View Full Version : XP Not a Turn Off!!

20th Jul 2002, 10:38
My computer, operating under Windows ME, worked perfectly even switching itself off when requested.

Now I have made a great leap forward and installed XP.
All very well until I come to power down. It gets to the "You may now turn off your computer" screen and stops. The power switch on the computer will only let me turn it on, leaving me no choice but to unplug the damned thing.

Does anyone know of any fixes for this problem???

20th Jul 2002, 11:15
It has the OFF DELAY set in the BIOS probably. Hold the OFF button "IN" for 4 - 5 secs and see if that works.


Wibble Hatstand
20th Jul 2002, 17:35
There is a 'fix' for this - it is just a setting somewhere! Go to the Microsoft website , the knowledge base section and do a search for 'windows xp powerdown'. There is an article describing what to do.

Good luck ;)

20th Jul 2002, 18:27
Have a look at this (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q313290) maybe

20th Jul 2002, 23:46

Windows XP Shutdown Troubleshooter (http://www.aumha.org/a/shtdwnxp.htm)

Cheers, :cool:

22nd Jul 2002, 10:09
I haven't had to try it myself, but the answer may be here:


23rd Jul 2002, 08:22
I`ve had this problem for 3 months now,tried all the above links and helps but the thing still refuses to shut down.The only answer is to switch of at the mains.Very annoying and potentially damaging.

23rd Jul 2002, 22:37
Big thanks to all that replied, haven't had a chance to try any of your suggestions yet, but I'm sure something will work.:)

2nd Aug 2002, 03:57
I had the same problem. If you go to this link the answer provided should fix your problem.

the answer (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56382)