View Full Version : Emirates minimum requirements...Exceptions?

25th Jul 2002, 15:07
In the U.K. all airlines state minimum requirements for flying positions, but every week I hear of someone beginning their training with nothing like the requirements/experience stated. This is normally because they knew someone.

Can anyone say whether this trait is the same with Emirates? i.e. has anyone ever joined the airline with less than the minimum experience quite clearly stated on their website, be it because they already resided in Dubai with an unrestricted working visa or that they knew someone within the airline?

29th Jul 2002, 08:23
Been here quite a while and to my knowledge it has never happened, pretty fair system as far as entry requirements is concerned.
Most new joins these days have 7000 hours plus with good jet time and quite often previous commands.

Pink Baron
12th Aug 2002, 09:36
anything is possible with EK nothing like a bit of nepotism they even employed Bonzo's son.

13th Aug 2002, 09:13
.....and just how much experience did he have??

Pink Baron
13th Aug 2002, 10:49
Non a thick expats Brat whoose Daddy works for the Company

Djoni Boerhanoeddin
13th Aug 2002, 13:26
What are they maximum age to joint? are EK accept Asian race pilot? such as Malay or Chinese

15th Aug 2002, 07:38
All and I mean all races are welcome (ok maybe not from a little green non islamic corner of the middle east that has a few problems).
So apply away, however fluent english is compulsory
Good luck.

15th Aug 2002, 10:32
Any whispers about how they are going to do the supplementary crew thing when they start with -500 wonder bus?

Does anybody think there's any chance of T/prop boys being looked at when it starts?

Whats happening with the Perth run, I assume there are extra crew on that one?

Too many questions I know. Cheers

Djoni Boerhanoeddin
15th Aug 2002, 14:41
Thank's Alphaprot, and again what is the maximum age to joint, because I wasted a lots of years by working with an Airlines which can't expand and my carrier stack as F/O on B744, due to poor management, can I apply online?