View Full Version : Air Mauritius recruitment

1st Mar 2018, 15:13
Good day,
Any idea how long it takes to change seats right to left at Air Mauritius?

Tick Hunter
6th Mar 2018, 05:31
Good Morning!

I got an offer to join the comming assessment for the A340 as Cpt.
Does anybody know the T&C?

Thank you in advance!

6th Mar 2018, 17:38
I was also thinking of applying as DEFO A340 or A320.

Not really sure since the ALPA plea sent out NOT to join MK.

Any expats care to elaborate ?

I have tried to get more info on T&C's at MK but there seems to be a reluctance on sharing info. Maybe the MK pilots don't want to share a well kept secret .....I have no idea.

6th Mar 2018, 23:23
No well kept secret, not good. Alpa is right, just look somewhere else not worth it. Just for info, this Friday March 9, 2018, PACIFIC MARCH FOR ...... , this captain has been sacked without any valid reason. His colleagues are trying to get him back in the company. More pilots have been sacked in the past, also no valid reasons. Many court cases against Air Mauritius still going on. Do you still want to apply ???? Here is the link since it is on Fb: https://www.facebook.com/events/156919894995787/

9th Mar 2018, 17:32
Dear all, we thank everyone for their huge response but we have just learnt through Patrick Hofman's legal adviser that Air Mauritius does not wish for a Pacific march to take place and prefers to find a solution acceptable to both parties. We have decided to postpone the event for a later date so as to give Air Mauritius the time to come up with a satisfactory solution.
We apologise for the late communication of the postponement.
Watch this space for the next scheduled event!!!"""

Ha ha, to give time to Air Mauritius to come up with a satisfactory solution. "Air Mauritius does not wish for a Pacific march to take place" They have to be kidding my Good Lord !!!! They just don't want more bad press. Guess they have more than enough already !!!. They have been sleeping on this and so many other issues fo soooo looong !!!! Goofys !!! Clowns !!!!

9th Mar 2018, 22:23
Should we cry or laugh at Air Mauritius, I honestly this LAUGH.

17th Mar 2018, 11:01
Have an upcoming interview Air Mauritius
if anyone wants to share infos please let me know

18th Mar 2018, 06:24
Ask them if you could be fired for one day of sick leave after 12+ years in the company and summoned same day by the government to leave the country like a criminal. I bet the interviewers will be looking at their feet...

23rd Mar 2018, 19:38
Some more good reasons to join Air Mauritius !!!


OMG some more bad press.....To resume, since it is in French, nobody is happy, problems everywhere.

Welcome on board !!

26th Mar 2018, 22:12
Air Mauritius dictatorship in force:


Please join inn !!!

40 pilots needed !!!

4th Apr 2018, 14:41

I assume 11000 USD for captains.
Do they need FOs as well

21st Apr 2018, 08:31
Have an upcoming interview Air Mauritius
if anyone wants to share infos please let me know
Hello Flight287.. Could you please share your flight experience details? I have applied back in January for DEC A330/340 CAPT but no call for interview. Do you have heavy time? Just would like to know what's competitive out there. Thanks!!

24th May 2018, 01:13
Have an interview with Air Mauritius any heads up

24th May 2018, 21:40
Have an interview with Air Mauritius any heads up
run for the hills!

25th May 2018, 08:09
Couple of friends did the screening recently and they all made it. It's much more relax than before. They are desperate for pilots.

25th May 2018, 10:04
Thank you . Anything about the written and the interview

19th Jul 2018, 11:03
SOme info please? Im thinking to apply por DEFO A330. Some help would be very thankful.
@pineteam (https://www.pprune.org/members/147428-pineteam)

19th Jul 2018, 17:51
Amazing being a ****ty employer seems to be attracting more pilots than one would expect. Or just maybe attracts the Lowest quality of pilots. Who is to tell?

19th Jul 2018, 18:12
Here is a public answer from a PM, nothing to hide regarding MK:

Dear MK!

I 'm thinking to apply to air mauritius for A330 or a350 if possible. Do you have any feedback and conditions? Im 3500 total time with 350 type rated. Thank you!
Dear Merovingio,
Just read past posts, you will see that this is the worst outfit out there. Don't even consider applying.

