View Full Version : Oil Pressure - psid??

9th Jul 2018, 05:19
I always thought (be nice now...) engine oil pressure (always been turbine) was presented / given in straight psi - but doing some related research, I find 'limits' shown in psid.

Am I just confused (or stupid - or both....) - what gives?

Thanks much. :confused:

9th Jul 2018, 11:24

9th Jul 2018, 13:23
Yes, but differential from what? I get the psid (differential) when referring to say, cabin pressure, but oil pressure?

I don't ever remember (or maybe just forgot...) the 'd' part when referring to oil pressure.



9th Jul 2018, 13:50
Google is your friend.
look for


9th Jul 2018, 15:56
...but doing some related research, I find 'limits' shown in psid.

In what context did you see this "limit" mentioned ? Were you supposed to read a number somewhere on a gauge or was it just a psid at which something takes place, e.g., a bypass valve opens or a cockpit warning is sent for a clogged engine oil filter ? This would be a number one doesn't need to know and you'd have to get a MTC manual to find it.

Golden Rivet
10th Jul 2018, 17:56
the diff pressure is normally the difference between the supplied pump pressure and the vent pressure of the bearing chambers

15th Jul 2018, 03:26
Looking at Type Certificate Data Sheet on GE90 engine (long story....) - Oil Pressure Limit(s) shows - Low Pressure (differential): 69 kPa (10.0 psid).

As I said, seems I have never seen oil pressure limits shown in psid - only psi.

Have never seen oil pressure indicators labeled psid always just psi.

Maybe 'new' EICAS indication is different.......
