View Full Version : Differences between Easyjet Swiss and UK

26th Sep 2018, 21:45
What are the differences between Easyet Switzerland and UK/Europe regarding Terms and Conditions?
- Is the money better with EZS ?
- Promotions? (Can you transfer bases when changing seat?)
- Lifestyle?

27th Sep 2018, 08:02
You can’t compare EZS vs easy uk/Europe.
Easy uk/Europe have different contracts depending on which country your based.

My rough guess is that EZS is comparable with Italian/French contract.

Time to LHS is between 2-5 years depending on your previous experience.

Once you’re on the LHS you pretty much stuck at EZS. No transfer protocol is available for the time being.

hope that helps!

27th Sep 2018, 09:05
What I heard:

It is like flying for another company.

No official transfer agreement, just from the backdoor.

Different flight ops/training even they try to standardise it for many years.

Living expenses in CH are extremely high. So the pay is not that good compared
to Italy and France considering the less tax regime.

Good bunch of flying colleagues (except management).

27th Sep 2018, 15:54
A350. You’re correct.
Having said that, even if living in Switzerland is expensive the salary is enough to enjoy a good standard of life.
it really depends if you want to settle down for good in GVA or BSL. If you want to join EZS as a temporary solution you’re better off joining EZY directly.What I heard:

It is like flying for another company.

No official transfer agreement, just from the backdoor.

Different flight ops/training even they try to standardise it for many years.

Living expenses in CH are extremely high. So the pay is not that good compared
to Italy and France considering the less tax regime.

Good bunch of flying colleagues (except management).

27th Sep 2018, 18:55
Only random roster in EZS, no fixed pattern, unlike most of the other countries.

Every country in which easyJet pilots operate has different contracts, with different conditions, money, roster, pension, etc.
It is by all accounts like working for different companies, since the differences are big from one contract to the other.

28th Sep 2018, 09:15
Once an EZS SFO is ready for command, can he/she be offered a left seat on any available bases in Europe or does he/she have to wait for command in GVA/BSL only?

28th Sep 2018, 09:20
EZY Swiss is a seperate company. There are 'loose' transfer protocols in place but it very much seems to be hit and miss. It is not the same as being based in MXP and waiting for a command in CDG for example. There is a seperate command list to easyjetUK/EU. It is possible to transfer as an FO between Easy swiss and LGW I believe as and when there is a place.

28th Sep 2018, 10:31
…. i.e. from EZS F/O to EZ LGW Cpt….?

28th Sep 2018, 10:41
I would not count on any transfer from/to ezy/ezs. I recently spoke with 3 different guys and they all failed to make the move.
Stick to one company and plan as no move is possible.

28th Sep 2018, 10:47
…. i.e. from EZS F/O to EZ LGW Cpt….?

No. To move to LGW you'd have to go on the EZY Swiss - Easy UK transfer list (no such list exists for Captains) as an FO. Once back withing easyUK/EU (provided it is was possible) you'd then have to start the command process from the beginning.

The easySwiss - easyUK transfer protocol is very ad-hoc. I cannot emphasise enough how it should not be viewed as quick way or shortcut for anything. Only ever join easySwiss if you want to be based in GVA/BSL and are happy to wait for command as and when it's available within easySwiss.