View Full Version : Advice Please! MI + Class 1

28th Jan 2018, 16:10
Hello All,

As the title states, I am some desperate need of some advice relating to a Myocardial Infarction and the Class 1 Medical Certificate.

The backstory: South African CPL with ME IR and Grade III Flight Instructor Rating, with about 400 hrs TT, give or take.

Almost five years ago, a little over a month after my 25th birthday (yes 25), I suffered a myocardial infarction.

The main reason cited was mostly heredity, and no intervention was required. Just an angiogram was performed, discharged after a couple of days of observation, and back at the gym within 2 weeks. The cardiologist who performed the Angiogram confirmed no signs of damage, and stenosis and other vital factors remained at good, asymptomatic levels. This was confirmed, by way of second opinion, by another independent cardiologist.

At the time, I voluntarily grounded myself and have not acted as PIC on any aircraft since. I notified my DAME at the time, but the matter was not referred to the IAM or CAA as I had grounded myself, and no further action was taken.

I was prescribed a mix of the usual cocktail of medication, but have been off them all for a good amount of time, opting for alternative prevention rather.

Since moving to Ireland, I have wanted badly to get back into flying, and would love to be able to do anything from instruction to the right hand seat in a jet. As long as it would involve flying, I'd be happy.

Keeping the above in mind, would anyone have any advice to offer in terms of whether or not to even initiate the Class 1 process, or would it be a a no-go as far as facts are concerned? Any first hand experience from a medical examiner or pilot who've experienced/dealt with a similar situation would be greatly appreciated.

It wouldn't be my initial issue of a Class 1 per se, as I have held an ICAO Class 1 previously, but it would be the initial issue of a European Class 1.

All in all, I don't want to get my hopes up, but at the same time, I'm not quite willing to roll over and accept that I will never be able to fly for a living again.

Thanks in advance!

3rd Feb 2018, 13:51
Not advice, as such, but the UK guidance on certification after Myocardial Infarction can be found here. https://www.caa.co.uk/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=4294973025

If you have not already seen it it may be worth a look. It seems to me that the best that can be hoped for is a Class 1 with a Multi Crew limitation.