View Full Version : Different post numbers

Self loading bear
27th Jan 2018, 09:22

Perhaps a Pprune wizz kid or dad can help me?

When a post number is referenced in a large thread,
The post numbers deemed to be wrong to me.

I just found out that the difference is caused by the thread display mode setting:
- linear oldest on top
- linear newest on top

An example is post 4769/4772 of:

Anyone who knows how to solve this?
Is this an item for the forum program support?


27th Jan 2018, 13:23
It used to be (and may still be) that if a post was deleted by its writer, then all the other ones subsequent to that post moved up to fill the gap.

So if post #50 in a 100-post thread is deleted, posts 51-100 become posts 50-99.

References to previous post numbers that were typed in manually could then be out by a few if one or more intervening posts were to be subsequently deleted.

The permalink feature (button next to the post number) is I think supposed to avoid this, by ensuring that deletions and resulting changes in post numbers are tracked automatically.

Self loading bear
28th Jan 2018, 09:27
Thanks I also thought of that but apperently then the re-numbering Goes wrong in the different thread display modes?

Cheers SLB