View Full Version : light electric aircraft

10th Jun 2018, 17:14
I am concerned to follow news and causes of fire in the air 10 mins after take off, a week ago in Hungary
Aerobatic 2 seater E-Fusion.
Is there a suitable Web?
Reason, my son is in usa just about to start start test flights on an electric


11th Jun 2018, 04:37
A quick search gave the following results - neither very informative, I'm afraid, but probably as expected given that the crash only occurred just over a week ago on May 31st, 2018. Crash investigations, especially ones involving new technology, take some time to come to a meaningful conclusion.
Official announcement - Air crash on 31 May 2018 - Magnus Aircraft (http://www.magnusaircraft.com/en/news/8/official-announcement-air-crash-on-31-may-2018)
ELECTRIC-POWERED MAGNUS EFUSION CRASH IN HUNGARY KILLS TWO | Article - Fri 01 Jun 2018 09:11:22 PM UTC | airsoc.com. (http://airsoc.com/articles/view/id/5b11be8f3d2d2eb1038b4567/electric-powered-magnus-efusion-crash-in-hungary-kills-two)
My condolences to the families of the crew.

Genghis the Engineer
11th Jun 2018, 17:44
I've seen various internet discussions, but nothing very informative.