View Full Version : Copa Airlines

12th Jul 2018, 02:38
this is for everybody applying to Copa Airlines.
share your experience.

12th Jul 2018, 22:46
this is for everybody applying to Copa Airlines.
share your experience.

Thank you for the info. Were you able to get the job ?

15th Jul 2018, 14:53
"36 - What would you do if the captain decides to descent below minimums?"

There's a right answer for this one? Or it's situation dependent?

The Dominican
16th Jul 2018, 21:59
"36 - What would you do if the captain decides to descent below minimums?"

There's a right answer for this one? Or it's situation dependent?

You would be surprised as to how many people feel minimums are a guideline more than a rule...!

Usually a a call on the radio of a go around tends to solve this issue, after you bring ATC into the mix it forces the miss approach. And then place the astronaut on your “no fly list”

27th Jul 2018, 21:41
Thank you for the info. Were you able to get the job ?
Sadly i was not able to pass the poly.. but, i got a better job opportunity in ASIA with double the salary and a wide body.. cant complain haha

30th Jul 2018, 20:46
"36 - What would you do if the captain decides to descent below minimums?"

There's a right answer for this one? Or it's situation dependent?

You mean, oh look I'm sure I can see something... over there.... wait a minute.... whoop...

31st Jul 2018, 15:36
What would I have to do If I have all my faa licenses/ratings to work at copa airlines? I’m salvadoran with US citizenship?

5th Aug 2018, 02:53
What would I have to do If I have all my faa licenses/ratings to work at copa airlines? I’m salvadoran with US citizenship?
just apply, send an email to: [email protected]

WITH this documents attached

Thank you for your interest in being part of the Copa Airlines Family.

In order to continue with your screening process we need to receive the following documents:

Application Form(attached)
Curriculum Vitae
Copy of both sides of CPL or ATP License (authenticated by the aeronautical authority)
Medical Certificate updated (valid for 6 month for pilots over 40 years old, one year for pilots under 40 years old)
Copy of last two pages of Log Book including flight hours during the last twelve (12) month (authenticated by aeronautical authority, current or former employers. It requires a stamp)
Copy of valid passport (colored copy)
USA Visa
No Accident/Incidents Report (issued by aeronautical authority NOT from Companies)
Two (2) Recommendation Letters (must come from Chief Pilot Department or Human Resources, with letterhead from the company. not coworkers, friends or family).
Copy of Yellow Fever Vaccination Card. (the date needs to be clearly visible)
Employment reference form (attached)


The first six requirements are indispensable in order to apply for the selection process.
Every document needs to be clearly visible
All the documents must be attached in PDF format
Maximum 5MB per email

If you have any additional concerns feel free to contact us.

Looking forward to hear again from you.

24th Aug 2018, 07:31
just apply, send an email to: [email protected]

WITH this documents attached

Thank you for your interest in being part of the Copa Airlines Family.


Great and useful info! You are very kind.
Their website however states that they need the online website application as well, yet I could not find the link. Previously I did apply online but now there is no web surface that I could find.
I assume they previously did not get back to me because I do not speak Spanish, yet I even had a reference from inside. Applied as FO, with piston 1,700 hrs.
Now I have 2,500.

11th Sep 2018, 16:01
I am an expat here in Panama, flying for Copa. They hired a lot of pilots all over the americas and europe this year, and the company still hiring people, daily we see a lot of new pilots doing the pilot screening process. Here is a good place to fly, they pay us a good salary, we fly good airplanes B737NG/MAX - EMB190, they give us transportation from home to the airport and airport to home. Panama City is a great city to live, there are a lot of restaurants, supermarkets, shopping malls, schools. They schedule is really good, you can choose your destination, if you want to fly a lot or few hours, that system is really good.

Morgan S.P
14th Sep 2018, 10:47
Hi Gents!

Could someone confirm whats the Capt. salary after tax all inclusive?????
Is there any way to get a 5 or 6 days off block to commute from south america????


23rd Oct 2018, 15:20
Hi guys,

Do you know if Copa has schedule for commuter...?


