View Full Version : Network password

22nd Jul 2002, 20:22
A quick one: How do I get rid of the network password request which comes up every time I start my laptop? I do not have a password logged, but cancelling or pressing the Enter button does not get rid of it next time I start Windows.

22nd Jul 2002, 21:00
What's the operating system?

23rd Jul 2002, 03:07
Win98 SE...

23rd Jul 2002, 11:20
This doesn't happen if you have only one User account on your system. So you must have more than one User account and Windows doesn't know which one it has to Log On.

Have a look at C:\windows\All users. If it's empty, you have only one User. All your Desktop and Start Menu information is in C:\Windows\Destop and C:\Windows\Start Menu.

Users and Passwords are configured in Start/Settings/Contol Panel. Off the top of my head I can't think how to delete unwanted users and get back to one. It could be that, once you've gone down that route, you're stuck with it.

23rd Jul 2002, 13:45
[list=1]Click on the Start menu and select "Find", then select "Find files and folders".
Type *.pwl in the "Named:" box and hit Enter.
When the PC is done searching, delete all the files ending with pwl.
Close the Find box.
Now, open the Control Panel and click on "Network".
(Click "Yes" if a dialog box pops up saying "The Network is not complete. Do you want to continue?".)
Delete "Windows Logon" and/or "Microsoft Family Logon".
Close the Network Panel and Control Panel and restart the computer. [/list=1]

The login prompt should be gone!

24th Jul 2002, 03:58
Worked, thanksalot...

25th Jul 2002, 13:15
Anyone know how to put a restricting password onto win98/me at bootup?
Like most i put a network password on to restrict access to my computer only to realise its still possible to get into the box with no password at all...

BTW: Thanks for the tip wdt button, i've been trying to figure that one out for ages.;)