View Full Version : Adria

23rd Jan 2018, 11:43
Hey Folks

I'm looking for any info about Adria airways T&C's. I've been through the all selection process recently, waiting for the call.
Thank you for your help, pm if necessary.

14th Apr 2018, 04:30
Hi Airone2977

Did you eventually get the call back from Adria??
I have just been offered an assesment with them. Would you mind giving me an insight into what the process was like?
Also any light on thier T&C's would be massively appreciated!!


16th Apr 2018, 07:35
Hi superhand

I'm still in the pipe, but no news from them since february. Very secret airline, difficult to get info from the outside.
Go to PJN, all the relevant information are gathered there.
Out of curiosity, when is the assessment ?

16th Apr 2018, 10:40
Hi Airone2977

So they haven't given you any form of update since Feb?! How odd! Any idea why they operate in such a manner? Have they even indicated when they may be in touch with you again?
Thanks, I'll check out PJN. My assessment is on the 7th of May.
I don't suppose you could recommend any hotels / places to stay near the HQ/Airport?
Also, the initial exam, is it just general ATPL questions? Where there any banana skins?

Thanks for your help!

17th Apr 2018, 07:52
Hi superhands

It is odd I must confess. At my assessment we were 31 to be called, only 14 passed the ATPL, 7 were called for TR 3 weeks later, and at least 3 got a nice PFO mail.
There is actually another Croatian cookie on the exact same situation. It seems I'm on the holding pool, supposed to be called after next assessment.
So If my math is correct, your assessment is on may the 7 th, therefore not until may the 28th, If they remember me lol :ugh::ugh:.

There plenty of B&B nearby, just use booking.com, you should be fine. It is indeed classic ATPL questions, no banana skins, but be prepared.
Good luck !

17th Apr 2018, 10:51
So there were quite a few people there on the day then? Am I correct in thinking that IF you pass the initial ATPL exam, you then go on to stay for the remainder of the assessment?
Also, do you know if I can expect an email stating what paperwork I need to bring? I emailed then several days ago asking, but am yet to receive a reply...
I hope you receive your email soon!
Thanks for your help

Banana Joe
17th Apr 2018, 14:02
After the ATPL test, if you pass it on the second day you'll take the Advanced COMPASS test and on the third day a sim assessment on a Beechcraft King Air with analogic avionics. Simple flight around Ljubjana with ILS or VOR approach, go around with engine failure and OEI ILS approach. After that technical and HR interview.

It's all I know.

30th Apr 2018, 15:23
Hi guys, Got the call as well for assessment.
Anything to watch out for on the ATPL test? Back on the bank again.

19th May 2018, 20:47
Hey guys
i have been called for assessment day on 18th of June

If I understand it right, it’s a ATPL test, compass test and sim then interview.

Anyone remeber how many question there was on the ATPL test? And what kind of question? Was it more principle of flights? etc

and is is it a normal airline compass test?

thanks guys

Banana Joe
20th May 2018, 16:54
50 questions, 3 or 4 per subject. Very basic ones. One hour time and you need a pass mark of at least 80% (40 out of 50).

23rd May 2018, 05:22
Do you remember what kind of question that appeared on the exam?
Did you read Ace pilot interview?

If you remember any question or where i can study similar questions it would be extremely helpful

24th Jun 2018, 11:02
Hi superhands

It is odd I must confess. At my assessment we were 31 to be called, only 14 passed the ATPL, 7 were called for TR 3 weeks later, and at least 3 got a nice PFO mail.
There is actually another Croatian cookie on the exact same situation. It seems I'm on the holding pool, supposed to be called after next assessment.
So If my math is correct, your assessment is on may the 7 th, therefore not until may the 28th, If they remember me lol :ugh::ugh:.

There plenty of B&B nearby, just use booking.com, you should be fine. It is indeed classic ATPL questions, no banana skins, but be prepared.
Good luck !

hi there!!

I got final interview with HR/chief pilot next Tuesday, just wonder about what to expect? Any feedback will be much appreciated:)

Have a great day!!

5th Jul 2018, 18:37

Anyone called for assessment on July 23rd ?

It would be nice to talk a bit before the tests?