24th Oct 2018, 04:06
Copa is a non-commuting job. Expect to fly around 90h per month.
Depending on where you live in the Americas you might be able to go home when you have a block of days off, but don't count on that happening every month.

The good thing is that, as Copa's network is quite large, you might be able to bid flights to your homebase.

25th Oct 2018, 03:30
Sadly i was not able to pass the poly.. but, i got a better job opportunity in ASIA with double the salary and a wide body.. cant complain haha
They never told me what I failed, but a great favor they did to me. Same as you, ended up in Asia, double the salary and flying widebody. Can't complain!

25th Oct 2018, 12:25
I did my process in end of august, but, I'm still waiting an aswer. Anyone in the same situation?

25th Oct 2018, 18:11
Hi guys,

Do you know if there is training bond on 737 at Copa ??

7th Nov 2018, 10:35
You would be surprised as to how many people feel minimums are a guideline more than a rule...!

Usually a a call on the radio of a go around tends to solve this issue, after you bring ATC into the mix it forces the miss approach. And then place the astronaut on your “no fly list”

Heh heh. Do pilots in Dominicana also make jokes about "Captain So and So, astronaut"? In Mexico we have a ton of "Capi astronauta facts" on the model of the Chuck Norris ones...

30th Dec 2018, 15:06
Hi Gents!

Could someone confirm whats the Capt. salary after tax all inclusive?????
Is there any way to get a 5 or 6 days off block to commute from south america????

Depends how many hours, sunday etc you fliying capt salary is between 7-9k and no commute however many expat take or join some frees to get 5-6 days to go home.

3rd Jan 2019, 12:18

Thanks for your feedback.

I've been flying for the last six years offshore, about 3000h and I saw on the requirements for application, they ask for 1000h total flight time as a pilot.

Please, can you tell me if Copa gives credit to helicopter hours?

4th Jan 2019, 01:31
Hey everyone,

Some limited information here on working conditions, upgrade times, etc. If someone could point me in the right direction that be great ! Looked everywhere on here. Just little bits and pieces.

Mainly curious about:

FO starting pay
Days worked
Bidding system
Upgrade time

Any information is appreciated.

Thanks fellas.

p.s if anyone knows where you can get the application that be awesome !

Banana Joe
17th Jan 2019, 16:03
Went on their website but there doesn't seem to be a Spanish language requirement. Can anybody confirm?

18th Jan 2019, 09:05
Went on their website but there doesn't seem to be a Spanish language requirement. Can anybody confirm?

You don't need to speak spanish to fly for Copa.

Banana Joe
18th Jan 2019, 09:16
Thanks, what about the American visa listed on their website? I am an EU citizen and I understand that some Europeans are flying for Copa and I would like to know if they had to obtain some sort of American visa.

18th Jan 2019, 14:00
As an European you don't need a B1/B2 visa (tourism-business) so don't worry about it.

You will only have to get a D visa to fly to the US as a crewmember, but you can only do that once you're employed.

Banana Joe
18th Jan 2019, 18:51
Thank you Lepo for your replies.

1st Feb 2019, 19:08
Does anybody know about Copa recruitment process in 2019?
I did all the screening process in September/2018, but until now, i had no aswer. I have another 6 friends in the same situation.
They did English Evaluation, but still waiting any aswer...

9th Feb 2019, 22:31
Hey everyone,

Some limited information here on working conditions, upgrade times, etc. If someone could point me in the right direction that be great ! Looked everywhere on here. Just little bits and pieces.

Mainly curious about:

FO starting pay
Days worked
Bidding system
Upgrade time

Any information is appreciated.

Thanks fellas.

p.s if anyone knows where you can get the application that be awesome !

I´ll help you with this one.

I've been an FO at CM for 2 years now.

Starting pay is the same as everyone. They don´t have pay scales here. 1 for Captains, 1 for FO´s and one for Junior FO´s (with less than 1500 hrs and no APTL).

FO Salary is about 4500usd for 66hrs guaranteed, and this include salary + travel expenses, and then 50usd an hour overtime. So you are looking at about 5500 a month for 90 hours.

