in Hong Kong and on pilots in general. You may not have this at heart as you're not an aviator yourself, but this will have far-reaching implications for all in this profession. Applaud this only if you are Swire management.

If you continue to believe the garbage that emanates from the halls of the propaganda department of CX, I doubt your independence of thought. You appear to be an intelligent man.


31st Jul 2002, 16:57
Hear-hear finally the voice of reason Bengi 25....pllllleeeease something original please...ban is a deodorant, not a union activity....:D :D :D