View Full Version : Any WSOp / WSo / or RPAS here?

20th Sep 2018, 07:11
Morning all

Is there anybody on here serving in the above roles that could PM me please?

heights good
21st Sep 2018, 18:35
May I suggest some context if you wish a reply as your request is pretty cryptic.


22nd Sep 2018, 17:13
your request is pretty cryptic.

She is a Russian Honeypot.

Or perhaps I have been reading the New York Post a mite too much?

22nd Sep 2018, 17:26
If a Honeypot, I’m willing to volunteer ... although she may be deeply disappointed on many counts!

23rd Sep 2018, 15:50
She is a Russian Honeypot.

Or perhaps I have been reading the New York Post a mite too much?

There you go chaps--a Russian Honey Pot-Luvverley

23rd Sep 2018, 16:23
Sadly not a Russian honeypot, though I can always pretend.

I have been offered a place in any of these three branches as pilot application fell through. I want to pick the brains of those currently serving to cut through the vague recruitment material.

8th Oct 2018, 08:00
Sadly not a Russian honeypot, though I can always pretend.

I have been offered a place in any of these three branches as pilot application fell through. I want to pick the brains of those currently serving to cut through the vague recruitment material.
I've sent you a PM