View Full Version : ATPL subjects Netherlands

15th Jun 2001, 08:12
G'day all, I am planning to travel to Holland for 6 months around Xmas and would like to do my JAA ATPL subject while in Holland. Does anyone have any info on where I can do a coarse, the cost, and the duration of the program? ANy replies muchly appreciated.

Happy Landings

16th Jun 2001, 00:24
There are various places in Holland where you can do your ATPL theory. I'll list you some along with a link to the Dutch aviation form (the forum itself is in Dutch but registration and all is in English and works exactly like PPRUNE, if you put a posting in English I'm sure you will get an answer). As it's been a while since I finished my ATPL (old national method) you would be better asking on the forum for more recent info. and info. on pricing.

Dutch bulletin board
http://cgi.niesjewolters.nl/Ultimate.cgi (piloten in opleiding=student pilots, beroepspiloten= prof. pilots, hoe wordt ik piloot=how do I become a pilot)

or link to forum via (look in left window) also go to links then look under(vliegopleiding = flight school)
www.airwork.nl (http://www.airwork.nl)

some schools are
www.nls.nl (http://www.nls.nl) (Maastricht)
www.nls.nl/bca (http://www.nls.nl/bca) (Hoofddorp near AMST.)
sorry in Dutch try e-mail them for info though good school [email protected]
www.epst.nl (http://www.epst.nl)
www.iac.nl (http://www.iac.nl)

not sure if all of them do only theory classes.

Thats all fokes.
p.s Have some fun out here sure you will enjoy it. If having some problems with some words post them and I'll translate.

[This message has been edited by Dutchman (edited 15 June 2001).]

16th Jun 2001, 16:13
Got yourself a JAA ticket hu Gravox!!!! Holland via Darwin! :)

Sly bugger you are...! Gotta keep an eye on you..

Drop us a line.. when are you coming back to NZ for a visit?