19th Jul 2018, 18:31
Thank you all. Omg... I m going to check pilot jobs instead.

24th Sep 2018, 10:24
Hi... Just wondering how long it takes MK hr to contact you for an interview after you send them your documents? Follow ups go unanswered!!! Or does this typically mean that you haven't been shortlisted?

November Mike
25th Sep 2018, 19:38
Physicx, they DON'T respond! I've yet to receive so much as one acknowledgement to my numerous emails.......:mad: Follow the posts before yours and mine......don't set yourself up for failure!

26th Sep 2018, 17:56
Everything remains unanswered with Air Mauritius, even when you work for them !!!!

On Final
2nd Feb 2019, 04:58
Hello, Does anyone have any current information about recruitment with Air Mauritius? thanks .

14th Mar 2019, 12:04
Hi All !

I have been contacted 3 times (one time every month since Jan 19) to go to the assessment...
They are looking very hard for pilots, i think ...:rolleyes:
As they offered me a round trip ticket to MRU and an hotel, i will go to the assessment and have a look on what's going on there!
Of course after reading all your posts, i am a bit afraid and hesitating on what to do in case of positive feedback from the assessment :bored:
They have a very bad press regarding working conditions however when you look at the package they offer, it is quite the same as everywhere in Europe, except that the salary is much higher (+30%) :confused: :confused:
You all confirmed: not well treated? Life is hard for expats FO, no upgrade,... ??? Should we avoid to go there?
For info i'm an FO +5500hrs flying 330

14th Mar 2019, 18:06
Hello Guys,

I know it's all been covered a lot in previous posts, but I was hoping for an update on how things are now... If anything changed or shows signs of changing? Am trying to get a feel for Air Mauritius - in theory the conditions etc sound ok, just reading this forum and speaking with a colleague or two who have been there make it sound pretty sh*t!

I would be potentially be applying for DEC A319. Just some general questions -

​​​​Is it true you can't leave the island without permission?!
How are the rosters now? Completely random and subject to change a lot or getting any better? Is there this thing that they can change it with 48 hours notice? Does that happen often?
How many hours would you generally fly a year?
Pay wise what can you expect as a 319 captain?
What's the flying like? Colleagues, etc? Crazy training style?

Thank you for any answers.

4th Aug 2022, 11:57
Saw that they're recruiting for A330/350, any changes to the T&Cs since 2019?

22nd Aug 2022, 23:09
When weather is bad they want co pilote to be pilot flying

14th Dec 2023, 21:03
Hey guys!

Any info about salary for FO on A330/A350? They are hiring now and I would be interested. Any housing allowance. How is the airline doing generally in the last few years?

5th Jan 2024, 17:58
Any update on current conditions and interview process? How is working for the company? How is life in Mauritius? Salary for FO?

20th Feb 2024, 11:16
Hi guys, Air Mauritius is hiring again FOs, even NTR ones now. How is it currently within Air Mauritius? Do they upgrade expats, how long it takes and how is it to fly for the airline?

23rd Feb 2024, 07:27
I sent my application for DEFO/APR23 in December. They asked for some additional documents (references) few days after I sent them my application. Since no answer. I also sent application for DEFO/DEC23 at beginning of February. No reply at all. Anybody has the same application and heard anything from them?

25th Feb 2024, 19:51
How is the life now over there? Any news regarding assessment? Is the salary paid in USD?

27th Feb 2024, 15:50
All depends on your specifics but with a decent income life can be quite comfortable (but again really depends on what you want. If you are a party animal you might fall short).
I would think salary to be paid in MUR (unless they are really desperate).

11th May 2024, 20:07
Seems like the info out there is few and far between?

anyone out there with some details on the pay,roster,lifestyle at the moment at MK? Anything would be appreciated. Thank you 🙏🏽

12th May 2024, 13:23
Google is your friend


13th May 2024, 20:14
Hi has anyone recently applied on the NTR job vacancy they just posted Up?

13th May 2024, 22:18
Hi has anyone recently applied on the NTR job vacancy they just posted Up?

apparently one of my friend who I know works over there told me they are only giving preference to those who have widebody experience