Ypu get 9 days off a month.

Bidding system based on seniority, you can bid whatever.. Specific flights and days off.

Upgrade time is pretty fast. 3-5 years depending on company needs. Ypu need 4000 hrs total time + 1000 with the company.

12th Feb 2019, 17:30
Hi there..
Could I get a ballpark figure on expat Capt pay on 737 after upgrade at COPA?


Wilfred Kayz
26th Mar 2019, 22:55
Sadly i was not able to pass the poly.. but, i got a better job opportunity in ASIA with double the salary and a wide body.. cant complain haha
Good guys, So are they hidden payments with the process of getting a job as any FO with copa airlines?? Approx how long is the training to be released online?? How much is the pay during training? Any hidden requirements besides the one on their website? ? I deeply apologize if the questions have been asked before

23rd Apr 2019, 01:11
Everything is stopped I think because of the max. Expect to re open 2nd semester

1st May 2019, 02:24
this is for everybody applying to Copa Airlines.
share your experience.

Hi I couldn’t open the attached file. I’m planning to apply soon so any chance you can repost it or send it to me to my email?

Thank you in advance!

5th May 2019, 14:59
Can you get hired here with US ATP?

korto maltese
27th Jul 2019, 04:34
Hey guys, is there any training bond with Copa?

14th Oct 2019, 14:47
Hello Aviators,

Is the requested single and multi eng. rating a hard requirement? I don't have these anymore but I do have 500+ hours on the 737
I would like to apply in the near future.
Any information is welcome.

Thank you

15th Oct 2019, 15:18
There was a post on the latestpilotjobs website and also in PCC states that the company is currently hiring. Has anybody gotten an email from them after applying?

20th Feb 2020, 23:05
Hi! could you maybe send me private message? i'm very interested in the shedule


Until you have a posting history you don't have access to private messaging and adding urls.

3rd Mar 2020, 18:56
Howdy guys,

How long does it usually take COPA to answer a request for employment? I have applied about 2 weeks ago, and still received no answer. Also, STVNBRKBCK in this forum talked about 11 items needed for the application. On the COPA website only 6 are listed. Anyone out there who can help a fellow out here?

7th Mar 2020, 15:31
Can I apply with EASA licenses or I need to convert to FAA?

9th Mar 2020, 02:29
Theyre not hiring at the momment.

24th Jun 2020, 06:00
Any update on hiring? Have Copa survived the plague OK?

Copa has been grounded for 2 months already and won't resume flights until the end of July due to the restriction on internationl flights imposed by the Panamanian Government.
Recovery is also going to be slow since Copa relies on international travel to connect people through the Americas and demand won't come back anytime soon.
Tough times for everyone.

24th Jun 2020, 22:17
Apologies for my crude answer, but Copa is firing pilots 737 and E190 right now. As far as I know it's impossible to being hired with them at this time.

13th Nov 2020, 14:39
Copa advertising for F/Os ?


13th Nov 2020, 18:40
No. They are not hiring and won't hire for the next couple of years. About 500 pilots furloughed that need to get back to work first, and then about 200 on their flight training school program waiting to get in, and then about 500 local pilots with hiring priority waiting.

13th Nov 2020, 23:45
I don't think they ever took that down.

14th Nov 2020, 00:20
No. They are not hiring and won't hire for the next couple of years. About 500 pilots furloughed that need to get back to work first, and then about 200 on their flight training school program waiting to get in, and then about 500 local pilots with hiring priority waiting.

couple of decades you meant

14th Nov 2020, 10:22
No. They are not hiring and won't hire for the next couple of years. About 500 pilots furloughed that need to get back to work first, and then about 200 on their flight training school program waiting to get in, and then about 500 local pilots with hiring priority waiting.

Yes, that's what I thought was the actual situation hence the ? in my post. The ad just popped up yesterday but didn't have a date so I thought I'd ask. Not sure why a job website would post such an ad these days. :hmm:

16th Sep 2021, 06:52
Any updates on the COPA hiring pool? Have they started recalling pilots? Its been almost a year since the last post and things are turning around for sure in the states.