See you soon,

6th Jul 2018, 08:02
I was there for a month ago but I did not go through the regular selection process due to previous experience but I talked with some guys who did it where I was there; not a big deal, just be prepared with some random atpl questions regarding ALL atpl subjects. Psychological tests take a while but nothing really tuff. You will get a kind of compass test also, once again nothing impossible. If you achieve to pass these steps you will go for a ride in the sim (basic fnptII with old clocks I think) and finally an interview with hr/chief pilot etc.
Just be prepared as you should for any interview and I m sure you will make it.

Good luck!!

6th Jul 2018, 20:39
I' will be at the selection on 23rd of July. I'm from Italy. If someone wants to chat with me about the selection progress please to send me a message. I'm reading Ace the technical interview, what else to study? I'm a little worried because it's my first interview.
I didn't understand a thing: if you fail the step 1, you can't proceed to the second step, right? They will communicate the result of every step the same day? And what about after the all selection process? Have you to wait for 1 month? Thank you.

You can’t use the Private Messaging system, add url links or images until you have an established posting history.

Banana Joe
7th Jul 2018, 09:40
You will be fine with ACE, their ATPL test is very basic. If you pass this, you will proceed to the second day which is the Advanced COMPASS test and if you pass this then you proceed to the third day which is sim+interview.
If you make it to the end, they will let you know when they want. It can be one week or one month. And they call you on very short notice, only 2 days notice to do a full medical in order to convert your licence.

7th Jul 2018, 18:24
Hello Banana Joe. Where are you from? Have you passed the assessment process? For which type of aircraft is this assessment? CRJ? What about the interview? Have I to study the company story? Aeroplane I flew with?

Banana Joe
7th Jul 2018, 21:46
No, luckily not. Their offices are far from organized, but my friends working there are enjoying it - for now.

Of course CRJ. The Airbus for them is like the Concorde. Very senior aircraft.

7th Jul 2018, 21:57
Where are you from? What is the reason for having uninvited you just before the assessment? what type of aircraft is the assessment for? CRJ?

Banana Joe
8th Jul 2018, 12:29
It's for the CRJ and they have not given me any reason and refused any responsibility for their mistake after I had booked accommodation and flights to get there.

8th Jul 2018, 17:37
It's very strange. Anyway, thank you very much for your information. Any suggestion for the preparation of the simulator step?

Banana Joe
8th Jul 2018, 20:14
The assessment will be held on a Beechcraft simulator with analog avionics. You will follow a SID for a VOR approach, go around at minimums with engine failure (all levers forward, identify, verify and feather) followed by vectors for an ILS.

I might confuse the order of approaches, but more or less this is it.

8th Jul 2018, 20:20
Thank you. But, how can I get prepared for it? I sent them an email about the details of exams and simulator but they didn't reply until now. It's impossible to fly with a simulator without knowing charts, minimums etc.. 😑

kevin UK
8th Jul 2018, 21:17
Anyone there on the 23rd july?

kevin UK
8th Jul 2018, 21:22

Anyone called for assessment on July 23rd ?

It would be nice to talk a bit before the tests?

See you soon,

Gabou, where are you flying from and where are you staying at?

8th Jul 2018, 21:24
Gabou, where are you flying from and where are you staying at?

Kevin send me a message, I'll be to the assessment on 23rd.

8th Jul 2018, 21:26
I flew with some Thpanith FO’s that did P2F at this airline. They thought they were excellent. They bragged that they were trained by the best in Europe. At the time, evidently the instructors were former Air Force Mig 29 pilots. Evidently the Slovenian Air Force was a formidable entity and I’d like to thank them for providing me with such amazing 500 hour astronauts...🙄

Banana Joe
8th Jul 2018, 21:50
Thank you. But, how can I get prepared for it? I sent them an email about the details of exams and simulator but they didn't reply until now. It's impossible to fly with a simulator without knowing charts, minimums etc.. 😑
Look for Ljubjana plates. You'll definitely find the AIP ones on Eurocontrol. Otherwise just google the ICAO identifier with the keyword 'jeppview'. What you get is not 100% up to date, but it should give you an idea. Anyway, they use LIDO charts.

9th Jul 2018, 03:43
Hello, I take a flight from Frankfurt to Ljubljana at 15:40 on the 22nd.

I sent emails to some hostels near the airport in order ot book a room but got no answer so far.

