View Full Version : Any FAA instructor in Denmark? Need a BFR

31st May 2018, 14:33

I am trying here in the hope that there may be an FAA instructor available in Denmark or anyone who knows an FAA instructor in Denmark, who be able to do a Biannual Flight Review, if so it would be great to hear from you ::)

31st May 2018, 15:04
I know for sure there’s a bunch of them in Holland.
Close enough I guess.

4th Jun 2018, 16:15
There was one in Malmö two years ago. You can contact South Sweden School of Aeronautics to see if he’s still there.

4th Jun 2018, 20:13

There's a facebook group called "Piloter I Danmark", (Pilots in Denmark).
Maybe if you're lucky you'll find one there.
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to post the link in this message, but i guess even with minor facebook skills, you'll be able to find the group.