View Full Version : Catahy Pacific recruitment

smiert spionom
24th Jul 2002, 12:43
I have just been contacted by Cathay to go for tests and interview for a position as second officer in Hong Kong. I do not know much about these tests and I would therefore appreciate any information that you may have. I know there is this recruitment ban, but I donīt see any problems by attending the interview.
Hope you guys can help me.

24th Jul 2002, 14:01
Fragrant Harbour

24th Jul 2002, 14:05
Do you need to live for tomorrow - or for the future ?:confused:

smiert spionom
24th Jul 2002, 15:42
hey Gofer,
Like I wrote before, I donīt see it as a problem, as long as I only attend the interviews and tests. If I should pass I accept the recruitment ban and will ofcourse wait. I know Catahay pilots accept people doing the tests as along as you donīt start on any courses afterwards. the date you are hired is the date the ban starts taking effect.

24th Jul 2002, 16:33
Check your private message.

smiert spionom
24th Jul 2002, 21:12
Hey skycruiser..................check yours !
Iīm away for the next 2 days so I cannot reply you untill...