View Full Version : Cruise Captains

27th Jul 2002, 18:33
Working on the theory that there is no such thing as a stupid question...:rolleyes:

I have read several posts which make reference to 'Cruise Pilots' and 'Cruise Captains'. Could any one explain what this is refering to?

My assumption is that they are the chaps and chapesses that fly the cruise portion of a long haul flight. Are these guys any less qualified than the ones who make the approaches?

28th Jul 2002, 00:02
Various airlines have various solutions to the problem where a flight is too long for a two-man cockpit, and a third is introduced.

Lufthansa has the Senior FO, who becomes pilot in command when the captain is asleep (so you could call him a cruise-captain?).

KLM has the Second Officer, who has a type rating as Cruise Relieve Copilot, only to sit up front during cruise when one of his two colleages is sleeping, and is not allowed to take off or land the airplane.

Also in some companies old Flight Engineers, whose job ceased to be due to the introduction of modern aircraft, are reschooled of possible to pilots, and if not to Cruise Relieve Copilots, in which function they have the same rights as the KLM SO.

So to answer your question: In some cases yes, the pilot in question is less qualified an not allowed to execute the approach and landing, in some cases (i.e. Lufthansa) the extra pilot has an extra right to become PIC, though he actually is FO.

Hope this helps!


28th Jul 2002, 05:35
In a nutshell it allows companies to operate a heavy crew while only having to pay one captain, the pilot in command when the captain is asleep is actually an FO. (In most airlines)