16th Sep 2021, 13:26
There's no more 'hiring pool'. They have recalled almost all pilots on leave, and all will possibly be active by years end. After that, internal upgrades will follow for command positions, already announced. No direct entry captain anymore, they have plenty ready from within. As for FO new hires, it will probably start early next year, but they will only hire panamanians for the forseeable future.

Banana Joe
12th Oct 2021, 19:45
How many panamanians pilots are out there? Panama is a relatively small country, are there enough of them to sustain Copa's operational needs?

19th Oct 2021, 15:07
Copa hiring first officers and captains. Good luck to all the ones interested.

Banana Joe
20th Oct 2021, 12:43
Is the information on PPJN still applicable or have there been big permanent changes due to Covid?

12th Nov 2021, 21:19
They have about 20-40 Panamanian flight students on schedule for entry as FOs. They are sourced directly from their flight school. The school has about ninety students spread around all license courses, with a group that began training on October. The ones that had finished flight school were previously on pause during the pandemic, but on November 1st a first group of eleven just started Initial 737 Ground School. There is a job posting now on their webpage for Panamanian AAC License holders. These external positions might begin the process on Q1 next year if predictions and passenger flight demand stay the same or increases.

Most furloughed pilots have been slowly coming back. There are some FOs still pending for reinstitution, but it is a minority group now.

Youssef Khribi
15th Dec 2021, 18:40
Hello gents,

I applied for the FO position on October 19th, and received an email few days ago telling me to complete a form (asking for personal info, flight hours, ICAO English, if I am vaccinated, etc.). Do they send this to everyone? Or only for pre-selected people? Will I receive an invitation for the screening process soon? Also, is the screening process the same as in latestpilotjobs, with the Seneca SIM, the poly, and the ATP written?

Bear in mind that I applied via a reference of a good friend working with Copa, so don't know if that is going to help me getting an invitation. In the application platform, my application status is ''en consideracion'' (spanish)

Thank you,

16th Dec 2021, 11:42
Hello gents,

I applied for the FO position on October 19th, and received an email few days ago telling me to complete a form (asking for personal info, flight hours, ICAO English, if I am vaccinated, etc.). Do they send this to everyone? Or only for pre-selected people? Will I receive an invitation for the screening process soon? Also, is the screening process the same as in latestpilotjobs, with the Seneca SIM, the poly, and the ATP written?

Bear in mind that I applied via a reference of a good friend working with Copa, so don't know if that is going to help me getting an invitation. In the application platform, my application status is ''en consideracion'' (spanish)

Thank you,

it seems a number of people got the same form to complete. I also got one as well. Not sure what and when the next step is.

Youssef Khribi
16th Dec 2021, 14:59
it seems a number of people got the same form to complete. I also got one as well. Not sure what and when the next step is.

The interesting part is that when I adressed the situation to two current Copa pilots, they both told me that not everyone receive that email, heck one of them even told me to be ready to get a call! But later on, another Copa pilot told me that everyone receive that email as it is an automated message... I also sent an email (found the contact on PCC website) but not sure if it is the correct email address for the department.

Anyone got an email of a phone number for Copa's HR?

16th Dec 2021, 21:36
How does one apply without a Panamanian license? I know before covid it was 250 hr min if you had a Panamanian CPL, or 1000 if you ICAO license. Now all I see is min 350 hours, Panamanian license, no ICAO option listed, and the job ads are all in Spanish...

17th Dec 2021, 02:08
How does one apply without a Panamanian license? I know before covid it was 250 hr min if you had a Panamanian CPL, or 1000 if you ICAO license. Now all I see is min 350 hours, Panamanian license, no ICAO option listed, and the job ads are all in Spanish...

This is my question too. I currently live stateside but am a Panamanian Citizen. I have close to 300 hours and my CFI-A and was planning on building time to get close to 500 and my multi before applying to Copa so I can move back there. Does anyone have any insight or resources they can point me to regarding the process of converting? Its good to hear that they are hiring again and hoping that my luck of being born there and being fluent in Spanish will help me.