I come from Sint-Maarten, Caribbean.

Where are you staying at guys ?

16th Jul 2018, 06:40
hi all. I’m from London. Invited to do the assessment on 23rd July. I’ve seen the replies on this post and looks like the sim is generic turboprop. Haven’t studied ATPL stuff in a while but from the looks of it, it will be basic. Any others for the 23rd? Having trouble finding a place to stay - seems to be so expensive around the airport!

18th Jul 2018, 14:23
Hi Jayviation,

I also have the assessment on the 23rd, I'm having troubles on finding places to stay. did you have any luck?

Any tips on the ATPL questions?

kevin UK
19th Jul 2018, 01:10
AlphaZuluAlpha and JayAviation -

im heading out for the 23rd too. where have you booked for accomodation?

kevin UK
19th Jul 2018, 16:21
hi all. I’m from London. Invited to do the assessment on 23rd July. I’ve seen the replies on this post and looks like the sim is generic turboprop. Haven’t studied ATPL stuff in a while but from the looks of it, it will be basic. Any others for the 23rd? Having trouble finding a place to stay - seems to be so expensive around the airport!

found anywhere to stay yet?

20th Jul 2018, 18:01
Hello guys!

I'm also attending to screening/selection process 23rd. I'll be there tomorrow evening and I booked via booking.com a room in somekind hostel from Naklo which is 15km away from airport. It was affordable.

kevin UK
21st Jul 2018, 11:14
Hello guys!

I'm also attending to screening/selection process 23rd. I'll be there tomorrow evening and I booked via booking.com a room in somekind hostel from Naklo which is 15km away from airport. It was affordable.

hi mate, im just down the road from you at bed and breakfast karun drop me message. ive already arrived

Ronppae send me an email mate not sure your message was sent to me yesterday. my email is [email protected]

21st Jul 2018, 13:28
hi mate, im just down the road from you at bed and breakfast karun drop me message. ive already arrived

I couldn't send PM so I sent email.

kevin UK
22nd Jul 2018, 09:14
I couldn't send PM so I sent email.

didnt receive your email mate. ve also messaged you via email but dont think it'll work. Email me mate [email protected]

13th Aug 2018, 15:34
Hello everyone,

I've been emailed for an assessment on September 10th

Does anyone is invited for the same date ?

All the best


15th Aug 2018, 10:51
Got hired from the last session.
Basic theoretical test...

Yes you've got to go to a medical examination before you sign the contract. It is paid by the company but not the transportation and accommodation.


17th Aug 2018, 08:49
Hello everyone,

I've been emailed for an assessment on September 10th

Does anyone is invited for the same date ?

All the best


See you there on the 10th of September

21st Aug 2018, 11:24
Some of you have done the interview as cpt ?
It is the same ? You know the TC for CPT ?


25th Aug 2018, 09:37
@Alexx83 I received your private message but I can't answer because it says that your email box is full. Let me know when I can answer

26th Aug 2018, 14:26
@Gabou can you try again please ?

You can’t use the Private Messaging system, add url links or images until you have an established posting history.

26th Aug 2018, 16:05
Same problem. Too many stored messages

27th Aug 2018, 06:56
@Gabou I'm so sorry now ii should be ok could you try again pls ?

Many thanks

You don't have enough posts to use the Private Messaging system - try actually reading what it says on your previous post.

29th Aug 2018, 16:56
Hello everyone,

I've been emailed for an assessment on September 10th

Does anyone is invited for the same date ?

All the best


I'm also invited for assessment on the 10th of September.
Excited :)

5th Sep 2018, 09:27
Do we need to bring any documents with us for the assessment?

What about aids for the ATPL questions, calculator, flight computer etc.?

12th Sep 2018, 20:27
Anybody going to the assessment day with Adria on the 1/10/2018?

Any feedback from anybody who attended the September assesment?

17th Sep 2018, 09:21
Hi everybody. Someone knows how long it could rake to know the result of the complete assessment?

17th Sep 2018, 10:00
Between a week and a month, and even more
I've waited 4 months and a half to receive PFO mail after complete assesment

18th Sep 2018, 16:58
Between a week and a month, and even more
I've waited 4 months and a half to receive PFO mail after complete assesment

What does PFO stand for?

