View Full Version : EK and Cockpit Visits

20th Aug 2018, 06:27
Hi chaps and chapettes.

I have a nice long trip on EK in December, (Brisbane->Dubai->Porto) and then back in Jan. Is there a strict no-cockpit-visit rule, or would there be a chance from my little girls (8, 10 & 13) and myself (Older than all their ages combined) to visit the flight deck? It's for the kids, although, only the 8 year old shows some interest in aircraft. It's really for me, but I'm going to use them as an excuse. 2 years back, we were fortunate to go see it during a Paris to Porto flight (Air France) in mid flight which was surprising and fantastic. Are there any opportunities available? And tips and tricks? If I gave the flight number and date, would the roster be avail yet? Would be amazing.

20th Aug 2018, 07:07
Depending on the captains level of EK induced paranoia, what you're asking for may be (*very* strictly speaking) against the rules. Having said that, many of the captains are more than happy to entertain visitors at the end of the flight. Perhaps just speak with the Purser during boarding or inflight and he or she can co-ordinate. Can I just suggest that you ask before taking photos, and don't be offended if the crew decline. As for visits DURING the flight... not a snowballs in Dubai!!

Hope you enjoy the flight.