Youssef Khribi
17th Dec 2021, 03:50
How does one apply without a Panamanian license? I know before covid it was 250 hr min if you had a Panamanian CPL, or 1000 if you ICAO license. Now all I see is min 350 hours, Panamanian license, no ICAO option listed, and the job ads are all in Spanish...

I still applied even though I got no Panamanian license. What I learnt from this industry is to play all my cards and give it a go. Unless stated "MANDATORY".

Good luck

17th Dec 2021, 13:02
The interesting part is that when I adressed the situation to two current Copa pilots, they both told me that not everyone receive that email, heck one of them even told me to be ready to get a call! But later on, another Copa pilot told me that everyone receive that email as it is an automated message... I also sent an email (found the contact on PCC website) but not sure if it is the correct email address for the department.

Anyone got an email of a phone number for Copa's HR?

I was also told it was automated but I guess just have to wait and see. Unfortunately I do not have a number for their HR. It seems they are quite busy as well.

Youssef Khribi
18th Dec 2021, 00:33
This is my question too. I currently live stateside but am a Panamanian Citizen. I have close to 300 hours and my CFI-A and was planning on building time to get close to 500 and my multi before applying to Copa so I can move back there. Does anyone have any insight or resources they can point me to regarding the process of converting? Its good to hear that they are hiring again and hoping that my luck of being born there and being fluent in Spanish will help me.
No idea on the conversion process. Maybe give a call to a local Panamanean flight school. You got the advantage of the nationality, maybe a local turboprop operator in Panama will hire you as they are now looking for FO's in Copa and will probably hire all the guys coming out of sponsored programs as well as local pilots... As for the Spanish language, I am as well fluent in Spanish but Canadian. I applied via a reference working with Copa Colombia (Wingo), I hope to get a response soon just to know how the process will go or if I am better getting off and come back with more hours and a Panama license...

Youssef Khribi
18th Dec 2021, 00:34
I was also told it was automated but I guess just have to wait and see. Unfortunately I do not have a number for their HR. It seems they are quite busy as well.
Hey buddy, check your DM's :)

18th Dec 2021, 23:08
Hey buddy, check your DM's :)

Just checked. Tried to send a response but it said you needed to clear some space.

Youssef Khribi
18th Dec 2021, 23:49
Yeah, just wanted to get your contact (whatsapp or whatever) to keep in touch regarding Copa's process. Send me a PM with your contact if you want.

19th Dec 2021, 23:14
Yeah, just wanted to get your contact (whatsapp or whatever) to keep in touch regarding Copa's process. Send me a PM with your contact if you want.

No problem. Will contact you soon.

13th Mar 2022, 13:03
I see COPA appear to be hiring for both seats again - can anyone confirm this to be the case ? FOs appear to require a Panamanian license (not sure how strictly that is enforced), no such restriction for left seat. I’ve flown with a few people at my current airline that have mostly positive things to say about COPA, and just wondered whether anyone might want to share their experience of flying there, or at least a brief outline of the current situation at the company ?

13th Mar 2022, 13:58
Hey Alrosa, here is your update:

As of end of Feb, all furloughed pilots were recalled. There are right now about 80 new hires in training, but they are all panamanian FOs, most of them from COPAs flight school (ALAS). Company is expecting 8 new planes this year + bringing back all that were in storage so they are going to need pilots, but for now its panamanian nationals for FO and internal upgrades for CP. I've seen the ads they published looking for expat captains, but I think they are to build a database in case there are not enough internal upgrades to meet the demand, because no interviews have been done and no training has been programmed for it AFAIK.

Maybe I'm wrong and they will once again hire expat DEC, but as of now its been about 6 years since they've done so, and plenty of coworkers have the time to apply for the upgrade.

Best of luck.

13th Mar 2022, 15:53
Thank you 737MaxLover, that’s great info.