19th Sep 2018, 07:18

Banana Joe
19th Sep 2018, 10:51
Between a week and a month, and even more
I've waited 4 months and a half to receive PFO mail after complete assesment
They just confirmed - again - they're a bunch of unprofessional individuals put together in an office by an amateur. I got the PFO in March by an email that uninvited me a day before the assessment. And they made me lose a lot of money in bookings. Just a bunch of delusional people that are not worth working for/with.

21st Sep 2018, 18:17
Have anyone from 10th of September assessment gotten an answer yet?

22nd Sep 2018, 10:43
Have anyone from 10th of September assessment gotten an answer yet?
Unfortunately no... Still waiting

24th Oct 2018, 13:55
They just confirmed - again - they're a bunch of unprofessional individuals put together in an office by an amateur. I got the PFO in March by an email that uninvited me a day before the assessment. And they made me lose a lot of money in bookings. Just a bunch of delusional people that are not worth working for/with.

Hi Banana Joe,
Just out of curiosity, are you flying somewhere for a job? If yes, where? :)

6th Nov 2018, 12:59
Hi guys
(Firstly I'm new around here so Hi everybody, hope you're doing well and flying high!)

The 12th of November I'm attending Adria assessment/initial screening in Lodz, Poland. Anybody got an invitation for the same dates?

Also, for the people who has already attended the initial screening: Does the ATPL test contain any chart/calculation question? What's next if you pass it?

Thanks a bunch!

6th Nov 2018, 14:44
Hi Boring 737,

I´ve been invited for the 12th of November as well and I am in the same situation.

Where are you going to stay?

6th Nov 2018, 14:56
Why are they organising an initial screening out of there offices in LJU ?
They don't even operate flight from Lodz, are they planning to open a new base out there ?
Pretty odd don't you think ?

6th Nov 2018, 16:25
Hi guys
(Firstly I'm new around here so Hi everybody, hope you're doing well and flying high!)

The 12th of November I'm attending Adria assessment/initial screening in Lodz, Poland. Anybody got an invitation for the same dates?

Also, for the people who has already attended the initial screening: Does the ATPL test contain any chart/calculation question? What's next if you pass it?

Thanks a bunch!

Can I ask you when you sent the application?


6th Nov 2018, 19:15
Can I ask you when you sent the application?


I sent my application the 11th of September Mate.


I have no idea why they're screening people in Lodz. :confused:
Although the invitation email said that the second part of he assessment (Sim and technical interview) is going to be in Ljubljana.

Banana Joe
7th Nov 2018, 13:17
I sent my application the 11th of September Mate.


I have no idea why they're screening people in Lodz. :confused:
Although the invitation email said that the second part of he assessment (Sim and technical interview) is going to be in Ljubljana.
The screening in Lodz is for former Bartolini Air students. The school has a partnership with Adria and they have a preferential route.

5th Mar 2019, 10:50
hi guys,
anyone applied in Adria now for the posting of FO trainee active to 28feb?
I heard that it takes them a month to send an invitation for the testing and also that if there is not enough candidates they will not send an invitation but save your application for the future

8th Mar 2019, 09:54
hi guys

I have sent application od 4th February and still no reply. Does anyone know what is the time required for them to answer? Also if someone applied for wizzair, do you know how long it takes them.

8th Mar 2019, 12:31
I have an info that it takes Adria at least 1 month from the end of job posting

8th Mar 2019, 14:00
thanks man :)

8th Mar 2019, 17:41
I have an info that it takes Adria at least 1 month from the end of job posting

Selection process already started on 4th of March.

9th Mar 2019, 11:04
It was for the last group

9th Mar 2019, 11:19
Do they actually respond to the application, does anybody knows? They didn't reply to any of my emails. Unlike Eurowings and everybody else who sent you email to notify you that they received your application at least.

9th Mar 2019, 12:35
It was for the last group

No, it's for the latest opening that closed on the 28th. Obviously not everyone is going to be tested on the 1st day, but it started.

Do they actually respond to the application, does anybody knows? They didn't reply to any of my emails. Unlike Eurowings and everybody else who sent you email to notify you that they received your application at least.

They reply if you are selected to proceed.

