View Full Version : CARs and Standards

23rd Sep 2018, 07:04
Hi There, I was just wondering if there was a way to get a single file copy of the CARs and Standards all in one?

I have downloaded the latest CAR's but then it makes reference to the standards which, as far as i can see, are only viewable online.

If anyone can guide me that would be great.



Pilot DAR
23rd Sep 2018, 11:27
When using this page:

The standards are presented down the right side of the page. In some cases, for example section 5, the standards are presented in a single document (5= airworthiness manual), but I don't know if this is the case for all standards.

Note that the CAR (regulation) states what you must do, and the standard tells you how to do it. The standard is not a regulation, though generally following the standard would be the only way to comply with the regulation. There also may be a lower level of advisory material below the standard, of advisory circulars or staff instructions. Again, though those are not regulations, it may be hard to comply with the CAR without following them.

If you proposed to not comply with a CAR, it is possible to seek an exemption. I have succeeded at this, but it's a big effort.

24th Sep 2018, 13:20
Thanks for that.

I understand how they work i was just wondering if there was a way to "download" all the standards.

I am old school and like to have a paper copy of the documents rather than having to go online and read them.



Pilot DAR
25th Sep 2018, 11:16
I have meetings with Transport Canada staff today, I'll ask them....

25th Sep 2018, 14:32
I visited the Calgary TC office some years ago. The lady looked up the relevant CARS on an external website that TC had a paid subscription to. It seems that subscription was later canceled.

Pilot DAR
25th Sep 2018, 17:27
The TC Engineers here today state that they are not aware of the standards being available in one document, they are found by internet link only.

25th Sep 2018, 18:33
There is a book called CARS in Plain English that links some of them together. Quite old now, but CARs doesn't change that much

25th Sep 2018, 18:38
One you happen to have authored.


25th Sep 2018, 19:32
I visited the Calgary TC office some years ago. The lady looked up the relevant CARS on an external website that TC had a paid subscription to. It seems that subscription was later canceled.

That was called CARS Deluxe and it was an excellent reference tool that I relied on heavily during my stint with TC. FWIW, it wasn't a website, it was a CD-based library that was sent out every 56 days. At TC, the IT folks set it up as an auto update on login - when they remembered to set it up. :ugh: The man behind CARS Deluxe was a retired inspector who'd become fed up with not having a simple way to navigate through the complexity of the Act, Regulations, Standards and associated guidance materials. Subscriptions were available to industry and the public, but it was quite expensive. Don't quote me but I seem to recall it being over $1,000 per year.

Unfortunately, someone decided inspectors didn't need it because "everything was easily available on line", which was - and still is - poppycock. It might be available, but it sure as heck ain't easy. Also unfortunately, the upkeep on such a powerful tool was an expensive endeavour with a fairly small marketplace. When TC cancelled their subscription, that was the end.

26th Sep 2018, 13:23
Hey folks, thanks so much for your feedback.

Its a shame its all online only now, and the problem i have is that they're not even in PDF format, so its pretty frustrating to review them.

I thank you all for your help and if anyone can find a solution please let me know.