B777 400
18th Mar 2022, 02:26
Does Latest pilot jobs data reflect present interview if not what can one expect . Thanks

29th Mar 2022, 09:57
Hi, anyone who did the screening the last few days? Is it almost the same as before? Flight Sim 737?
Thanks in advance!​​​​​​​:8

28th Apr 2022, 00:04
COPA are currently seeking FOs and they have now included “foreigners” in the job ad (higher hours required for non-Panamanian FOs).

Would anyone be able to give an insight into conditions for FOs, what the training is like (good quality training ?) and perhaps an idea of the recruitment process ? I’m happy to be contacted by PM !

I’ve met some ex-COPA pilots at my current operator and in general, they were quite happy working there - however eventually they decided to move back to their home country.

28th Apr 2022, 21:15
COPA are currently seeking FOs and they have now included “foreigners” in the job ad (higher hours required for non-Panamanian FOs).

Would anyone be able to give an insight into conditions for FOs, what the training is like (good quality training ?) and perhaps an idea of the recruitment process ? I’m happy to be contacted by PM !

I’ve met some ex-COPA pilots at my current operator and in general, they were quite happy working there - however eventually they decided to move back to their home country.
Good questions, also, is it commutable from South America?

3rd May 2022, 14:27
Hello guys!

I applied for the FO position at Copa Airlines in March. Almost two months later and still no response from the airline...
Does anyone know if they have already started the recruitment process for foreign pilots?


6th May 2022, 04:40
Although it looks like they opened for foreigners now, I heard they are still some former copilots to be called back. So maybe one or two months until they start calling for interviews. (Fingers crossed)

16th May 2022, 20:14
Hello guys!Does anyone have information about the selection process for foreigners for FO?
I applied for the FO position in october 2021 but I don't know if they started calling for interviews, thanks.

18th May 2022, 17:45
So, I have read a lot of negative stuff here, but not much recent. Can anyone clear the air now that there's a post-COVID reset going on? Specifically:

FO pay scheme?
Does it really take a year to finish IOE?
Are there still issues chasing down incorrect pay?
Schedule still not available until a few days before the end of the month?
Still no seniority for foreigners?
Still 48 hours to list for jumpseat, no other non-rev choices?

27th May 2022, 04:23
So, I have read a lot of negative stuff here, but not much recent. Can anyone clear the air now that there's a post-COVID reset going on? Specifically:

FO pay scheme?
Does it really take a year to finish IOE?
Are there still issues chasing down incorrect pay?
Schedule still not available until a few days before the end of the month?
Still no seniority for foreigners?
Still 48 hours to list for jumpseat, no other non-rev choices?

FO earns about 4.200 USD in your pocket, if you fly more, you win more, flying about 90 hours u get about 5.000 usd

Full training take about 4 to 6 months, from ground school to finishing IOE, for expats the issue is about the immigration process time which can delay the training for some months, but u are being payd while that

I worked there for 5 years, never had any incorrect pay

Schedule is published 10 days in advance for the next month, plenty of time for social life

27th May 2022, 14:25
Thanks, B&R! What are the regulatory & contract work rules like? - i e. number of days per month for base pay, any ability for junior people to get some days off grouped together?

3rd Jun 2022, 04:01
Hello everyone, last month I applied for first officer and recently I received an email to fill out a form, does anyone know what comes next?

3rd Jun 2022, 15:37
Hello everyone, last month I applied for first officer and recently I received an email to fill out a form, does anyone know what comes next?

Got this e-mail yesterday as well. Let's see what comes next...

23rd Jun 2022, 21:41
Hello everyone, any news about the selection process for foreign first officers? Have they started with the interviews? Thank you

5th Jul 2022, 15:39
Hey guys, as a foreigner what competitive hours for a COPA FO position.

19th Jul 2022, 18:55
Has anyone recently submitted an app to COPA? Finally got my commercial multi and just barely meet the Panamanian National hour requirements but hoping for the best!

16th Aug 2022, 14:30
Hey guys. I'm interested in applying for the B737 FO position with COPA, I see they've got a large fleet and a big 737 MAX order. Just trying to find out a few details if anyone can help me with providing the info:

1. Do you have to be type-rated or can they type rate you?
2. What are the FO and Captain salaries like now for 2022?
3. Any idea on time to command?