8th May 2019, 23:38
Hi dear, how are you, i hope you are doing well,
Do you mind if I ask you some informations about Adria?
technical exam and interview question ?
I am rated on a320
thank you very much

13th May 2019, 13:16
I hope you are doing well
Do you mind if I ask you about assessment with Adria
Kind of question .....Sim......
Thank you very much

13th May 2019, 13:18
Hi dear, how are you, i hope you are doing well,
Do you mind if I ask you some informations about Adria?
technical exam and interview question ?
I am rated on a320
thank you very much

13th May 2019, 15:58
Does anyone has clues about Etihad regional aka ex Darwin airlines aka now adria airways switzerland?
Appareantely they're looking for pilots on the SAAB2000 but the airline seems grounded.. not really clear
I've found the etihad regional recruiting mail but address does not work...any confiirmation about it being grounded?

14th May 2019, 11:40
Does anyone has clues about Etihad regional aka ex Darwin airlines aka now adria airways switzerland?
Appareantely they're looking for pilots on the SAAB2000 but the airline seems grounded.. not really clear
I've found the etihad regional recruiting mail but address does not work...any confiirmation about it being grounded?

Darwin's gone. Adria were under investigation by the Swiss government regarding it.

16th May 2019, 05:51
Darwin's gone. Adria were under investigation by the Swiss government regarding it.

Yes as for Darwin I knew, but appereantly Adria is quite a new operator for these flights.
I've read that they're putting back the Saabs 2000 in place of the dash-8 who were operated by austrian, and this was a news from Oct '18
I really think something is going on but definetely not clear to me.
I'm also unable to apply on Adria's website due to website problems.

Anyway I did my cpl at Bartolini air and they were doing assessments there for Adria.
1st step are atpl questions, and in that trance everybody failed..
then psychometric tests, and personal interview I believe..
I don't have details regarding further steps..
Good luck

25th Jun 2019, 15:21
Adria Airways Collapse Looking More Likely By The Day


26th Jun 2019, 06:37
Adria had a “cadet” program. Three Thpanith FO’s went there, flew for 500 hours, then came to RwandAir. They all claimed that they were trained by the best in Europe. Their instructors were Mig-29 pilots that at one time, defended the skies over the Tyrolean Alps with aged Soviet, vfr only fighters. Now these fighter pilots trained Spanish kids to fly CRJ’s after said Spaniards paid for their “training program”. Then I had the pleasure of flying with the Three Stooges. One of whom could fly their way out of a paper bag.

27th Jun 2019, 12:31
Interesting how they would claim to "defend" Austrian Airspace in a Soviet plane.

Maybe during cold war and the guys mispelled "defending" with "bombing" :E . Of course Austrian Air Defence but more importantly NATO would have had as well a word in that discussion ;) . Adria was always a quiet "interesting" company, remember that I once booked a fixed base sim at the very begin of the 90's( don't recall anymore the name, but it was MEP, if you pulled to much on the yoke the mechanism would disconnect), was a hell of a pain to get into that thing. Was protected like the space shuttle. Once I missed an appointment(because nobody bothered to TELL me I have an appointment) and they would not let me enter anymore - "safety"break(you must ask someone from Adria HOW that would be a safety breach). Was actually glad to pay a bit more and fly on a proper sim back in Austria. VERY strange outfit.

8th Jul 2019, 16:40
Adria europe is looking for typerated/non type rated FOs on the saab 2000

I don't understand this, just posted on aviationjobs.me

8th Jul 2019, 20:26
Adria europe is looking for typerated/non type rated FOs on the saab 2000

I don't understand this, just posted on aviationjobs.me


Can't find it.

hans brinker
8th Jul 2019, 22:51

Can't find it.
AviationJobs.Me Flight Crew: Saab 2000 First Officers Adria Airways Europe (http://www.aviationjobs.me/2019/07/saab-2000-first-officers-adria-airways.html)

20th Sep 2019, 16:37
Three aircraft repossessed by lessors yesterday/today. Does not look rosy.

21st Sep 2019, 12:28
On the verge of Bankruptcy :


23rd Sep 2019, 05:55
S5-afc flying with flight number, adr4evr at the moment with unknown dep and dest at 30k feet...

23rd Sep 2019, 06:26
Looks like it‘s landing in Brussels right now...