View Full Version : Icons

24th Jul 2002, 17:35

I use IE6 and when I add a website to my favorites, I like having a pretty icon with a pretty logo. Looks better than the "E" for Explorer. Sometimes it happens automatically, sometimes I have to allocate one myself but I don't understand why those icons don't stay permanently. I mean sometimes I notice one has disappeared then again another one and in fact last week, they all went away so it's back to the plain boring display.

I haven't deleted the cookies or touched the temp file fo rquite a while so what is it then ?
I looked into the settings but couldn't find anything to tick in relation to icons.

No doubt that I will get the answer to my question, so thanks in advance for your help.

27th Jul 2002, 06:41
Yeah Amex, I thought it was a cookie thing, but not sure how they do it. The icons you mention are usually better to look at and make it easy to ident. in a long list of "favourites".
I tried to 'save as' one once but had no success.

Roger That
27th Jul 2002, 07:52
to set an Icon to your list of favourites (I'm using Windows ME) first, select "Favourites" then "Organise Favourites". Navigate to the actual favourite you want to assign your icon to and thrn right click and select properties. On the "Web Document" tab, select the "Change Icon" button and navigate to where you have stored the icon file you wish to use etc. You'll be able to guess the rest.


Captain Stable
30th Jul 2002, 17:05
The different icons that arrive there automatically are set (obviously!) by the html in the page. There is a line at the start which defines the icon for the site as "favicon.ico" which is then downloaded to your machine when the page loads. You won't see it until you place the page in your "Favorites".

However, it is removed each time you clean out the Temporary Internet Files but will be reloaded when you revisit the site.

31st Jul 2002, 20:35
Thanks Captain Stable .
I actually don't remember cleaning the Temp files so could it be because there is a setting which allows an automatic clean periodically ?
Perhpaps it is set to do that every x weeks and this is why from one shut down to a start up, I have lost those icons.

What do you think ?


31st Jul 2002, 21:02
in IE 6 click on TOOLS >> INTERNET OPTIONS >> GENERAL tab...you will find everything there