18th Oct 2022, 04:25
Has anyone heard anything back at all from COPA recently? I’ve had an app in since January and crickets.

12th Feb 2023, 15:37
Hi! Does anyone know anything about the reopening of hiring at Copa?

24th Mar 2023, 20:54
I have had my application in for a year and haven’t heard anything at all.

20th Apr 2023, 23:42
Does anyone have any news about copa calling again?
I heard that they will receive more aircrafts and that there are a lot of pilots on flydubai and ryanair screening.

21st Apr 2023, 19:12
Anyone working at Copa commuting from MVD or EZE? How would that look?

23rd Apr 2023, 17:35
Anyone working at Copa commuting from MVD or EZE? How would that look?

It can be really exhausting, several days off in a row are hard to get. However flights are easy to bid for to have some layovers at MVD or EZE.

27th Jul 2023, 20:33
Hi, does anyone has news about copa calling foreigns agaian?
Are they receiving new aicrafts yet?

4th Aug 2023, 20:55
Hi, does anyone has news about copa calling foreigns agaian?
Are they receiving new aicrafts yet?

They sent me an email to update my details. So they are at least communicating

6th Aug 2023, 00:40
They sent me an email to update my details. So they are at least communicating
They are looking once again for both Captains and FOs.
Any idea of the T&Cs?
How is the training in Panama?
Any training bond?


6th Aug 2023, 13:57
They are looking once again for both Captains and FOs.
Any idea of the T&Cs?
How is the training in Panama?
Any training bond?

The email I got stated they are opening up vacancies for 2024 and I must update my information. They asked if it was for FO or Captain.
I have no idea on the T&C.
I don't know about training.
Last I heard it was 1 year, but I am not too sure about that.

6th Aug 2023, 22:13
The email I got stated they are opening up vacancies for 2024 and I must update my information. They asked if it was for FO or Captain.
I have no idea on the T&C.
I don't know about training.
Last I heard it was 1 year, but I am not too sure about that.

Thanks bro

29th Aug 2023, 17:08
has anyone been called selection process for FOr CPT recently, or has any information about it?

29th Aug 2023, 20:00
has anyone been called selection process for FOr CPT recently, or has any information about it?
Hi Luca!
Where are you from? If your answer is Bolivia, ECUADOR or Peru you will get the email.


13th Oct 2023, 04:28
Received an email in August to update my info. Haven't heard anything since.
I was wondering if any of you who have been through it before could share your experience with the timeline. How long did it take for Copa Airlines to make a decision after the assessment?
Your insights would be really helpful!

Thanks in advance!

17th Oct 2023, 15:57
i got an email in the july/august that they said the application was on hold as they had to slow down the arrival of new planes....silent on that front since, might try again to apply and see if it didnt get lost in the ether of the net

Youssef Khribi
22nd Oct 2023, 23:26
Hi everyone. I applied since January and I first received an email saying that they postponed the recruitment due to the delays of the 737MAX orders, but recently (1 month ago a little more) I received an email with a form to fill in my personal info and flight time. I have at the moment 939TT non panamean, I know I'm not yet on the minimums but I'm applying to get my curriculum on the cloud. I'm also actively flying on a jet operation (737CL). A good friend of mine working at Copa told me that they are recruiting now and are in need of pilots. I suppose it's harder for us FO applicants as they are now taking almost all of their FO's from their flight school ALAS. I'm shooting my shot anyway!

Good luck for everyone

29th Jan 2024, 23:12
Has anyone heard anything from Copa lately?

8th Feb 2024, 18:45
In the end of last year I spoke to a friend who flies there. He told me that Copa had some delays in aircraft delivery, that's the reason Copa is not calling anyone for screening process right now, he is pretty sure that they will hire again this year, there are a lot of pilots leaving copa for other airlines in US, and middle east, he also told me that they have a lot of upgrade process for next year, and they are increasing the number of instructors.

1st Jun 2024, 21:33
Hello, does anyone have any information about incorporating pilots? I have heard that they are taking entrance exams again