View Full Version : FERRY FLIGHT

14th Sep 2018, 16:34
Hi, I am planning to ferry a Velocity SE in October from Florida down to Santiago, Chile over the period of a week or ideally less.. The aircraft will be "N" reg and I have a FAA CPL IR and about 1000 hours.

Our planned route down is Key West, Florida and across to Belize - Costa Rica - Panama - Peru - Chile. It is the first time I am flying a trip like that so any help concerning routes, procedures, overflights, airports, restrictions and dealing with officialdom would be really appreciated.



tail wheel
14th Sep 2018, 21:36
You won't find that information in the Australian forum.

Thread moved to the Caribbean and Latin American forum.

14th Sep 2018, 22:57
You best contact each countries embassy as there are heavy restrictions down here flying cross border due to anti-narcotics issues. Simple if you do it regularly, but each border requires a seperate permit normally and you are coming a known drug smuggling route. I will ask some of the fixed wing guys in the hangar next door for you.

15th Sep 2018, 14:44
Keep it simple.

I highly advice you to use a handler/flight support company for this kind of ferry.
They can take care of:
-Your landing permits
-Overflying permits
-Ground handling
-Fuel (100LL!? You won’t get that everywhere)
-Flight Plan
-Hotel booking

You to pick what you want them to do according to your budget.
Just don’t be cheap, it can save you a lot of hassle.

And avoid Lima (SPJC) if you can.
This place is not set up for general aviation (unless you have a very good handler) To give you an idea, pretty much everydody heading to or coming back from Antarctica is avoiding the place.

15th Sep 2018, 15:19
You best contact each countries embassy as there are heavy restrictions down here flying cross border due to anti-narcotics issues. Simple if you do it regularly, but each border requires a seperate permit normally and you are coming a known drug smuggling route. I will ask some of the fixed wing guys in the hangar next door for you.

Thanks man I really appreciate it

15th Sep 2018, 15:24
Keep it simple.

I highly advice you to use a handler/flight support company for this kind of ferry.
They can take care of:
-Your landing permits
-Overflying permits
-Ground handling
-Fuel (100LL!? You won’t get that everywhere)
-Flight Plan
-Hotel booking

You to pick what you want them to do according to your budget.
Just don’t be cheap, it can save you a lot of hassle.

And avoid Lima (SPJC) if you can.
This place is not set up for general aviation (unless you have a very good handler) To give you an idea, pretty much everydody heading to or coming back from Antarctica is avoiding the place.

One of my students is buying the plane in the States and asked me if I could do the trip with him. Always wanted to do a trip like that without the help of a flight support company. Thanks a lot for the advice though, if it proves to be that complicated will probably suggest it to my student..

25th Sep 2018, 16:21
Try contacting Sarah Rover, Full Throttle Aviation LLC (Ferry Pilot - FullThrottle Aviation LLC (http://www.fullthrottleaviationllc.com/)). She's got a bunch of experience with ferry flying, worldwide.

27th Sep 2018, 17:48
Thanks will do!

Ebbie 2003
13th Oct 2018, 02:19
I have done US to Barbados VFR a couple of times, last in 2017.

No language issues which would be a problem in central America, for me anyway.

A simple trip, normal flight plans, eapis and go; got to Barbados in four legs - total 13 hours on the Hobbs in a PA28-181

I would think flying the island route would be easier, down to Trinidad then West into Colombia - figure, fewer countries would make it easier.