View Full Version : China offers Z-10ME as AH-64/D/E rival

23rd Sep 2018, 22:07
China is offering the likes of sub Saharan, Middle East and Latin American countries a cheaper rival to Boeing AH064D/E with the Z-10ME.Laughingly or not in the article, it mentions Saudi Arabia, Kuwait as potential buyers - they are both Boeing AH-64A/D/SA/E Apache/Longbow Apache/Guardian operators..
Guess we will see what we see.


China to Unveil Apache Helicopter Rival at Zhuhai Air Show (http://www.defenseworld.net/news/23387/China_to_Unveil_Apache_Helicopter_Rival_at_Zhuhai_Air_Show#. W6dfSKTTWEe)


Harley Quinn
24th Sep 2018, 05:27
Well it certainly seems to hit a new high (or should that be low) in hippogorillapig ugliness.

Buster Hyman
24th Sep 2018, 07:41
Only tiny pilots need apply...

24th Sep 2018, 12:58
Well it certainly seems to hit a new high (or should that be low) in hippogorillapig ugliness. Obviously a fixed winger. :p
Looks fit enough for purpose, from the outside, but it's in the little details that helicopters are successful, or are not.
We'll see if they got it right or not in due course.

24th Sep 2018, 18:48
Well it certainly seems to hit a new high (or should that be low) in hippogorillapig ugliness.

I thought that award was won by a certain product from Zummerzet